Level Up (A5E) Level Up: An issue of class names


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
I agree. I've seen some (non-designers) mention taking O5e subclasses with LevelUp classes. Is that even possible? I know they've said that it's "backwards compatible" but I don't think they quite mean it like that. I suspect that it's more that a player could play an O5e character in a LevelUp game, or LevelUp characters could fight the monsters from the O5e monster manual without conversion. But I don't think we can mix-and-match pieces of a character, exactly.

Anyone know?
I've done some playtesting of the A5e classes as they've come out with various gaming groups I'm in, and I've used existing O5e subclasses with them. It's worked fine.

Here's the list of what I've used:

A5e fighter: Crusader (from Complete Martialist's Dandbook - DM's Guild product.)
A5e druid: Circle of the Branch (from Complete Devout's Handbook - DM's Guild product)
A5e herald: Oath of Battle (from book of the Righteous - Gren Ronin)

I have plans to make a cleric using the Twilight domain from Tasha's and an adept using the Kensei from Xanathar's. The only real compatibility issues I could see coming up with subclasses is if they reference class features that have been eliminated (Action surge or Second Wind, sor example) but otherwise? They work perfectly fine, and I have play experience that says so.

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A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
I really hope this doesn't count as advertising, but she's got her own website with links to everything from Facebook and Twitter to Whatsapp and -Skype-. Mercedes Lackey

Tell her if you like her work. Send her messages about -what- you like in her writing. I won't give examples but pick moments and emotions and share them with her.

She's not getting any younger, and I bet she'd love to hear from fans more often about the ideas, emotions, and narratives they enjoyed.




Agreed. Herald is the King's announcer, not the King's enforcer.
For what it's worth, in the demon cycle books the kings announcers are some of the most respected individuals in the world for their ability to actually travel between towns on journeys that take longer than sunup to sundown without being eaten by monsters. It's really a great story & eventually has the most badass bard I've ever seen in a book :D


This may be evolving into something not for me. I was hoping for just an expansion onto the current system. Although this system over all has many great phenomenal ideas. Many of which I hope make it into 6E. Very great work on this.
It is a different gaming system, though, which is why I think the names they’ve gone with are fine. There’s no expectation of playing a D&D fighter alongside a Level Up fighter anymore than a group would reasonably play a Pathfinder fighter alongside a D&D fighter. Level Up is a different system with its own rules and classes. There’s no concern for how they overlap with those of a different game, by definition. It is not an expansion, it’s a different gaming system from D&D that can work with 5e D&D modules. That’s not the same as a “rules expansion.”

The new names are good. Better thematically in some cases and the same where they didn’t need to change.


Agreed. Herald is the King's announcer, not the King's enforcer.

I was thinking it sounded more bard-like at first too, but thinking of Eonwe, herald of Manwe from Tolkien it seems to fit. Announcing the kings words with a sword. So it's growing on me.



Josh Gentry - Author, Minister in Training
I was thinking it sounded more bard-like at first too, but thinking of Eonwe, herald of Manwe from Tolkien it seems to fit. Announcing the kings words with a sword. So it's growing on me.

A herald is also the announcer of divine things to come, as in not a political king but a supernatural king. Hence divine magic.

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