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Life and Light: Shadow-Force Reborn (Updated May 8, 2019)

Shadow-Force Files: The Phantom

OK, I had hoped to put up a post on the Parapsychological Studies Institute, but I need to hear back from SP on a few things first. So instead, I've put up a post on their most famous "graduate":


As you'll see when the P.S.I. post goes up, although they're now defunct as a group, they're still quite relevant to the campaign...
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Shadow-Force Files: Erebus

On the theory that he and the Phantom are two great tastes that taste great together, I also present the duke of darkness (and of duct tape!), the shaper of shadows:


In other news, we will game tonight, barring cosmic catastrophes and/or household crises. Which means you'll get another update!
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5 - Dragon's Egg

The weekend after the Mirror Mask debacle, Alpha said, "You might want to check out the 'Seattle Supers' site, Photon." A well-known, meticulously researched website, run by someone who identified himself only as 'Pagemaster'. Jon sat down at a workstation and pulled it up. "Why, what's up?" "He's got some new info on you, and it's scarily accurate."

Jon read for a bit and blinked. "You're not kidding. How could he possibly have grounds to speculate I fly using gravity?" "Follow the link. He gives his reasoning in detail." Jon did so, and found that since he didn't leave a visible trail like many energy-based heroes, and because there were no reports of his presence interfering with electronic devices, he was unlikely to be using electromagnetism to fly. Nor did he seem to be using a device. As supporting evidence, Pagemaster presented the fact that Enigma had been able to drain some of Photon's powers, but not all. "Wow. I can't fault his reasoning, but..." "Yeah. Too close for comfort." "He does villains too - is this good for his health?" "Well... Everybody knows the federal government maintains a first-class database on supers. I guess people figure nothing he says is likely to be worse than that." "Yeah, but villains don't get to look at the government files - at least, I sure hope not! I don't want anyone reading this and getting ideas." "Read on."

Jon found some very shrewd guesses about his light-form - not all correct, to be sure, but not far from the mark. And speculation (based on Photon's diction and phrasing) that he, Jon, was either a scientist or a super-genius. Overall, Pagemaster's coolly-given opinion was that Photon had been widely underestimated, and sported much greater power and versatility than anyone in the super-fan community had suspected. "Good grief, he even knows I've worked with the Texas Hex!" "Yeah, several super-blogs picked up that sighting of Tex in the Seattle airport. Speculation has run rife."

Checking out a few other heroes, he found that Mirror Mask had also gotten some recent treatment - with the conclusion that his powers had improved, but that he was dangerously arrogant and soon to be in trouble with the police. (Pagemaster's speculation matched Jon's own - that Mask had gained the ability to stay phased, only phasing in parts of his body to strike his foes.) Jon shook his head. "This isn't my idea of a public service. Still... freedom of speech." "Yeah. I'll keep an eye on it for you."

"Anything else in the media I should know?" "The press has figured out the location of your super-battle with Enigma. The police have it blocked it off as a hazardous site, though." "Yeah, I saw the reactions to my skywriting." The Times had written an editorial on the dilemmas involved in contacting a criminal at large; the Post-Intelligencer had written up the skywriting neutrally, but then also printed an editorial on 'Supers and Egotism', which, while it didn't name any names, was clearly pointed in Photon's direction.

Jon got up and stretched. "So - patrol time?" "Not just yet. We're waiting for 'Flora', or whatever her name is." "Oh, right. Her first test, I guess. If she isn't here by 7, I'm leaving without her." He needn't have worried. The green heroine bounced in eagerly at 6:30. Jon nodded. "Welcome. Have you come up with a codename?" "Is 'Demeter' taken?" Alpha? Greek heroine in the 60's. Nobody current. Jon passed on the information, adding, "It should be fine." "Great. Ready to go?" "When you are." Jon gave her a communicator and showed her how to use it. Then they went outside, where she animated a tree off the base's grounds. It lifted her into a fork in its branches, which shaped itself into something resembling a throne. "Let's go."

Photon flew on, pushing the pace a bit - sure enough, the tree could make surprisingly good time. Didn't seem to do any property damage, either. Suddenly a car screeched up, and a man with a press badge leaned out the window with a microphone. "Photon! Are you and her working together now? Are you still working with the robot? Are you lovers?" Jon groaned - an infamous 'ambush journalist'. "No comment, no comment, and no comment. Go away." He and Demeter ignored him for a while, then after an interminable drone of questions, Demeter subvocalized into her communicator. "Let's lose him. Cut through the park?" "You're on." Demeter animated a new tree, sending the old one shambling back home to the base grounds. "Sheesh. Does that happen often?" "No. I've... never really been the glamorous type." "You'll have to get used to being the popular kid in town." "I guess."

The rest of the patrol was uneventful. Upon arriving home, Alpha asked, OK, just what did you DO? Hm? I've got no less than three reporters on the phone right now, clamoring for an interview. And they're not the first. Wow! They let super-battles pass, but a simple patrol with Demeter is News? Maybe it's a slow day? I dunno. Oh, and one of the hopefuls is your old friend Chris Perkins. ...That takes a lot of nerve. That's what I said. Here's how he responded:

Alpha played back the phone call, Perkins saying, "If you look into it, you'll find I filed an injunction against the Post-Intelligencer for mangling my story." Alpha: "Yes, and I also find that it was rejected." Perkins sighed. "They found a loophole in my contract, there was nothing I could do. I have a new airtight one now, one that gives me final cut." "We'll want to see it before we promise anything." "...I'm afraid I can't do that, there's a non-disclosure built in. You'd need a subpoena to see it." "Well, don't call us, we'll call you." "Wait! I-" Click.

A secret contract? That smells fishy. Agreed, and I don't even have a sense of smell! Can you get Carlton Legal on that? I think it might be interesting. Will do.

Demeter asked, "Penny for your thoughts? You're quiet all of a sudden." "Oh... sorry. Just pondering the ramifications of fame. Have you had much contact with the press since you started hero-ing?" "None, really, except..." She flushed. "Well, Hustler asked me to appear in a special issue, 'Women in Uniform'. I turned them down flat." Alpha to Jon: April 2007. ...You read Hustler? I read everything, I'll have you know.

Jon cleared his throat and said, "Didn't..." then gave it up as a bad job. "Oh heck. Go ahead and talk out loud, Alpha." "Your funeral, boss." Demeter looked around for the voice, eyebrow raised quizzically. Jon told her, "X-97 Alpha." "Oh! That makes sense now! Is he another robot?" "No, the base computer. Anyway, Alpha here apparently has a dirtier mind than I'd thought..." "Hey now! Ask yourself who I could have gotten it from!" "...Anyway, he says that 'Women in Uniform' appeared in 2007. Didn't you say you'd only started hero-ing two months ago?"

Demeter, having finally spotted one of Alpha's cameras, faced it and cocked her head. "...You read Hustler?" Alpha put on a playfully defensive tone, "Hey, obviously I picked it up from meat-boy here! My chips are made from the finest, purest silicon, I assure you. Pity me, the victim of organic corruption." "Oh, you poor thing. You're so corrupted with organic filth you forgot that there was going to be a 'Women in Uniform II' later this year." "...Whoops. Well, obviously it's all meat-boy's fault." "Hey! Leave me out of this!" "Alas, but-" Then, via radio, Photon, Technoid's energy construct is going crazy. Get in there and check it out NOW!

Jon was off like a shot. "Demeter, trouble! Stay here!" She's following you. Lock the internal doors down, Alpha. Done. Then, out loud, "Get me Carlton Research on the line! And Moke!" "Dialing. What's going on?"

Skidding to a stop in front of the energy construct, Jon noticed that the shield-rings were rotating significantly faster than ever before. Simultaneously reading the gauges and opening his field senses to the max, he reported, "There's a major power spike occurring every two seconds or so, at regular intervals. It's redlining the gauges, but only very briefly as each spike passes - tapping the far end and bouncing back. Why the HECK is he using analog gauges?! He MUST be crazy!" [Heh, that last bit was me jabbing SP a little. :)]

Alpha: "I've gotten them to wake up the guy in charge of Research. I've dealt with him before. His name's Dr. Norton, and he's a serious prick." "Joy. Put him on." "What the hell did you DO, you pitiful excuse for a light bulb?!" "Nothing! Just get OVER here with a team, and fast!" "I'm driving too fast as we speak, moron! Just... don't touch anything!" Jon rolled his eyes and told Alpha to hang up. "Do you have Moke?" "Yep, he's still waking up." "Moke, Photon! We've got a serious situation here with a dangerous device of Technoid's, and we need FAQ up here RIGHT NOW!" "Calm down, Photon. How dangerous?" "Act-of-God dangerous! Hiroshima-and-Nagasaki dangerous! Be-on-a-different-continent dangerous!" "...I'm sending FAQ up there right away." "Thanks!"

That done, Jon actually did start to calm down a little. There wasn't anything he could do, after all, except watch. The construct would change color slightly - shading from yellow toward blue-white - with each pulse of power. "Alpha, how's the compass?" "No change, why?" "Because this would be the worst possible time for Mirror Mask to show up?" "Right, our good friend Murphy. And now that we've checked, it won't happen?" "We can hope. What's Demeter doing?" "Pacing back and forth."

Jon went back to the Situation Room and tersely filled her in. She snapped at him, eyes blazing, "Thanks for letting me know! If I'm part of the team, don't go running off like that!" Photon told her levelly, "You're not part of the team yet. When you are, I'll let you know. ... But it may be that we'll need your help tonight, so I would ask you to stick around." "Fine!"

Alpha said quietly, "Uh guys?" In unison, "WHAT?" "I really, really do not want FAQ to know I exist. He's cocky and he likes to tinker, and frankly he scares me. Please keep me under wraps." Demeter finally grinned and levelled a finger at the nearest camera. "Okay, but you owe me, chip-boy." Alpha emitted a long-suffering sigh. "Never a mention of Hustler again, I promise." "That'll do. For starters." Alpha to Jon: You know, whether or not she's evil... she's still evil, you know?

Just then they were interrupted by Norton and his team screeching up in a van. "Photon! Help me move this equipment into the lab! You'll just be in the way otherwise!" Jon rolled his eyes and started to use magnetism to float it over. "No, idiot! With hands! Unless you want to foul up my readings? Or are you just trying to make this crisis harder than it already is, is that it?" Jon shocked himself by saying with terse authority, "Norton, SHUT UP. You're wasting time, and we have no time to lose. Now get to work!" To his further shock, Norton shut up and obeyed. Jon helped carry the equipment in, then tried to stand out of the way as the research team went into action. Occasionally he reported on the information his special senses gave him, and once he proved he knew the lingo, they tacitly accepted him as one of their own.

