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Level 1 "Optimized" Assassin compared to a Level 30 "Optimized" Assassin


First Post
Initiative: 5 (+5 dex)
Max Hit Points: 23hp
Bloodied: 11hp
Healing: 5hp
Surges: 6/day

AC: 18 (+3 armor, +5 dex)
Fort: 10
Ref: 17 (+2 class, +5 dex,)
Will: 13 (+3 cha)

+0 Str: 10
+0 Con: 11
+5 Dex: 20 (+2 race)
-1 Int: 8
+0 Wis: 10
+3 Cha: 16 (+2 race)

Skills of Note:
+7 Acrobatics (+5 trnd +5 dex, +2 class)
+8 Bluff (+5 trnd, +3 cha)
+3 Diplomacy (+3 cha)
+8 Intimidate (+5 trnd, +3 cha)
+5 Perception (+5 trnd, wis)
+10 Stealth (+5 trnd, +5 dex)
+3 Streetwise (+3 cha)
+12 Thievery (+5 trnd, +5 dex, +2 class)

Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Race: Halfling
Class: Dexterity Rogue
Languages: Common & Giant
Alignment: Unaligned
Deity: The Raven Queen
Vision: Normal
Movement: 6

Basic Melee: +9, (+11 when having Combat Advantage)
+5 dex, +3 prof, +1 class, (+1 feat)

Gold: 39g Silver: 10
Equipment: 51 out of 100lbs
-10xdagger, 10lbs
-Leather Armor +3 AC, 15lbs
-SAK, 33lbs
-Thieves’ Tools: +2 bonus, 1lb

-dagger, shortsword, sling, hand crossbow, shuriken, cloth & leather armor.

-Nimble Blade: When you attack with a light blade and you have combat advantage, you gain a +1 bonus to attack.

Race & Class Features:
-Artful Dodger/Nimble Reaction: +5 to AC vs OA
-Bold: +5 for Save vs Fear
-First Strike: You have Combat Advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted.
-Rogue Weapon Talent: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls when using a dagger.
-Sneak Attack: Once per round if you have CA with a light blade, you deal an extra 2d6 damage.

Piercing Strike
Standard Action, Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: +9/11 vs Ref
Hit: 1d4+5

Sly Flourish
Standard Action, Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: +9/11 vs AC
Hit: 1d4+8 (dex, cha)

Second Chance
Immediate Interrupt, Personal
Effect: If hit, force the die to be rerolled.

Dazing Strike
Standard Action, Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: +9/11 vs AC
Hit: 1d4+5 & they are dazed for the turn.

Blinding Barrage
Standard Action, Close blast 3
Target: Each enemy in blast you can see
Attack: +9/11 vs AC
Hit: 2d4+5 & they are blinded for the turn.
Miss: Half damage, and they are not blinded.
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First Post
Initiative: 24 (+9 dex, +15 lvl)
Action Points: 1
Max Hit Points: 185hp
Bloodied: 92hp
Healing: 46hp
Surges: 7/day

AC: 43 (+9 armor, +9 dex, +15 lvl)
Fort: 34 (+1 con, +15 lvl, +2 feat, +6 item)
Ref: 44 (+2 class, +9 dex, +2 feat, +15 lvl, +6 item)
Will: 40 (+7 cha, +2 feat, +15 lvl, +6 item)

+1 Str: 12
+1 Con: 13
+9 Dex: 28 (+2 race)
+0 Int: 10
+1 Wis: 12
+7 Cha: 24 (+2 race)

Skills: (+15 lvl)
+31 Acrobatics (+5 trnd +9 dex, +2 class)
+15 Arcana (int)
+18 Athletics (+1 str, +2 item)
+27 Bluff (+5 trnd, +7 cha)
+22 Diplomacy (+7 cha)
+16 Dungeoneering (+1 wis)
+16 Endurance (+1 con)
+16 Heal (+1 wis)
+15 History (int)
+22 Insight (+1 wis, +6 item)
+27 Intimidate (+5 trnd, +7 cha)
+16 Nature (+1 wis)
+27 Perception (+5 trnd, +1 wis, +6 item)
+15 Religion (int)
+35 Stealth (+5 trnd, +9 dex, +6 item)
+22 Streetwise (+7 cha)
+31 Thievery (+5 trnd, +9 dex, +2 class)

Level: 30
XP: 1,000,000
Race: Halfling
Class: Dexterity Rogue
Languages: Common & Giant
Alignment: Unaligned
Vision: Darkvision (item)
Savings Throws: +1 (item)
Movement: 6

Proficiencies: dagger, shortsword, sling, hand crossbow, shuriken, cloth & leather armor.

