D&D 5E Levels PCs should be at for Princes of the Apocalypse


Hello we have started the adventure Princes of the Apocalypse and we are now at the stage of my PCs exploring the 4 main bases of the Elemental Cultists. They have started at the Earth Cultists in the Monastery. Our group is small only 3 PCs with one henchmen so four in total. The Henchman is strictly the healer guy. I am wondering about levels everyone should be at or around for the other Cultists above ground lairs. I have them at 5th level since there are only 3 and it's been okay but just curious what other DMs might have their PCs at.

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For the Haunted Keeps, the module indicates the following:

Feathergale Spire - 3rd level
Rivergard Keep - 4th level
Sacred Stone Monastery - 5th level
Scarlet Moon Hall - 6th level

My group is consists of four PCs, and are about to hit 4th level, likely at either Feathergale or Rivergard, depending on how the next adventure shakes out. With just three PCs, even with a dedicated healer, I'd probably want the PCs to hit at least one level higher than the suggested guidelines, so the earth cultists section might need some judicious scaling down of the encounters here and there, since they're only at 5th level.

One thing I was worried about particularly with Scarlet Moon Hall was that it could potentially bring them face-to-face with two werewolves, and so far they only have one magic weapon between them all; I deliberately am holding off on the hooks that lead there until they are higher level and better equipped.


Thank you, I know that the book provides the following levels, I was just curious as to what others might have them be doing. Thank you for your help. As for the Scarlet Moon Hall, Yeah AOEs are terrible lol


Hello we have started the adventure Princes of the Apocalypse and we are now at the stage of my PCs exploring the 4 main bases of the Elemental Cultists. They have started at the Earth Cultists in the Monastery. Our group is small only 3 PCs with one henchmen so four in total. The Henchman is strictly the healer guy. I am wondering about levels everyone should be at or around for the other Cultists above ground lairs. I have them at 5th level since there are only 3 and it's been okay but just curious what other DMs might have their PCs at.
We are currently playing it as an xp game. Here were our levels in a 5-party group:

Rivergard Keep - 2nd level at start
Feathergale - 3rd level
Sacred Stone - 4th level
Scarlet Moon - 5th level

We just finished Scarlet Moon and are still 5th level. Scarlet Moon the most difficult.

Voidrunner's Codex

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