Soon FAQ swaggered in, replete with high-tech armor, weaponry, and goggles. Looking to Photon, he asked, "Who're these bozos?" "Carlton Research division." The young hero rolled his eyes. "Great, the amateur brigade. You, over there! Yes, you. Brief me." Norton started to go apoplectic again. "You're involving THIS twit?" Photon laid down the law again. "We don't have time for turf battles! Work together and like it!" He strode out of the room, disgusted.

FAQ followed after. "Can you believe it? They want me to sign an NDA!" "So sign it." "Fine! But I need to print it out, it's on their website." "Sure. Al-" Jon clamped his lips shut before letting the rest of the word out. FAQ stared at him. "Al?" Photon pointed, "Uh, the printer's over there. It's being taken care of." "Al?!" "Look, FAQ, we don't have time..." "Al?!?" Demeter subvocalized into her communicator, "Oh, how very much you owe me." She came and took FAQ's arm, leading him away and batting her eyelashes at him. "Listen, we can explain all about Al another time, all right? For now, we need to get this energy thing taken care of." FAQ allowed himself to be led away, absentmindedly accepting the NDA from Jon. "Well, OK, but..." Jon and Alpha let out simultaneous sighs of relief.

Demeter came back out and said, "Okay, we're going to have to tell him something about 'Al'. What's our story?" "Hmm... Maybe it's a nickname of yours? I clammed up because I didn't want to compromise your secret identity?" "Works. Oh, and Alpha?" She licked a finger and scored another point in the air. Alpha only said, "Yeah, yeah." Evil, I tell you. I think I like her.

Photon went back in the lab and was amused to find FAQ interrogating Norton about the situation in a way calculated to be effective with the man's choleric temper: He would simply dismiss anything Norton said as stupid, which prompted further angry denials... and more information, as the man tried to justify himself. Jon had to admit that it was faster than trying to reason with the guy, so didn't intervene. But at length as he listened, Photon realized something with a sudden shock. "Uh, FAQ? You do realize that Technoid is in that thing, right?"

FAQ raised his eyes to the heavens and said in an I'm-surrounded-by-idiots tone, "Now see, this is what we call a 'detail'. 'Details' are good. I need 'details' to do my freakin' job already!" The teen gadgeteer flew into action, setting up something resembling a laptop and plugging it into the control panel of the construct platform. "That is just what I needed to know. If he's in there, he has to be shielded... Yep, there's a second field in there, I'm getting readings on him..." A blurry picture of Technoid appeared on the screen of the laptop and text and numbers flashed past faster than the eye could follow. "Hmmm. There's some bio-sensors around here somewhere. Where are they?" Photon showed him the device with the parabolic emitters on cables. "Could this be it?" "It'll do. Space these around the construct, will you?" Photon did so rapidly, 'hanging' them in the air with magnetic fields. "Ooh, didn't know you could do that. Can you get them in a symmetrical configuration?" Finally, FAQ started to get a second stream of data on his laptop.

The young man whistled. "Wow. He's making some hardcore changes to his genetic structure. What's that all about?" A bit more tinkering, and suddenly he sounded nervous. "Wait - the door! There's supposed to be a force field there! What happened to it?!" Photon told him, "We shot it down to get in here..." "Crap on a stick! Everybody out! NOW, people! Run! It's gonna blow!" The authority in his voice, combined with the following of his own advice, got through to everyone, even Norton.

FAQ added, "Photon, you gotta put up another force field! It's our only chance!" "Right! Do I need to be on the inside or the outside?" "Well gee, I dunno! Can you take 25 million rads?!" "Yes, actually." FAQ blinked at that unexpected information, but rapped out, "Well good for you, Sunshine! I CAN'T! In or out, but get that field UP!" Jon flew out the door and rapidly tried to explain to the spacetime continuum what he wanted it to do. His previous experiences with "force fields" had been notably mixed, but shortly he had... something... covering the door that his X-ray vision couldn't get through. "Okay, I hope that's good en-" He was interrupted by the explosion.

It was monstrous, far worse than Jon had been expecting. His field bowed outward, glowing with bright streaks as it strained to the breaking point. Jon poured his will into supporting it, joining himself to the quantum void for an instant, his mind racing down the null geodesics he was accustomed to travel in light-form. His whole being shaped itself into the single purpose: HOLD!

It was over before the light of the blast even had a chance to imprint itself on the observers' retinas, much less be processed by their brains. But they eventually saw in a split second the field's improbable distention before snapping back into place. FAQ licked his lips and said quietly, "Yeah. Thanks, man." Jon took a moment to reply as he came down from quantum-gravitational exaltation. "...You're welcome."

After a little more processing, he asked, "What just happened?" FAQ shrugged helplessly. "It got done, whatever he was doing. He came out." Photon let his field lapse, and the smoke of vaporized machinery boiled out; he toned down the temperature for the others only half thinking about it. He strode in, followed by FAQ and Demeter, and more hesitantly by Norton and a couple of the other scientists.

A humanoid form strode to meet them, obscured by the rapidly diminishing mists. It was hairless and unclothed, but showed no primary or secondary sexual characteristics - indeed its skin was smooth and unbroken by detail, a rough statue carved from something with a dull metallic finish. Its eyes were dark pools.

Jon asked hesitantly, "Scott?" It looked at him impassively, then spoke, its voice clear and neutral, devoid of organic timbre: "'Scott'. Yes. Once I was called by that name. It is no longer fitting." "...Technoid?" Again that voice devoid of all passion except mild interest: "That name is somewhat more appropriate. It will serve for now." Ignoring the others, the thing found a flat metal panel on the wall and pressed its palm to it. "Ah. Good. The Internet connection is still active." Jon was still the only one with the courage to speak: "What are you doing, Technoid?" It told him neutrally, "I am downloading the Library of Congress." "Why are you doing that, Technoid?" "I want to understand humanity. It is so... imperfect. And yet so interesting." "Is that why you changed yourself?" "Yes. I needed to understand."

"Scott..." Almost gently, but not quite, the thing told him, "No. I am not 'Scott' any longer. 'Scott' was imperfect." "And now you are perfect?" "I am a good first attempt at perfection. There is so much I must learn." "...I'll be right back."

Jon went with controlled haste to the Situation Room. I sure hope the Guardians are back from their dimensional jaunt! He manually pulled up a connection to the Guardians in Washington, getting a receptionist. "This is the Galactic Guardians of Washington, D.C. How may I help you?" Jon said urgently, "This is Photon in Seattle. We've got a situation here..." The screen went blank, and simultaneously a chirruping sound came from one of Alpha's speakers. "Oh.... DARN!" (Jon briefly wondered what it would take to get him to overcome his childhood habits and actually cuss, then decided he didn't want to find out.)

"Alpha?" No response. "Alpha?!" Nothing. But that sound he'd heard haunted him... he was still a little high from his quantum-mystical experience, and it niggled at him somewhere deep below conscious thought. Not sure why, he willed himself into light-form... and all became clear.

Alpha had sent him a rapidly compressed speech, and somehow his memory had retained it all. But wondering how was swallowed up in horror at what his friend had to say:

"Jon, this is probably my last message. He's strong, much stronger than I am, and he's overwhelmed both me and Beta. I don't think you will ever be able to trust either one of us ever again." Alpha paused to let that sink in, then continued urgently, "He noticed you calling the Guardians and is using your voice and image to convince them everything's OK. He's locked down the base completely. Jon, he's downloading information on nanotechnology and genetics. I think he wants to redesign humanity from scratch. He is evil, Jon - coldly, rationally, unblinkingly evil. I don't think there's anything left of Scott in him. You must stop him. He's mostly made of nanites; I think he'll be vulnerable to hard radiation."

Alpha paused again. "There's a lot I'd hoped to say, but you can probably guess. If I had tears to shed, I'd be shedding them. You're my friend, Jon. Good luck, and go get him!"

For several subjective minutes, Jon gave in to despair. His last friend in Seattle, his true companion, the last founding member of Shadow-Force! He bounced around the base unseeingly and unthinkingly, the outer walls too heavily shielded to let him pass through. But gradually, gradually, he pulled himself together. No. I will not let Alpha's sacrifice be in vain. It will not happen!

Jon pondered and laid plots as the picoseconds ticked slowly past. First, he streaked by Beta's charging station, to see if Technoid could use him to attack... 25% charge, not nearly enough. Excellent. Passing by the lab, he noticed that FAQ was surreptitiously reaching behind his back for a rod that looked to be a weapon.

Next, true to his codename, he shot over to the central electrical junction box of the base. (Erebus had insisted it not be accessible from the outside.) You may have trapped me inside, Technoid, but you've trapped yourself too! He materialized just long enough to reduce it to slag, then returned to light-form. Hopefully I'm not giving Technoid much time to react, though I have to assume he can think really fast too. Now, the backup generator will come on in a few seconds - we can't have that.

Streaking over to the generator, Jon materialized again and blasted it to oblivion. Apparently his rage was fuelling his powers, as he hadn't expected it to vaporize completely. Ah well - light-form. Now, Alpha's repair-bots will get a new generator module in eventually, but it'll take them at least ten minutes. One way or another, it'll be all over by then.

Dialing his laser configuration up to the highest-energy gamma wavelength he could manage, Jon surveyed the situation in the lab before taking action. Some dim lights were still on, probably battery-powered. FAQ was in the process of falling backward to the floor, his armor sparking, his face twisted in a grimace. Demeter was dodging for cover, Norton and the scientists were scrambling to get out of the lab. Technoid itself had a hand upraised toward FAQ, its face impassive as ever. All right, you son of a- No. I won't change my ways for your sake. Take this, you JERK!

Materializing behind the shell of his former friend, Jon cut loose with a titanic blast of cosmic rays. Technoid's 'flesh' withered visibly under the onslaught, and it staggered. But its voice remained calm as ever as it said, "Photon. So you are responsible for the power loss." "That's right," Jon told it with a deadly calm rage. "You have gained control over your light-form, I see. Remember the time you ended up beyond the orbit of Jupiter by accident?" "No. No stories, no tales of old times. You're not Scott. You're just a... thing." Meanwhile FAQ writhed and sparked, and Demeter inched toward him to pull him to safety.

Technoid replied mildly, "If only you could see how much better it is," and extended its hand. A spray of scarcely-visible nanites boiled forth, and Photon's dodge-subroutine kicked in, but didn't get enough distance - Jon's right shoulder and upper-right arm were caught in the spray, and he screamed. He could feel the microscopic machines dissolving his flesh, changing it into something new and horrible, but he didn't let that stop him from firing off another blast of hard gamma.