Basic Attacks: +34, +37 (if CA)
+15lvl +9dex, +3prof, +1class, +6magic, (+1feat)

Race & Class Features:
-Artful Dodger/Nimble Reaction: +9 to AC vs OA
-Bold: +5 for Save vs Fear
-First Strike: You have Combat Advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted.
-Rogue Weapon Talent: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls when using a dagger.
-Sneak Attack: Once per round if you have CA with a light blade, you deal an extra 5d8 damage.

-Nimble Blade: +1 CA damage with light blades.
-Backstabber: Sneak Attack dice are d8s.
-Light Blade Weapon Focus: +1 damage.
-Toughness: +15hp
-Halfling Agility: –2 to enemies reroll.
-Danger Sense: Roll initiative checks twice and take the higher of the two rolls.

-Point-Blank Shot: When making a ranged attack within 5 squares, ignore superior cover and concealment, but not total concealment.
-Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightening Reflexes: You gain a +2 feat bonus to fort/ref/will defenses.
-Evasion/Mettle: Area & Close attacks deal no damage to you if they miss and would otherwise.
-Defensive Advantage: CA also grants a +2 bonus to AC against that enemy’s attacks.

-Distant Shot: No penalty for long ranged attacks.
-Secret Stride: Full movement while hiding or sneaking does not incur penalties.
-Unfettered Stride: You can ignore the effect of difficult terrain on your movement.
-Flanking Maneuver: You can move diagonally even if a wall corner normally blocks such movement. You can move through enemy spaces.
-Epic Resurgence: The first critical of an encounter you can regain an encounter power.

Daggermaster Path Features:
Daggermaster’s Action: You can spend an action point to reroll an attack or damage roll you made using a dagger, instead of taking an extra action.
Dagger Precision: Daggers critical on roll of 18+.
Dagger Advantage: Criticals with daggers grant CA against target to you for the turn.

Deadly Trickster Features:
Sly Fortune’s Favor: Three times per day, as a free action, you can reroll a d20 roll (attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw).
Trickster’s Control: If you roll an 18 or higher on the d20 on a first roll for an encounter or daily attack power, that power is not expended.
Trickster’s Disposition: Once per day, you can tell the DM to treat the result of a d20 roll he just made as a 1. No rerolls are possible.

Duelist’s Dagger +6
Critical: +1d8 damage.
Power (Daily): Minor Action. Gain Combat Advantage for your next attack.

Shadowflow Starleather Armor +9 15lbs
Property: +6 to Stealth checks.
Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Gain invisibility until the start of your next turn.

Cloak of Invisibility +6
Property: +6 to Fort, Ref, and Will Defenses.
Power (Daily): Standard Action. You become invisible until the end of the encounter or until you are hit by a melee attack or a ranged attack.

Ioun Stone of True Sight +6
Property: Gain darkvision and a +6 item bonus to Insight and Perception checks.
Power (Daily): Minor Action. You can see invisible creatures as if they were visible.
Sustain Minor: The power remains in effect.

Bracers of Defense (20)
Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Reduce the damage dealt to you by a melee attack by 20.

Ring of Invisibility
Power (Daily) Standard Action. Become invisible until the end of your next turn. If you’ve reached a milestone today, this is only a minor action.

Ring of Protection
Property: Gain a +1 item bonus to saving throws.
Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Gain a +2 power bonus against the attack. If you’ve reached a milestone today, this lasts for the round.

Gloves of Destruction
Property: Reroll all 1s on melee attack damage rolls until they come up as something more.

Belt of Giant Strength
Property: Gain a +2 item bonus to Athletics and Strength checks.
Power (Daily): Free Action. +10 power bonus to the damage roll of a successful melee attack.

Winged Boots
Property: You take no damage from a fall and always land on your feet.
Power (Daily): Move Action. Fly a number of squares equal to your speed for the turn.

Handy Haversack 1lbs
Property: This backpack holds 1,000lbs or 100 cubic feet, but it always weighs 1lbs. Drawing an item from it is a minor action.

2x Everlasting Provisions
Property: Enough food and water to feed five medium or one large creature every 24 hours.

Rope of Climbing
Property: It’s 100’, has 100hp and holds 2,500lbs.
Power (At-Will): Minor Action. The rope moves up to 10 squares per turn along a horizontal or a vertical surface and ties itself off. It can’t affect a creature.

Portable Hole
Power (At-Will): Standard Action. Place a portable hole on a wall, a floor, or a ceiling. (The surface must be flat.) A 5x5’ hole is created in that surface. It can be removed if empty.

Potion of Recovery
Power: Minor Action. Drink the potion and spend a healing surge. Instead of the hit points you would normally regain, you regain 50 hit points and make a saving throw against each effect on you that a save can end.

