The EN World kitten
Yesterday, January 27th, our community overcame one of the biggest challenges that it's faced in a long time. So I think we should celebrate that.
I still remember when we made the 4th of March ("March Fo(u)rth!") into GM's Day. I propose that we do it again now, and have January 27th be Open License Day from now on. It should be a day to play, buy, read, or simply appreciate games that are put out under an open license – whether it's the Open Game License, Creative Commons, or the ORC License (when it comes out) – as well as the publishers who make them.
So let's all kick back and take a day each year to celebrate doing things in an O.L.D. fashioned way!
Who's with me?
I still remember when we made the 4th of March ("March Fo(u)rth!") into GM's Day. I propose that we do it again now, and have January 27th be Open License Day from now on. It should be a day to play, buy, read, or simply appreciate games that are put out under an open license – whether it's the Open Game License, Creative Commons, or the ORC License (when it comes out) – as well as the publishers who make them.
So let's all kick back and take a day each year to celebrate doing things in an O.L.D. fashioned way!
Who's with me?