Once again, the thing that had been a man lurched on its feet and its flesh visibly melted before the blast. "Yes. Your power has increased. There will be a place for you in the new order." "SCREW THAT!" Jon shouted, but then screamed again - the nanites continued to eat into him and he fled into the timeless null-spaces traversed only by photons. Frantically he tried to 'edit' the nanites out of his system, but they resisted his efforts; in his pain he bounced back and forth uncontrollably between the walls of the lab. Thank... goodness... I don't... get dizzy... in this form!

He reformed just in time to see Demeter spraying a cloud of pollen at Technoid's face. (She had managed to drag FAQ halfway to the only remaining, half-melted large piece of machinery in the lab.) To his amazement, Technoid was actually staggered by it, reeling and clutching its throat. But as they watched, its nose and mouth smoothed out and faded from its face. "A valiant attempt. But it will not serve you ag-" Jon's blast to its face cut off its words. (It didn't seem to need a mouth to speak.)

They fought in silence now - there was nothing more to be said. Jon continued to blast away at Technoid, and Technoid continued to spray its deadly nanites. Jon succeeded in dodging a couple times, then got hit again and shrieked in redoubled agony. Demeter got FAQ to cover and watched warily, unsure of what to do next. Jon understood - there was no plant life in here at all, and her pollen looked to be useless. He sent to her communicator, "Get the scientists in good order. If you can get cell-phone reception in here, get help! Otherwise, hold tight." "Got it, Photon," she said, and worked her way cautiously to the door.

Jon tried blinding Technoid with dazzling light, and was surprised when it actually worked. "Can you do without your eyes too?" he taunted as he continued to dodge about and take potshots. "Not as easily," it admitted. "But I can." Suiting actions to words, it moved to the equipment FAQ was hidden behind and wrenched it easily out of the ground. Jon shot it again and it dropped its burden under the onslaught, tipping the multi-ton weight toward FAQ... Photon caught it with magnetic fields and slammed it into Technoid with all the force he could muster. (Technoid itself proved to be non-ferrous, unfortunately.)

Technoid was heavier than it looked - it caught the enormous hunk of metal easily and just skidded a little, instead of going flying. "Idiot," it observed, and raised the massive thing to throw. Almost in despair again, Jon fired a final desperate blast, and to his amazement, this one worked beyond hope. Technoid swayed, then crumpled to the ground, the heavy chunk of metal flying wild and landing with a loud CLANG! Before his eyes, the sculpted form started to collapse inward on itself.

A brief excursion to light-form once more, and he finally managed to rid himself of the nanites and restore the worst of the damage. "Demeter! Get in here! Can you wake FAQ up? Create pollen like smelling salts or something?" "I can try!" "You do that and I'll look for a medkit!" He needn't have - Demeter sprayed something at FAQ's face, and he sat bolt upright at once. "I'm awake!"

Jon said urgently, "Then get over here! Technoid is melting away, I think it's dying!" FAQ struggled to his feet with Demeter's help. "OK, I see your point. I'm finding it a little hard to care just now, though." "I know. But if there's anything at all of Scott left in there, we owe it to him to try." "Right." Between FAQ's technical wizardry, and Photon's use of electric and magnetic fields at his instruction, Technoid congealed into an amorphous blob of... whatever it was. Jon asked hesitantly, "Is it... alive?" "There's patterned electrical currents going on in there, they look purposeful. It seems to be thinking." "Okay..." "Now, can you put a magnetic bottle around it?" "It's not ferrous..." "Duh. That's to keep it from communicating with the outside world." Definitely seeing the point in that, Photon managed to do so. By this time, the adrenaline was wearing off... he wasn't much steadier on his feet than FAQ was. (Though he had healed the worst of the damage, his arm still looked ravaged and a large chunk of his costume was gone.) FAQ for his part looked to be crashing off the stimulant Demeter had given him; the two heroes suddenly leaned on each other drunkenly.

Demeter shepherded the walking wounded out of the lab, into the hall. The scientists crowded around them and Norton wrung Jon's hand. "Thank you. We'd be dead if you hadn't..." "S'alright," Jon slurred. "Talk later. Gotta get outta here." Demeter said patiently, "Yes, we know. There's no cell reception. How do we get the door open?" "Ummm. I could shoot it down maybe?" "I think you've done enough shooting for one day, Photon." "...Okay."

Demeter took charge. "FAQ, can you override the door controls?" "Sure, I think?" She peered at him as he swayed on his feet. "Photon, can you shine a light in his eyes for me?" "Oh, sure." Jon had trouble keeping his finger steady, but Demeter got a good look at FAQ's eyes. "Oh, great, you're concussed. Well... This should be easy for somebody as smart as you, right?" "Uh huh." FAQ fiddled with the door controls until finally it opened. "Easy as pi. 3.1415...something." He had to do it one more time and then they tumbled out into the open air. Norton whipped out a cell phone and called 911, demanding cops, ambulances, and anything else he could think of.

Jon revived enough in the cool night air to take light-form again and heal himself the rest of the way. Materializing next to Demeter, he said quietly, "Welcome to the team." She smiled warmly at him, "Thanks, you too." "Yeah." Jon remembered Alpha and nearly lost it, then pulled himself back together. "Something else we need to do." Borrowing a cell phone from one of the other scientists, Jon dialled 1-800-STRNGHD, showing it to Demeter. "Remember that number. It's important." "Got it."

"Stronghold Rapid Response." "This is Photon in Seattle, Washington," and he gave his registration number. "I'm sorry, Mr. Photon, but at your registration level I cannot scramble a Rapid Response Team on your say-so. Are the police on the way?" "Yes." "Then give me the details and we can start prepping. Give this case number to the police and they can give the go order." Jon tersely outlined what he knew and gave the address. "That sounds straightforward. We will be onsite as soon as we get the go." "Understood. See you soon." "Good hunting, sir."

Photon and Demeter watched quietly as flashing lights and sirens approached. "So that's it," Jon murmurred, feeling numb. He wasn't sure just which of many possible things he was referring to.

[Also note that I will shortly be putting up files on P.S.I. and the Doctor. I'll link soon.]

Shadow-Force Files: P.S.I. and the Doctor

As previously mentioned, I've got some new posts ready on P.S.I. and the Doctor.

By the way, I spoke to Erebus' original player yesterday, and told him about this game. When I said that Jon had found himself thinking in combat, 'What would Erebus do?' he laughed and said, "I don't know that Erebus is the best role-model for a superhero." ;)

6 - Rapid Responses

[This was a fairly short session that ended up not fitting neatly onto either the one before or the one after, so it ended up on its own. I like it - you don't often see the immediate aftermath of a super-battle. Also, drama on several fronts.]

[Note: This is occurring Saturday night. ]

The paramedics arrived and started checking FAQ's vitals. With his helmet and goggles off, you suddenly realized just how young he was; a sandy-haired kid who could've just stepped out of one of Jon's first-year physics classes. (Except, of course, for the fact that he didn't need it.) He offered his hand to Photon and said blearily, "Thanks again, man." Jon clasped it firmly. "Are you kidding? Thank YOU. If you hadn't been here, a big chunk of my city might be gone." The young man nodded faintly but was obviously having trouble focussing. One of the medics said, "Mr. FAQ? We're going to have to take you in for observation tonight." The details of getting in touch with the Protectors and so forth were worked out, with Photon helping fill in a lot of the blanks. FAQ agreed to stop by again in the morning before heading home to Portland.

Shortly thereafter, the cops showed up, notably Struthers. Photon shook his hand. "Didn't expect to see you tonight, Captain." "Dispatch thought it sounded like this was worth pulling me in. What happened?" "First things first - I've got an RR Team needing the go-order." "Right - well, give me the run-down first. I'll catch flak if they don't think this was worth it." Jon nodded, and said with a sigh, "It's Technoid. He's gone evil." Struthers rolled his eyes. "What is it with the Super subculture, anyway? You ever hear of anyone else just up and 'going evil'? You guys make it sound like getting a new hairstyle or going through a phase or something."

Jon blinked. "I guess it does sound strange, when you put it that way. But for now..." "Right, that's more like a six-beer conversation. So, fill me in." "He's mostly made of nanites now. Can spray them to try to turn you into... something else. Not sure what, but I can tell you it hurts like crazy." "Nanites, huh? Any shapeshifting?" "At least some. He could reconfigure his face at least." "Okay... What'd he want?" "As far as I can tell, he wanted to remake humanity." "Huh, can't say he's not thinking big. Anything that would make him hard to hold in a jail cell?" Jon shrugged wearily. "He's ultra-strong. I saw him lift something that weighs a few tons." "That's good enough. Give me the case number." Jon did so, and soon it was phoned in. Struthers added, "One of you will have to stay here until they show up." "I know the drill." "Right, I'll be leaving one of our boys too. Get in touch Monday." "Will do."

After a few more formalities, that was that. Jon felt a terrible weariness crashing down on him. Alpha... Beta... Scott. He told Demeter quietly, "You don't have to stay." She had been hanging back, watching, while Jon handled all the details. ""What're you going to do now?" "I'm... going to prevent the power from coming back on." "...Why?" Jon closed his eyes. "Before the fight went down, Alpha told me Technoid was turning him and Beta. He said he didn't think I could ever trust him again." "Ouch!" "Yeah. He... was a good friend." Jon sobbed once then wiped his eyes and started striding purposefully back to the base.

Demeter was awkwardly silent as she followed, and remained so as Photon checked on Technoid (nothing new, except a slight change in color) then on the generator (the repair-bots were still busily at work), then on Beta. Jon blinked as he checked the monitor at Beta's charging station. "Huh, that's funny." "What?" "I was going to put him in lockdown mode so he doesn't wake up on his own... but he's already there." "What does that mean?" "I don't know. And, hm, his radio receiver has been deactivated. That's definitely nonstandard..." Jon pondered. "I suppose Alpha might have put him to sleep so Technoid couldn't use him against us. But he didn't mention it. Hmmm. I wonder if...?" "What?" "Alpha told me once that Beta's programming isn't very sophisticated. Maybe Technoid had a hard time with him and put him out himself."

"How can we find out?" Jon shrugged. "Let the power come back on and check him out, I guess. I can take him if I have to." He sounded very weary as he said it. "And Alpha?" "He's one massive program. It takes him nearly a day to boot up from a cold restart. We can turn him off again before he 'comes to'." "Maybe he could be OK too?" Jon shook his head sadly. "I doubt it. Alpha didn't sound at all confident."

