Level Up (A5E) LFG for Level Up on Roll20 (and perhaps other VTTs)


Heyo! If I were to use Roll20's LFG feature, how best would I specify Level Up as the game I want to play? They have a fixed list of games in the combo box menu, which doesn't include Level Up (yet), but there is a keyword search. The question is, what keyword would be best?

This is also an issue for the user profile's "Enjoys Playing" and "Actively Seeking Group For" lists, they only allow you to name games from their list (which is so lame), so nobody searching for A5E players will be able to find them that way.

Maybe there's a way to lobby to get A5E on the official list?

This will be relevant for other VTTs of course, but I understand Roll20 is the one that has a character sheet ready to go right now.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
The character sheet isn’t live yet. It will be when the Kickstarter ends. Due to the way Roll20 works we’re producing it as a 5E supplement on Roll20 so you’d choose 5E then our character sheet.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Will there be support for this on Fantasy Grounds?
I feel like I keep answering this! We’re looking into various VTTs, and did a big survey about which ones folks would like to see support for. Creating support for a VTT is an immense task and will take many months, so when we decide on which ones (probably two at max) to focus on that will be after this Kickstarter. Right now our priority is making these books.

Feel free to take the survey to register your interest in your VTT of choice here:

I feel like I keep answering this!
I can imagine! We’re probably still at the point where online games outnumber in-person games, and it’s unclear whether that will ever reverse post-pandemic or become a new standard.

As much as I love physical books and dice and playing in-person when I get the chance, right now from a product standpoint support for online play is a huge thing. It’s becoming such a thing that I get the impression some people are basing their choice of systems to play on what sort of online support they get. (I’m not one of them—I will stubbornly do anything I have to to play what I want to play—but my particularity isn’t typical.)


I'm glad there'll be a character sheet, but my OP is about finding A5E players/groups in Roll20. There's really no way to do it, as far as I can figure out, except maybe if a narrator puts an appropriate keyword in their game title, because Level Up/A5E is not in the fixed list of games Roll20 allows GMs to tag their games with. I don't know if there is a process for publishers to get such a tag created, but maybe we want to do that?


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
...Level Up/A5E is not in the fixed list of games Roll20 allows GMs to tag their games with. I don't know if there is a process for publishers to get such a tag created, but maybe we want to do that?
IIRC, for games not on their standardized list, Roll20 generally uses the number of people who mention the game in the description field of a game to quantify how many are playing it. I think they review this quarterly or so, adding games as they rise in popularity on their site. I think recently they began to use user suggestions on their Suggestions and Ideas forum to determine which game(s) to add to the list. I do not see them adding a system that is not officially released yet.


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
Thanks for that info, @Rabulias. I think I'll put in the fullest name I can think of into my bio—Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition (A5E). :)
Happy to help. After the conclusion of the Kickstarter, look for a suggestion on their Suggestions & Ideas forum (Roll20) to add LU to their list. If you don't see one, you can start one, and encourage any LU players you find to add their vote to it. It's not a guarantee (one of the reasons I left Roll20 is the number of suggestions that have languished for years there without significant progress), but it's the best way to get it done.

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