Gold Equivalent: 20,240gp;
-Riding Horse, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, 2xBelt Pouch, 2xWaterskin, misc etc.
-Thieves’ Tools: +2 equipment bonus

Piercing Strike
Standard Action, Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: +34/37 vs Ref
Hit: 1d4+15

Sly Flourish
Standard Action, Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: +34/37 vs AC
Hit: 1d4+22 (dex, cha)

Steel Entrapment
Standard Action, Close blast 5
Target: Each enemy in blast you can see
Attack: +34/37 vs Fort
Hit: 3d4+15, & target is immobilized for the turn.

Tornado Strike
Standard Action, Melee or Ranged weapon
Targets: One or two creatures
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC, one attack per target
Hit: 2d4+15, & slide the target 8 (1+cha) squares. You can move 3 squares after making the attack.

Perfect Strike Rogue
Standard Action, Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: +34/37 vs AC, Fort, Ref (one roll)
Hit: 4d4+15. +1d4 if 2 defences are hit, target is stunned for the turn if it hits all 3 defenses.

Sand in the Eyes
Standard Action, Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: +34/37 vs Ref
Hit: 1d4+15, & target is blinded for the turn.

Assassin’s Point Rogue
Standard Action, Melee or Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: +34/37 vs AC
Hit: 7d4+15.
Miss: Half damage.
Special: If you have CA against the target, double any damage from Sneak Attack or a critical hit.

Blinding Barrage
Standard Action, Close blast 3
Target: Each enemy in blast you can see
Attack: +34/37 vs AC
Hit: 2d4+15, & they are blinded for the turn.
Miss: Half damage, and they are not blinded.

Standard Action, Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: +34/37 vs Fort
Hit: 2d4+15, & unconsciousness (save or taking damage awakes target).
Miss: Half damage & target is dazed for the turn.

Bloody Path
Standard Action, Personal
Effect: Move upto your speed. Enemies that can make an opportunity attack against you as a result of this movement must attack themselves instead.

Chameleon Rogue
Immediate Interrupt, Personal
Trigger: While hid you lose cover/concealment.
Effect: Make a Stealth check, for the turn you remain hidden against each creature that has a clear line of sight to you that you beat, but you must end in cover/concealment this turn.

Second Chance (Racial)
Immediate Interrupt, Personal
Effect: If hit, force the die to be rerolled.

Hide in Plain Sight Rogue
Minor Action, Personal
Effect: You must already be hidden to use this power. You are invisible until you leave your current square. No other action that you perform makes you visible.

Leaping Dodge
Immediate Interrupt, Personal
Trigger: An enemy targets you with an attack
Effect: Make an Athletics check to jump with a +5 power bonus and move the distance.

Dazzling Acrobatics
Move Action, Personal
Effect: Shift twice your speed (climb at full speed) & gain +4 AC for the move.

Meditation of the Blade
Minor Action, Personal
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your dagger’s damage die increases by one size.

Hide from the Light
Minor Action, Personal
Effect: You must already be hidden to use this power. You are invisible until the end of the encounter or until you end the effect by moving more than 2 squares in a turn or by making any attack other than a basic or an at-will attack.

Epic Trick
Minor Action, Personal
Effect: Regain all of your hit points and healing surges, automatically save against all effects on you, recover all expended encounter powers, or recover all expended daily powers except this one. Once you use this power, you cannot recover it except by taking an extended rest.
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First Post
It was just an exersize and a potential boon to hypothetical threads that talk of lvl 30 PCs, I built one out so that we could see what one looks like. The level 1 assassin took me 30 minutes, the level 30 assassin took me ~9hours.

On a team he could be pretty nifty, 153 max damage on a single hit and his knockout could disarm the Wand of Orcus.

Or perhaps you're just curious as to what L30 AC's are...or you need a L25 Rogue NPC ... just deconstruct a bit ... whatever.
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Thanks for this, it was fun to read.

I own all the books, but being busy with other things, haven't read them as much as yourself. I didn't know how powerful this Halfling Rogue could be.

Bloody Path is hilarious! I should read through the high levels powers, so I can do something like this myself.

Thanks again, are you planning to do more?


First Post
I don't think I'll be doing more of these unless someone requests a certain race/build.

I believe it to be optimized in that the abilities/skills/feats/paths/equipment/powers all are leading the power curve in my opinion. They not only work well together but I think the overall result would make a good team player.

That said, I am all ears if there is any feedback/advice to be heard.


First Post
Yeah, Epic Destiny aside, from my pov I don’t get all the defensive feats. I also don’t really get all the ranged feats. I understand there are a number of ranged rogue abilities… but meh. It seems like if you’re going to optimize it has to be pretty focused and this doesn’t really have a focus.

Voidrunner's Codex

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