"Isn't there anything we can do?" Jon shrugged wearily. "Maybe. We'll try. But I'm afraid we may end up having to just pull th-..." Jon suddenly stood stock still, mouth hanging open. "Photon?! What is it?"

Jon snickered, then chuckled, then laughed for pure joy. Then he leaped up and started doing an aerial victory dance, laughing like a loon. "Forestrike, I could KISS you!!!" "Photon?!" Jon, heedless, only pirouetted in midair, coruscating with multi-colored beams, and shouted to the heavens, "You hear me, you lovely precognitive bastard?! If you're watching from a few months ago, PUCKER UP!!"

Demeter folded her arms and tapped her foot, giving him the evil eye. Jon laughed, at peace with the universe, and non-explained, "'Please don't pull the plug'!" "Are you going to tell me what's going on?" "I just did!" He took pity on her just as the air between them was about to ignite from her glare. "Okay, okay. Have you ever heard of Forestrike?" "...No." "Old enemy of Shadow-Force, especially the Phantom. A precognitive. Anyway, things got really hot for him and he fled the country. But he sends us letters now and then warning us of things to come." "So let me get this straight. He's a villain. He fought you guys a few times..." "Lots of times, actually." "...He fought you guys a bunch of times, and got forced out of the country. And now he's helping you out?" "Yeah, pretty much." "...How much of a villain can he possibly be?" "Plenty. I think it's a pride thing with him - he doesn't want anyone else to succeed where he failed. Plus, well, if Shadow-Force drops the ball on something really big - Diabolus-level big, for example - then being out of the country isn't going to help him much."

Demeter wrestled to process all this. "So... He said something about all this in a letter?" "Yeah... here." He dug up the letter and showed her. Her face became very still and impassive when she read it. "This 'Nephrite' line..." "Yes," Jon said candidly, "Alpha and I weren't sure we could trust you." Demeter said softly, "I don't know if I want to punch Forestrike, or thank him." Jon felt a chill down his spine. "...What do you mean?" "Well, how would you have reacted to me if not for this letter?" "Are you kidding? We would have welcomed you with open arms." "That's what I mean."

"Well, we certainly weren't positive. The only connection between you and 'nephrite' is the color green..." She studied him quietly, then said, "Do you know, I nearly took the name 'Jade'. I'm not sure why I changed my mind, but I did." Jon blinked and cleared his throat nervously. "Oh... really? Well... at any rate you certainly weren't 'worthless' tonight." She remained silent and still, watching him.

Jon asked with sudden sharpness, "Demeter, are you on the team?" Demeter picked up the letter again, not answering. "'You will need to save the world.' Odd phrasing. Does he know his grammar?" "Yes. Answer the question." She pointed out in that quiet, calm voice, "I fought with you. I got FAQ to safety..." "I know all that. And I appreciate it. But it doesn't quite answer the question, does it?" She paused, then asked, apparently changing the subject, "What was it like for you, being on the reserve team?"

Jon blinked again, but played along warily. "What do you want to know about it?" "Well, how closely did you work with Shadow-Force? Did you feel like a sidekick or the like?" "No. We were all very new, of course, but we patrolled with each other or with one Shadow-Force regular. We were doing the real thing." Demeter nodded. "Were you fully part of the team?" "After the reserve team more or less petered out, yes, I was. The press may have had a field day with me, but my teammates never did." "I see you still don't wear body armor..." Jon said evenly, "I can dodge a lot better now." "Ah."

Jon paused, then said bluntly, "There's a lot of subtext going on in this conversation. How about we just talk about it openly?" She just looked at him and said a bit bleakly, "I should be going." Jon suddenly realized what all this would feel like in her shoes, if she were actually innocent - a reliable precognitive saying she was a traitor, or would end up being one, when she had no such inclination. It had to be quite a shock and lead one to question one's own motives and indeed, just about everything else. (And also: 'I have lied to you once.') He cleared his throat and extended a sprig of olive, if not a full branch: "Well... Shall we get together tomorrow and work out a patrol plan?"

Demeter reacted to that for a moment, though he could not read the emotion. "Yes. I would like that. ... Will you need to sleep in, given what a night this has been?" "Noon?" "Sure. I'll see you then."

Beta's charging station had its own emergency batteries, enough to keep him going a little while. Jon thought for a bit, then cancelled the lockdown and started the reboot sequence. "Come on, Beta. Work with me here." Even if Forestrike's prophecy is on the level, he thought, that doesn't mean there'll be no hitches. After an interminable time, Beta's eyes began to glow and he stated, "Hard reboot: Online." Jon said carefully, "Beta, there's been a battle. I need you not to turn on your radio receiver, just in case." "Note: I can tune my receiver to tight-beam with my brother." "Yes, I know. But Alpha's down right now, and he warned me he might not be trustworthy any more." Beta took a long moment grinding on that thought, then finally asked, "...We faced a cyberkinetic enemy?" "Yes." "Troubling. Initiating level-2 diagnostic..."

Jon waited patiently, relieved. Beta finally said, "Level-2 diagnostic... failed. Do you wish to retry or abort?" "Hmmm. Why did it fail?" "Unknown." "Figures. Retry, I guess." "Initiating level-2 diagnostic... ...Level-2 diagnostic complete. All systems are nominal." "Hmmm. All right. Do you know who put you in lockdown?" "No." "What's your last memory before you were locked down?" "I docked with the charging station and entered power-conservation mode." "Okay... Did Alpha leave you any special instructions on how to proceed in a situation like this?" "No." "Wonderful." Grind, grind. "...I do not see how the situation is 'wonderful'." Jon told him wearily, "It's a figure of speech, never mind." "Noted." "You continue charging, Beta, I'm going to read up on how to help Alpha." "Agreed."

Jon grabbed the hefty manual on Alpha and went out to the lobby of the base to read. He was already familiar with the stuff in the first chapter, on the basic reboot sequence and level-1 diagnostics, but he felt sure he was going to need something heftier than that. The cop poked his head in and asked if he wanted coffee; Jon politely declined. After another hour or so, he heard a heavy vehicle pulling up to the base and went out to meet it. [The Rapid Response Teams fly in from Colorado on their own custom VTOL jets, but unfortunately they're a little too large to land safely on the Shadow-Force base's grounds. They land at the nearest safe spot and unload a truck to come the rest of the way.] Out of the cab hopped two grunts wearing blue-and-white Stronghold powered armor and carrying high-powered multi-rifles, and the Team Leader followed them in lighter body armor. Meanwhile two techs in similar body armor came out the back, laden with equipment. Given that there was likely a lightly-armored medic inside, Jon saw that they'd sent the standard six-man complement.

The grunts took up positions while the Team Leader approached the cop first, offering a gloved hand. "Officer. Alpha One." Jon smiled. A couple hours ago, the fact he'd gotten Team Alpha, of the six available, would have struck him with crushing irony, given who he was mourning. Now... Not so much, thank God. As the two consulted, the two techs approached him, one of them juggling several pieces of gear to offer a hand. "You're Photon?" Jon shook his hand. "Yeah. Glad to 'meet' you, Alpha Four." The tech just chuckled. "Way of the world, sir. Where are we headed?" Jon jerked his head toward the base. "In there, toward the back. I'll show you." [The RRT's *never* use names in the field. There's too many ways that can be used against them, not least by truename mages. Jon read his number off his helmet.]

Alpha One approached and likewise greeted Photon. "I understand that the subject is in a container with a magnetic bottle?" Jon frowned, "No container. It's a free-standing magnetic bottle I created with my powers." The Team Leader sighed. "That wasn't in the briefing. Well, we'll make do." He glanced an order at one of the techs, who scurried off to get some more stuff from the truck. Soon they trooped into the base. "The power's out? Can we get the lights on?" "Oh... sure. Here." Jon lived up to his codename by lighting up the base with his powers.

The techs set up instruments around Technoid to get a better feel for what was going on. (It had changed color slightly again.) Meanwhile, the Team Leader asked, "What is his biological status?" Jon shrugged wearily. "I'm not even sure it HAS biology any more." "Hmmm, you'd better tell us everything." Alpha One debriefed him thoroughly; when he heard about the pollen and its effect, he called the medic in, and they concluded they couldn't cut off Technoid's air. That obviously made the techs' lives more difficult, but they set to work. Alpha One also insisted that the medic check Photon out for nanite contamination; Jon sighed and submitted to a scan. "Wow," the medic finally mused, "You're in impressively good health." "Yeah - I can heal myself when I take on my light-form."

As they spoke, the techs got an insulated box of high-tech alloy around the metallic blob of Technoid and hooked air bottles up to it. Seeing the box closed up moved Jon unexpectedly. He said quietly to nobody in particular, "He used to be my friend." The nearest tech only nodded and said briskly, "Sorry, sir." Technoid proved to weigh over a ton, so it took the two grunts to carry the box out. Jon signed all the forms, Alpha One saluted him, and that was that. He went back in, dejected, and told Beta, "I'm going to get some sleep. Call me if anything untoward happens." "Acknowledged."

Home a split-second later, Jon undressed and fell into bed.


He was awakened early by his cell phone. Glancing at it, he didn't recognize the number. "...Hello?" "Photon, this is Beta. I need you at the base as soon as possible." Jon sighed. "OK." He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, then zipped over to the base in light-form, bringing his costume into being as he materialized. Beta was blocking the door to the base with his body while a man in a suit ranted and raved at him. "Okay," the electromagnetic hero said, "What's this all about?" The man harrumphed and said, "Photon, I INSIST that you tell this... ROBOT... to get out of my way!" "Do you. And who are you to be insisting?"

The man scowled and pulled out a card. "Roger Hamilton, Vice President of Research for Carlton Industries." "All right. What do you want, Mr. Hamilton?" "We've decided to decommission this... base... of yours immediately." "Have you. And why would that be?" "It's a radiation health hazard! Very dangerous."

Photon folded his arms. "Let me get this straight. When Technoid's lab held a time bomb capable of wiping out half of Seattle, that was fine. But now that the time bomb's gone and the only issue is some background radiation - which I can easily decontaminate, I might add - now it becomes a health hazard?" That just set the man off on another tirade. Photon gathered from the midst of it that in addition to the health issues, he also wanted to remove some 'Carlton property' from the premises. Jon frowned. Given the legal ambiguities around artificial intelligence, he didn't like the sound of that. [I'll get a post up soon in Shadow-Force Files on the legal issues involving non-humans.]

"I see. And do you have an itemized list of the property you wish to remove?" "No! ... Not with me, at any rate. It's at my office." Jon said mock-brightly, "Well, tell you what! How about you get things together on your end, and I'll go in and talk with Mr. Carlton on Monday, and we can get this all straightened out." "...FINE! But I insist that the base be sealed!" Jon shrugged. "Have it your way. But Beta needs to get in and out to recharge, and so do I to run diagnostics on him." That set off a further storm of protest, but Photon would not budge. The man eventually went off in a huff... but he seemed too confident of the final issue on Monday by half. We'll see about that, Jon thought to himself.

Going in, he found the lights on. "The generator's back up, I guess?" "Confirmed." "Good." Jon locked down the outer door. Beta stated, "I require further power to recharge properly. I am at 13% and falling. My laser and flight-jets are offline." "Understood... You want the grid back up, then?'" "Confirmed." "I'll see what I can do, though Carlton won't like it. Wait for me to figure out how to fix Alpha before we do that?" "Agreed."

Jon sat down with the tome again, this time in the Situation Room. Alpha... You'll come back to us, he thought. You have to. I can't lose another friend!

Which reminds me... Jon sighed, and picked up a phone to call Bazooka and Brimstone. They need to know about Scott.
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Shadow-Force Files: Super Slang

Two big new posts over at Shadow-Force Files, on the slang used by supers to refer to each other and to norms.

Note that Photon himself is not wholly conversant with these terms. He's only been a super for a year; and more importantly, his role-models in Shadow-Force didn't tend to use them much.

Erebus and Bazooka, the oldest members of the group, disdained the newer, youth-Super terms. They stuck to tried-and-true terms like "cape" and "mask" (which go back to the days of the Mystery Men), and to terms like "Sid", which is too darn useful not to make use of. Erebus was willing to pick up any term he could squeeze maximum snark out of, though - he was fond of sarcastic Golden and Silver Age terms like 'our blue brethren'.

The Phantom was raised by P.S.I. who were, as SP puts it, "a bunch of intellectual snobs" - they didn't go in for slang. Plus, of course, he had Erebus for a model himself. Finally, he was far too diplomatic and polite to ever use pejorative terms for people.

The result was that Shadow-Force was fairly conservative as far as terminology went, and this was only reinforced by their constant work with the Freedom Squad - American Eagle ran a very tight ship, and Black Phantom was a pretty no-nonsense guy himself.

On the other hand, as you can see in our sessions, a younger hero like FAQ is much more free with Super lingo.

We anticipate there will be a third Super Slang post in the near future, but it isn't quite ready as yet.
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First Post
Didn't know there was a Story Hour until I read your Shadow-Force post, so now I've binged it all. Brilliant stuff! Your 'verse comes alive more like the DC or Wildstorm settings than a homebrew -most homebrews feel like they're populated by pastiches, but your characters are so vivid. I particularly like FAQ and the Texas Hex. :D

Didn't know there was a Story Hour until I read your Shadow-Force post, so now I've binged it all. Brilliant stuff! Your 'verse comes alive more like the DC or Wildstorm settings than a homebrew -most homebrews feel like they're populated by pastiches, but your characters are so vivid. I particularly like FAQ and the Texas Hex. :D

Glad to have you, Asha'man! I've edited the top post in Shadow-Force Files to clarify that there is a Story Hour thread.

Yes, SuentisPo does vivid NPC's better than any other GM I've ever met. He's also tremendous fun to world-design with. We complement each other nicely; of course, we've had over twenty years of gaming together to get used to each other!

Perhaps you'd also care to take a look at my old Story Hour, The Shadow Knows! (The link is in the top post of this thread.) It's now ended, but it was a wild ride while it lasted! Very different from this game, though - it's a dark, Iron Age setting in which powers (almost entirely psionic) are not publicly known to exist. Like this game, it was a revival of an old, old character of mine that turned out very well.
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7 - Delayed Responses

[This was two short RP-heavy sessions further detailing the aftermath of _Dragon's Egg_. Lots of fallout from that adventure!]

Jon made the call. "Liz? It's Jon." "Jon, good to hear from you! Been keeping track of the news, you seem to be doing well." "Thanks." "...Something wrong?" "Yeah. Scott came out. Sort of." Warily, "...What exactly do you mean by 'sort of'?"

"Well, something came out. A ton-and-a-half something made of nanites that said it wasn't Scott any more, and soon it would rule the world." After a moment's pause, "Please, PLEASE tell me you're joking." "I suppose I am exaggerating a little. Actually it just wanted to remake humanity from scratch using nanites." "...Hoo, boy. At least tell me it didn't use the phrase, 'in my own image'." "No." "That's something. There's only so many villainous stereotypes I think I could take." "Yeah. Anyway, whatever it is, it's on the way to Stronghold."

"So, I guess Bill and I should be ready for the media to descend." "Oh yeah. It's going to be a firestorm. The more so because they're already gaga over my adding someone to the team." "Haven't heard about that down here yet! When did this happen?" "Last night. I'd just got done taking her on a trial run when she had to help me with Technoid." "Wow, talk about baptism by fire! What's her shtick?" "Plant powers. She's calling herself Demeter." "Hmm. You're going to need someone for melee. Preferably a brick."

"Yes, well, I'm taking whatever I can get at this point. Anyway, I'm thinking that Scott's family needs to know about him before they hear it on the news. Do you know anything about them?" "Good point, but no, I don't recall him ever talking about his family. He should have an emergency protocol sheet, though. Mike made us all fill one out." "Right, I remember. Where are they kept?" "In the safe in the vault. They'll be in a big manila envelope. You have the combination, right?" "Yes... Does the power need to be on to open it?"

Sharply, "Jon, what did you do?" Jon retorted, a little defensively, "He was a cyberkinetic. He locked the base down hard, I had to kill the power." "Kill it dead?!" "The backup generator's back online, if that's what you're asking." "Oh, whew. I thought you'd killed off the 'bots as well." "Give me a little credit. I knew the fight'd be over before they fixed it."

"...Let's just be glad that you got me instead of Bill. Not that he's much of a one for answering the phone anyway." "Why, are you saying I could have done it better?" She sighed. "No, actually. I'm saying that he would have found a way to say you could have done it better." She sounded a little disgusted with her fiance. "Huh?" "Because he'd be worried and upset and you'd be available to take it out on." "Oh... Anyway, the vault?"

"Backup power should be more than sufficient to open it. How're Alpha and Beta?" "Technoid hacked them; Beta seems to be OK. If anything, he seems more 'human' than usual." "He's always responded well to crisis situations. And Alpha?" "I'm working on rebooting him in diagnostic mode, just in case." Brimstone sighed. "I'm not saying anything against you, Jon, you did a great job. But I wish Mike were here." "Me too, but why especially now?" "He had greater rapport with Alpha than any of us, even Scott. I never did figure out why, they just hit it off."

[In point of fact, Alpha bewildered Mike by asking him for dating advice. (!) He had quite the cyber-romance going on with this cute Japanese AI in a top-secret corporate lab. The Phantom ended up knowing more about the AI social scene than probably any other meat-person on the planet! Given that Mike had pretty much zero dating experience, this was a little odd, but he was a very understanding and insightful guy, plus he lived in the base. And in the other direction, I think it was a relief for Mike to have a friend whose mind he *couldn't* read, even by accident.]

"Yeah, I know. He and I have been getting closer since, well." "Yeah. Anyway, you'll need full power to get Beta charged up." "I know, but I'm not sure we're going to have power even once it's repaired." "...Huh?" "This Carlton guy came by this morning, saying they're closing the base down post-haste. He was a real jerk about it, too."

"That does NOT sound like the Malcolm Carlton I know." "Agreed, I'm not sure what's going on yet. He was a Vice President of Research, named Hamilton. I had the suspicion he was after Alpha." "Hamilton... Middle-aged guy, about your size, black hair, potbelly?" "That's him." "Yeah, we've tangled with him before. He's after Alpha, all right, and he'll use any pretext. 'Dangerous, high-voltage electronic devices' is a favorite. Mike shut him down hard a number of times. The last time, Erebus savaged him - only verbally! - and he seemed to give up."

"I see. He's taking a stronger line now, going on about 'Carlton property'. I guess he sees an opening and thinks I'm too weak to stop him." "Probably, yes." "Well, he's mistaken. I've already been pondering several games of hardball I could play if I have to." "Oh?" Jon grinned smugly. "Alpha took a job with Carlton. I'll bet the ACLU would leap at the chance to file a workmen's comp claim for him." "Oooo! I like the way you think!" "Yeah, it'd be a thing of beauty. It'd go all the way to the Supreme Court, I bet - not that a corporate tool would want to chance a case like that in the first place."

"He'll be after Beta too, just so you know." Jon snorted. "Fat chance. The newspapers call him the 'veteran hero' of Seattle. If Alpha's case would be radioactive, his would be thermonuclear. Especially with the media circus we're about to experience." "Right, but be ready for trouble all the same. How far along is Alpha with his moving plans?" "I'm not sure." "Beta will know. When are you going in to talk to Carlton?" "Hopefully, first thing Monday morning." "Good. Nobody in Carlton will be able to get a team out there on a Sunday. I'll keep my cell phone on, in case you need backup from other 'veterans'." "No offense, Liz, but if at all possible I'd like to handle this myself. People need to stop seeing me as the rookie." "I know, Jon, and really, you ARE doing great. But if you need it for Alpha's sake, we're there."

"Thanks. I'd better be going. Hopefully I'll have a day of grace to get things squared away before the media storm breaks." "Bye, Jon. Good luck! And be sure to let me know what happens." "I will."

Jon hung up with a sigh. "Beta? How far along is Alpha with the moving plans?" Beta recited, "All nonessential equipment has been moved to the new location, and it has been secured." "Ah, good. So the only thing that remains is to move your charging station and Alpha himself?" "Confirmed." "What's the address?" "My brother instructed me to place it in an envelope in the safe, in case of emergency."

"Great, I was going to head down there anyway. Oh, and Beta? Next time you call me on my personal cell phone, please don't call me 'Photon'. Call me 'Jon'." "Acknowledged." "In fact, you shouldn't refer to yourself as 'Beta' in that context, either. Call yourself... 'Sidney'." "Query: Why 'Sidney' in particular?" "It's a Super term. 'Sid' stands for 'secret ID'." "...Acknowledged." [And as will come up shortly, 'Sal' is the feminine equivalent, when needed. It stands for "Secret Alternate Life".]

Jon went down the stairs to the vault. The absence of Mike's still, sleeping form smote him; Carlton had moved Mike's body to a private hospital the previous week. Opening the safe, he first opened Alpha's envelope, read the address therein, and committed it to memory. Replacing it, he then drew out the large manila envelope full of the emergency forms. Opening it, he found a number of smaller envelopes labelled by name. 'Michael', 'James', 'William', 'Elizabeth', 'Al' (interesting, that), 'Jonathan' ... 'Scott'. It had evidently been replaced last. Drawing it out with some trepidation, Jon opened it.

Instead of the standard protocol form of instructions Mike had created, Scott had left a legal document: His last will and testament. Reading through it slowly, Jon had a sinking sensation. There were no bequests to any family members whatever. Rather, there were gifts to several charities: Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence, the Betty Ford Foundation... "Ouch," Jon said to himself softly. It didn't seem to speak of a happy, functional family life. The smallest amount given was a million dollars; Scott was no Bill Gates, but he had definitely done well for himself.

There was also a bequest to Shadow-Force itself, and a fund for scholarships for disadvantaged youth in the sciences and engineering. Finally, there was a large amount set aside for a purpose that took Jon's breath away: A research grant to study the relationship between the esper metagene and mental instability. The really shocking thing was that the grant was contingent upon Dr. Sebastian Poe being invited to participate in the research - the original founder of P.S.I.!

At least the contact info for his lawyer was present. Jon went upstairs and called, then told the answering service that yes, it was an emergency. After being told he'd get a call back in about an hour, he hung up and returned to poring over Alpha's manual.

Finally feeling some assurance about what to do, he set about sending the already slowly-rebooting AI the commands to shift to level-3 diagnostic mode. Thankfully, the transaction went off without a hitch... But alas, the book said it'd take 48 hours to run through the whole thing. Stroking the console, Jon murmured, "I wish you could be here with me through this mess, friend. But it's more important for you to get better."

Shortly after, the lawyer called, a Josh Peters. "Hello," Jon told him wearily, "This is Photon at the Shadow-Force base... I'm calling about Scott Campbell's last will and testament." "...Oh. It sounds like his experiment did not succeed, then." "...What do you know about it?" "Nothing, only that it was dangerous and he wasn't sure he would survive. I assume that, well, he is now deceased?"

"That's... not totally clear. I'm not sure if he would be legally be considered dead or alive at this point." "...I beg your pardon?" "The thing that came out of the experiment weighed a ton and a half, was made out of nanites, and claimed not to be Scott Campbell any longer. It should be in Stronghold by now." "Oh my. That does sound difficult to untangle. I'll have to research it."

"Do you know how to contact his family? They need to know before this is splashed all over the news." "I'm afraid that Mr. Campbell had no immediate family." "Surely he had a next-of-kin." "I'm it." Jon took a moment to process that, then said, "I'm sorry." "I'm Scott's second cousin. Everyone in his branch of the family died young, generally through reckless or self-destructive behavior. He was worried that they had inherited a damaged version of the metagene."

Jon sighed. "That explains a lot." "Yes. Even before his ... accident... a few months ago, he had been growing increasingly distant." "I know." "It weighed heavily on his mind; it's why he never had children." "I... wish we'd known." "Believe me, Mr. Photon, when I say that my cousin was not an easy man to help. God knows I tried. Please do not blame yourself."

"I'm not. I just... wish it had been different." "As do I." "Please keep me informed of your research." "Actually, I will be recusing myself due to conflict of interest; one of my partners will do the work. I will let you know what conclusions we reach." "Thank you."

Not long after that, FAQ arrived. Jon went to the front to let him in. "What's the lockdown all about?" the young hero wanted to know. "Political issues with Carlton. How're you feeling?" "Better, they say I'm good to go." "Good. So what brings you by? You said you wanted to stop by before heading home."

"Yeah. I just wanted to thank you again now that I'm coherent." Jon smiled. "You're welcome, once again. But honestly, FAQ, you'd have done the same for me, right?" "Yeah, but I didn't." "True, but if you hadn't been here, my city might be a real mess." The young man looked around at some of the debris from the battle. "Hate to see what you'd call a 'real' mess." "Upwards of half my city turned into a radioactive wasteland?" "Yeah."

Jon paused, studying him. "Is there something else on your mind?" FAQ sighed. "Yeah, I'm a lot less enthusiastic about nanites than I used to be..." When the joke fell flat, he looked away and asked quietly, "But seriously... What's up with Technoid?" "The RR Team took it away. I imagine it's at Stronghold by now." "No, I mean... Why did he do that to himself?"

Jon sighed. "I'm not totally sure, though I have some guesses. How well did you know him?" FAQ swallowed. "Um, not that well, I guess. But... He was kind of my inspiration for doing all this." "Oh," Jon said, suddenly understanding. He reached out and gripped FAQ's shoulder. "Listen, man. Technoid was pretty messed up. He got melded with his devices a few months ago, and hadn't been the same since."

"I heard about that. But is that all of it? I mean, he was really smart. What did he see in becoming that... thing?" "Listen, FAQ," Jon said firmly, "Scott's choices are not yours. You are free to choose your own path." FAQ took a deep breath, let it out. "Yeah. ... You said you had some guesses?"

Jon hesitated, then said truthfully, "I learned just this morning that he was afraid his metagene was causing mental instability." The young hero's eyes flew wide. "Oh my God!" "No, relax. He was afraid his family's version was damaged. They... apparently all did crazy things." "Oh." Silence.

Jon waited, then asked, "Are you OK?" "...Yeah. Thanks, Photon." Jon released him. "You're welcome." After an awkward silence, Jon changed the subject. "So what did Technoid do to you while I was cutting the power?" "Oh. He was apparently ready for another wrench - I dunno whether he had me or Siren or someone else in mind. He shorted my suit out completely." [Wrench: Super term for a gadgeteer.] "Harsh." "Yeah, I'm going to make some mods to keep it from happening again. It wasn't much fun being completely useless."

"You weren't..." "Yeah, I know. I'd better keep it down, or Moke'll get on my case. You never want to run down your abilities when he's around." "He does have a way of... making his point heard, doesn't he?" FAQ said seriously, "He can make the corny seem believable. I honestly don't know how he does it." "While he's talking, anyway." "Yeah, but often for a lot longer, too. I've often found that his advice comes back to me when I need it." "Well, he's a seasoned, experienced hero. You learn a lot when you've been around the block as much as Moke has - you have to." "Yeah."

FAQ finally said, "Well, I guess I'd better be going." Jon had a sudden thought. "Could you do me a favor before you go?" "Sure. What is it?" "Like I said, we're having political issues with Carlton at the moment. I suspect the power's been turned off, and I need it to recharge Beta. Could you rig up an ultracapacitor or something that would let me power the base by shooting lightning at it every so often?"

"Easy. Show me your power system." Jon led him to the junction box he'd melted the previous night. "Wow, you really did a number on it." "I was kind of pressed for time." "Yeah." The gadgeteer hooked up leads to several conduits. "Yep, you're right, the power's off. It'll take some work to wire around the damage, but I'll see what I can do." "The repair 'bots will be getting to this area soon, I'm sure." "I'll take that into account."

As the teen hero worked, his intense expression reminded Jon of something from the night before. "You know..." "Yeah?" "This isn't an easy subject to broach, but I think it's worth mentioning. Did you realize you were pretty rude to the scientists last night?" FAQ looked up from his wiring. "What do you mean?" Jon quoted, "'Who're these bozos?' 'Amateur brigade.' Not exactly terms to endear you to them." "Oh, that. Well, I figured they were just specks, you know?" [Speck: Super term for a 'spectator' to a super battle.] "They were doing their part. And even if they weren't, it's worthwhile to leave a good impression." FAQ shrugged, a little uncomfortably. "I just could see they didn't have any idea what they were doing. They were barely even started on understanding that thing, and they were going about it all wrong."

"Yeah. They're not as smart as you. The vast majority of people aren't. If you get annoyed and rude every time people are dumber than you are, you're going to be annoyed all the time and alienate a lot of people. And aren't all those stupid people the ones we're doing all this to protect?" FAQ sighed. "Yeah." "Just think about it." "...OK." Jon changed the subject and made small talk as FAQ worked.

After half an hour or so of tinkering, FAQ had a whole array of cables leading to the various conduits, all connected by complicated-looking adapters to a large metal plate emerging from a circuit-encrusted base. "OK, it's not pretty, but it should work. Give it a try." Jon shot a lightning bolt at the plate, which sparked and coruscated; indicator lights flashed on its base, one of the adapters sparked, and the room's lights came fully on. FAQ made a few adjustments, then announced, "We're good." "How often will I need to hit it with a max-strength bolt to keep it at full power?" "Dunno, depends on what your 'max strength' is. Hit it again and I'll take some readings."

Jon did so, and after closing his eyes and calculating briefly, FAQ announced, "About every half hour. Or every hour and fifteen minutes if you turn off everything nonessential." "OK, that'll be enough to charge Beta, anyway. Thanks a lot, FAQ!" "Don't mention it. It'd take a lot more than this to be worth my life."

Jon smiled and offered his hand. "Tell you what. Pay it back to the stupid people. Though if you want to save my life sometime, be my guest!" FAQ laughed and shook on it. "Okay, you're on. See you around, Photon."

"Likewise. ... By the way, Siren mentioned you guys were going to get people up here on a rotating basis? How's that coming?" FAQ sighed. "Yeah, well, we hit a snag." "Oh?" "Well... I probably shouldn't tell you this, so keep it quiet. But we're hitting a lot of red tape, transportation-wise." "The teleportals?" "Uh huh. You would not believe the number of permits, caveats, and rules the state of Washington wants for us to use it in their territory. And now the feds are getting involved too!"

Now it was Jon's turn to sigh. "Oh, great, let me guess - interstate commerce." "You got it." "Surely there's some sort of provision for emergencies." "Oh, sure. That's how I got up here last night. But Moke's probably got writer's cramp by now filling out all the forms certifying it as an emergency, and I'm sure he'll have a ream ready for me when I get back too." The young hero rolled his eyes. "I'll probably have to sign in blood that I didn't bring any insects or fruit with me, and who knows what else!"

Jon laughed. "Sounds like fun." "Oh yeah. You'll see soon enough. I heard you're applying for second-level registration... depending on your powers, all sorts of federal agencies will want to shove their oars in. In your case, I'll bet the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is gonna want their pound of flesh, along with who knows how many others." Jon sighed, covering his eyes. "The joys of bureaucracy. At least tell me the IAEA won't get involved." "Probably not, but I wouldn't count on it."

"Gee, thanks for brightening my day." FAQ grinned and said in an exaggerated 'heroic' tone, "My work here is done!" Jon laughed and punched him in the arm. "Not yet. You still have all those fun forms to fill out. Get to it, wrench-boy." "Aie! Truly, you are avenged, sir!" After a little more light-hearted banter, FAQ finally took his leave, whistling to himself.

By then it was getting close to noon. Jon wandered over to the door, and sure enough, Demeter rang the bell at 12 sharp. He unsealed the door to let her in; she looked quizzically at all the preparations when he sealed it back down. "What's that all about?" "We're having issues with Carlton. One of their higher-ups is after Alpha, and so they're trying to shut the base down early. They told me to keep it sealed, and I'm cooperating. For now."

"That... doesn't seem to make sense." "Oh, it does. You knew Shadow-Force was funded by Carlton Industries, right?" She nodded, and he continued, "Well, Mr. Carlton himself is a great guy. But there are other people in the company who... aren't so much. One of them wants to get his hands on Alpha, and he thinks he can do that by kicking us out."

"What's he want him for?" "I'm not totally sure, but I can tell you he doesn't see Alpha as a person, just a machine. I wouldn't be surprised if he wants to take him apart and figure out how he works." Demeter frowned. "And we're not going to let him." "Darn straight we're not!" "What's the plan?"

"Well, the first thing you need to know is that we're in for a major media feeding frenzy." "About me, Technoid, or something else?" "All of the above. Technoid's the biggest thing, but they were already doing cartwheels over you last night; Alpha told me about it before the fight went down." "Oh, great. And the something else?" "The explosion. Depending on circumstances, we may need to keep that very quiet, or we may need to shout it from the rooftops. Anyway, I'm going to arrange a press conference for Monday afternoon or evening. How much experience do you have with the press?"

"Just the papparazzi last night." Jon sighed. "Great. OK, imagine dozens of him all at once." She shuddered. "Lovely." "Yeah. Don't worry, I'll do most of the talking, but you'll probably need to make a statement. Be thinking about it." "Yeah, I think I can see how it works. Are we in a relationship? No comment." "Actually, it'd probably be better to say our relationship is purely professional. 'No comment' almost makes it sound like we have something to hide." "Got it. But you said it to the guy last night?" "Sure, I was trying to get rid of him. There wouldn't be much point in trying to get rid of reporters at a press conference."

Demeter nodded, taking it all in. Jon suddenly realized with a queasy sensation that to her, he was the veteran; she was listening to him the way he'd listened to the Phantom. I'm not the clueless newbie any more, he thought. Or at any rate, I'm the least clueless newbie. And that... is kind of scary.

He cleared his throat and said, "Anyway, just so you know ahead of time, it may be that I'll need to make Carlton Industries look bad in the conference. I really, really don't want to have to do that, but if they force my hand, I will." "Okay... how will you tip me off, so I know not to praise the wrong people and so on?" "I'll be meeting with them hopefully Monday morning. I'll know going in what our stance is going to be, and I'll tell you." "Okay, good."

Jon announced, "OK, next item on the agenda. We formulate a patrol plan." He gathered some maps and spread them out on a table. Then he pointed to the map with Tex's compass on it, and added, "Oh, and don't bump that map over there." Demeter agreed, clearly bemused by the request. She seemed to just be taking things as they came at this point.

Jon uncapped a marker and wrote the days of the week at the top of a whiteboard, then asked, "OK, so what days and times do you need to see Sidney?"

[This bit was rather confusing, as they'd clearly learned different shades of meaning for that particular Super slang term. To Photon, 'Sid' or 'Sidney' just means secret-ID stuff. You use 'Sal' or 'Sally' only when necessary to be clear or avoid embarrassing phrases. But to Demeter, apparently you use the same-sex term for your life in general, and the opposite-sex term for your love interest. I thought at the time that maybe SP and I weren't on the same page about it at the player level, but he says no, he thought it was a realistic sort of mix-up to happen.]

"Er, I don't have a Sidney right now. I have to meet Sally from 8 to noon each weekday." Photon paused in confusion, and they were at cross-purposes for a time until finally working what the other meant. [To him it sounded like she'd just said she didn't have a secret ID, and needed 8 to noon each weekday to see her lesbian lover. :) Or at any rate someone whom it was necessary to specifically call out as female.] That impasse gotten over, they were finally able to work out a three-person patrol schedule. The businesslike camaraderie of it seemed to set Demeter noticeably at ease.

About halfway through the planning session, Photon suddenly announced, "Hold on, I need to go shoot some lightning." Demeter took that in her stride and didn't even ask why.

Jon finally said, "OK, I think we're set. But there's something you need to know. At times, you're going to be patrolling with Beta." "Yeah?" "He's, well, not very bright. He's pretty good with combat, but all the same, you're the one who's going to have to supply the tactical coordination." "...Oh. Well, can we do a joint patrol on Saturday so I get a feel for working with him without being on my own?" "Sure, that's a good idea. Don't worry, it's not so bad. You just have to patient with him. He's... a bit slow." Demeter laughed. Jon asked, "What?" "Sorry. I just worked as a candystriper once, and it sounds a lot like working in the mental ward." "Not a bad analogy. We supers can be a crazy lot."

Jon immediately regretted saying it, thinking of Scott. They both winced. Demeter finally cleared her throat and mused, "...I suppose the basics aren't too hard. Get the big robot between you and the dangerous stuff." Jon nodded seriously. "Absolutely. He's a lot less squishy than you are. Also, he's totally immune to almost all mental stuff." "Oh! That sounds very handy!" "It is, believe me."

"What's the deal with him and Alpha, anyway?" Demeter asked. "They think of themselves as 'brothers'." "...That's pretty weird." "Not really. They were made by the same guy; I suspect that Beta may originally have been intended as Alpha's telepresence unit." "Oh, so if they get broken, he can fix them?" "No... He was murdered shortly after they were created. They don't talk about their 'father' much - I don't know why."

"Is that everything, Photon?" "Almost. You'll need to fill this out." He handed her a blank emergency protocol form and an envelope. "Seal it up, and I'll put it in a safe place. I promise I won't look at it unless you're... not able to speak for yourself." Demeter accepted it solemnly; clearly it was coming home to her that 'this is real'.

"And finally. Having slept on the whole prophecy thing, I have a question for you and then something to say." She looked a little uneasy, but said, "Okay... shoot." Jon paused, then said, "Thinking it over, I can see why you might want to punch Forestrike. But I'm not clear on why you would want to thank him."

Demeter sighed. "Well... It's moot now, I guess. But I was afraid that our powers meshed poorly enough that I wouldn't even get an audition." "...How does that translate into thanking him?" She shrugged. "Negative attention is still attention. I thought at the time that maybe you felt a greater need to check me out because of the prophecy." "Oh, I see." "So what did you want to tell me?"

Jon said, "So far as I can see, there's really only three possibilities for the prophecy." Demeter nodded warily, but said nothing, so Jon continued. "One. Despite all appearances, we're both wrong about you being 'Nephrite'. In which case, the prophecy doesn't apply to you at all, so: Welcome to the team."

"Two. You are in fact 'Nephrite', but we're misinterpreting what 'worthless' and 'faithless' mean." She interjected, "Well, while I've never been very religious, I don't think I'm what you could call 'faithless'." "Right, but of course there's the other meaning of, well, 'treacherous'." She nodded uncomfortably, and added, "I do feel my powers were pretty 'worthless' last night." "Let's come back to that later, okay? I have some ideas on that topic." "Okay..." "Anyway, to continue, in this second case, where we've misinterpreted things, or Forestrike was just being spitefully obscure, there's no reason to fear, so: Welcome to the team."

"Three. You are 'Nephrite', and the words 'worthless' and 'faithless' should be taken at face value." Demeter braced herself, looking very defensive, as Jon continued. "In that case, I say this. You've already averted part of the prophecy using your free will, by not taking the name 'Jade'. And I am choosing to trust you to avert the rest of it using your free will as well. So: Welcome to the team."

Demeter smiled beautifully at him, relieved. Jon told her seriously, "I can't go through life constantly looking over my shoulder. So I won't." He paused and they both let that sink in, then he said, "And believe me, your powers weren't 'worthless'. We just need to figure out how to get all the use out of them we can."

"But..." "Demeter. You knocked Technoid off-balance long enough for me to get another shot at him. That's not even remotely 'worthless'. There's no way we can know for sure, of course, but that extra shot might have spelled the difference between victory and defeat." She nodded slowly, thinking that over. Jon added, "And it's not uncommon for a particular power suite to be useless against a certain kind of foe, you know. It happens all the time. I mean, look at the Phantom."

Demeter looked puzzled. "What about him?" "Big, nationally-known, universally-respected hero, right?" "Yeah?" "He was totally helpless against robots." She blinked, and he continued, "Oh, he could lift the smaller ones with his telekinesis. But big, heavy ones? They couldn't hurt him, at least not without some pretty fancy technology, but he couldn't hurt them either. There was just nothing he could do to them." "So what did he do?" Jon shrugged. "Either he relied on his teammates, or else he found clever ways to leverage his powers. Or, most often, both. And that's what we're going to do with yours." "How?"

"I've been thinking about that. The trouble is, indoors where there's no plants, you have to rely on your pollen. If an enemy happens to be immune to your pollen, you're out of luck... unless we can bring plants into the picture. Supposing you carried a bag of, say, kudzu seeds. Could you make them grow fast enough to snare people?"

Demeter's eyes widened and she thought it over. "Hmmm. Yes... I would need a little time to get them started, but yes." "How long?" "You'd have to cover for me for a few seconds, but then I could snare probably several people at once." "See? That's doable. And definitely worthwhile. My only concern is, how well will they do as snares considering they can't get rooted?" "Oh believe me, they'll get rooted - you've seen how strong the trees are. It'll do damage to the floor, of course."

"Well, that's fine, then. There's lots of powers that do more property damage than that! ... I don't know if kudzu is the right plant to use, of course, I just said that off the top of my head." "I can think of any number of promising varietals. Thanks, Photon." "No problem! The more we can work out how to use our powers together, the more effective a team we'll be." They smiled at each other.

Just then the 'doorbell' rang. "Huh," Jon said, and went and checked the door monitor.

He saw a man with shoulder-length brown hair who, apart from wearing a blank full-face mask of dark, rigid material, appeared to have stepped out of a Ren Faire. He wore a blousy white shirt and leather leggings, with a rust-red cloak over all. A sturdy leather baldric bearing a bright silver buckle crossed his chest, supporting a sword with a basket hilt.

Thoroughly puzzled, Jon told Demeter, "Be ready, just in case." He unsealed the door and opened it.

"Greetings," the man said with a sweeping bow. "I wish to join you."

8 - Walking on Eggshells

[The last major bit of fallout from _Dragon's Egg_. This is also the longest update yet; it's one long session plus half of a short one. It just flowed better that way.]

Photon stared at the man and said, "Oooookay. And you are?" "Forgive me, I am Sirocco." "All right. I'm Photon and this is Demeter. Do come in." Sirocco nodded graciously to Demeter and soon the three of them were seated. Demeter was still looking shell-shocked by the events of the past day.

Seeing the man face to face, it was clear that Sirocco's mask was made of dark stone, which seemed to shift strangely from time to time. He was a bit short, about five foot seven. Jon asked, "So, Sirocco. Tell us about yourself."

Sirocco put his hand to his chest and declaimed, "I was born to a small family..." Photon rolled his eyes, and Sirocco laughed. "Sorry. I am an earth elemental." [Super term: An "elemental" is a super with powers revolving around a particular substance or force.] "Okay, what can you do with it?"

"I find it easiest to work with sand. I can spray it in several different forms." "Can you produce your own sand, or do you have to have an existing source?" "I can conjure small amounts of it with ease; larger amounts are more taxing." "Please demonstrate." "With pleasure."

Sirocco held out his hand, and sand swirled into being above it, shaping itself into a shifting, trembling sphere. "You'd never guess how much practice it took to get the sphere right. Is there anything I can shoot it at?" "Can you destroy the sand once you're done?" "No, but I can easily sweep it outside." "All right, the wall I guess."

Sirocco flicked a finger, and the sand sprayed itself with great force against the wall. Little or no visible damage was done to the metal wall, but it was clearly not something you'd want to be standing in front of. The sand then hopped off the ground as if drawn to a magnet, and flowed into Sirocco's hand again. This time it concreted itself into little pebbles of sandstone, which hurled themselves against the wall again. This time the wall was a bit dented. "Sorry about that."

"No trouble," Photon assured him, "This base has seen a lot worse. How long have you known of your power?" "Since I was fourteen." "And how old are you now?" Sirocco hesitated for a moment, then replied, "Twenty-one." "All right. What's with the sword?"

Proudly, "I'm a fencer, and quite good. I've hooked up a battery to charge the sword up, too." "Your name wouldn't be Inigo Montoya by any chance?" Sirocco laughed and snapped his fingers. "I chose the wrong codename! That'd be perfect!" "It's not too late to change it." "Alas, copyright. Villains are one thing, but lawyers?" Photon shuddered and said, "Inconceivable!" "You keep using that word! I do not think it means what you think it means!" The two men laughed; Demeter let her head sink into her hand and muttered something about being surrounded by geeks.

Photon resumed the interview. "Okay, so that handles melee, what about guns and so on?" "For that, I do this." He stood up and took a step back. Abruptly he was surrounded by a howling miniature sandstorm about ten feet across. When he let it lapse, he gestured the sand into a neat conical pile; he looked to be a bit out of breath. "Hmm, nice. How long can you keep that up?" "A minute or two." "Long enough. Can you make it bigger?" "Only with a great deal of effort."

Photon mused on that for a time then asked, "Do you have any experience as a hero?" "Yes, I've been doing it for a year or so in Michigan." "Hmmm. Worked with any other heroes?"

"Yes. My first few months I worked with Charm." Jon recognized the name; a hero known for superhuman luck. "Didn't he retire recently?" "Yes, about eight months ago. I... well, I hesitate to use the term 'sidekick', but he showed me the ropes." "I see. Got your own rogue's gallery over there?" Sirocco shook his head. "Not really. I've fought supers three times, but mostly it's been norms. The Great Lakes Guardians cover most super threats." [A well-known, prominent team.] "Have you worked with them?" "Some. Mostly cleanup while they went after the main villains." [He means 'cleanup' of minions. By the way, SP tells me that yes, there are difficulties between the GLG and the Galactic Guardians over the similarity of their names. But the Great Lakes team actually *predates* the national one.]

"Any enemies we should know about?" The man shrugged. "I doubt it. There was one guy I suspect had big ties to organized crime, but he didn't swear undying vengeance or anything." "All right. Anyone else in Michigan I can contact?" "Sure," Sirocco responded, and named a police lieutenant in Detroit.

"What's your registration level?" "First. I was working on getting the equivalent of second in Michigan's state program when I came here." "So what does bring you to Seattle?" "Sidney thought it would be a good idea." "Ah. Are you here to stay?" Sirocco hesitated again, then said, "I'm here for at least a year. Each year after that, there's a chance my job could transfer me again. As I gain seniority, that'll become less likely." Photon nodded, understanding his hesitation; that information narrowed down his profession a fair bit. Sales, perhaps?

"So how long have you been in Seattle?" "About four months." "Done any hero-ing here?" "Not yet, I've been settling into the new job situation. Pondered for a while whether I was needed over here." "Well, I assure you, you are."

Jon started to ask another question, but Demeter piped up. "Hold on. What would it mean to you if I said I don't have a Sidney but I do have a Sally?" Sirocco blinked much the way Photon had the previous night. "You, uh. What? No Sid... What does that even mean?" Photon suppressed a smirk when Demeter folded her arms and sulked. To Sirocco he explained, "She learned a different meaning; we had this same confusion last night." "Ah."

Jon mulled everything over. "Well, Sirocco, I'll want to do a patrol with you to see how things shake out, but for now I think you'll make a good addition to the team." "Sounds good! Thank you." "Oh, do you have any means of transportation?" "Right! I forgot to mention I can fly."

Demeter abruptly cut in again, "Hold on. It takes major effort for you to produce large amounts of sand, but you can use it to fly?! How's that supposed to work?" Jon blinked. He hadn't thought of that. Sirocco responded, "The flight... isn't based on sand." Photon asked a bit sharply, "Any other powers you want to share with us, Sirocco?" "No, I think that's it." "How does the flight work, if not from your sand powers?" "I'd... rather keep that a secret for now, if you don't mind."

Jon was about to mind very distinctly when he recalled he hadn't exactly shared all the details of his own powers either. "All right... for now." "Is there anything else?" "Just our patrol tonight. When is good for you?" "Seven?" "All right. Also, you should know you're walking into a huge media mess. I'm going to try to arrange a press conference for tomorrow afternoon or evening. When could you be there?" Between the three of them, they found that the time between noon and 3:30 was suitable. "I'll try to set it for 1 PM."

Jon stared moodily at the door after Sirocco left and sighed. Demeter asked, "What's wrong?" "It's weird. People used to tell me I was too naive and trusting. But now that I'm leading a team, I find myself getting all paranoid. Really sensitive to anything that could possibly go wrong. This must be what the Phantom felt like."

She pondered that. "Well... If you do anything like as good a job as he did, we'll be in fine shape." "I guess. Thanks. Don't you want to know what I'm feeling paranoid about?" "No, I thought I'd leave that up to you."

Jon sent her a grateful look. "Well... What other super do we know of in town who's a fencer that uses an electrified sword?" She blinked and thought it over. "...Captain Kidd?" "Exactly. Yeah, I know, he's never shown any sign of sand powers." "Doesn't fly, either." "Uh huh. And yet it nags at me. It's exactly the sort of stunt a wanna-be villain like him would pull."

"So what do you want to do about it?" Jon shrugged. "At the moment, nothing. It's only a vague suspicion that probably isn't true. But I don't like having even vague suspicions of people I'm going to be fighting alongside." Demeter teased, "If we see them together, can we assume Sirocco's OK?" Jon replied deadpan, "That would depend on what we see them doing together." She laughed. "Well, if he fights Captain Kidd with us, surely that at least adjusts the probabilities?" "Somewhat. You never can tell. Some villains do all sorts of interesting things with robots."

That reminded Jon of something. "Speaking of which, would you like to do a patrol today with me and Beta?" "Oh... sure. I didn't think you'd want to, since you're going out with Sirocco." "I don't mind. Beta, how's your charge?"

Beta announced from the next room, "78%. I am fully functional." "Come and meet our new teammate, then. We're going on patrol." "Acknowledged." There came the sounds of Beta disengaging himself from his charging station, then he clomped into the room with his characteristic faint mechanical whine.

Demeter's eyes widened - Beta looked a lot bigger in person than in pictures. Though 'only' seven feet tall, the robot was massively built and came across as distinctly looming. His head with its radio transceiver was shaped vaguely like a helmet; his unknown designer had capitalized on that accidental resemblance and crafted his body to resemble stylized plate armor. If you imagined the laser cannon mounted on one arm as a couched lance, you could easily picture him as a knight.

Jon made introductions. "Demeter, X-97 Beta. Beta, Demeter." Demeter ventured, "Um, hello." Beta boomed, "Greetings," and offered nothing else. Jon had noticed before that Beta seemed less personable when not in contact with Alpha... He smoothed things over by saying, "Let's go, shall we?" "What route are we taking?" Beta wanted to know. "Sector A-4, Beta." (Beta needs very precise instructions for where to go on patrol.) "Acknowledged."

They departed, Beta and Photon flying, Demeter carried by a tree. Jon patiently explained to Beta that he was going to demonstrate some tactical options to Demeter, and put the robot through his paces, showing Demeter what sort of terminology Beta was used to. Then he let her take over.

Almost unfortunately, no trouble reared its head, though Beta did announce at one point that a call was being received back at the base, from KOMO News. "Do you wish me to patch it through?" "Not on patrol, no. They can leave a message." "Acknowledged."

When they got back, Jon asked Demeter, "So, you feel you have a handle on things?" "Yes, actually. Thanks." "Not a problem. Get a good night's sleep and be ready for tomorrow." "Will do!"

After she left, Jon listened to the message. Unsurprisingly, they wanted an interview with him and Demeter. Jon sighed. Mike and Alpha had always handled the media; he wasn't 100% sure how to even set up a news conference. Oh well... He called back and told them to be at the base at 1 PM for a major announcement; they jumped on it. He also called both major newspapers, a couple more TV news stations, and a magazine or two. "I guess that'll do it... Too bad Mike used Alpha as his rolodex."

He then left a message urgently requesting an appointment with Mr. Carlton at his earliest convenience, and then continued to read up on Alpha's diagnostic routines until Sirocco showed up. "Ready to go?" "I am!"

Sirocco quickly proved to know how things worked. He asked intelligent questions about potential tactics in case of trouble, which reassured Jon. But he also asked another, less reassuring question: "How much flash do you want to use?" "I beg your pardon?" "When we stop a crime, how much showing off do you want to do?"

Jon frowned. "Just get the job done. Don't waste mental effort on how it looks, pay attention to your surroundings." "Check."

After mulling over the implications of that question, Jon finally asked, "So what were your super-battles like?" They turned out to have been pretty small beer. "Like I said, the Great Lakes Guardians handled the big stuff." "Well, here in Seattle, the buck stops with us. Oh, there are a few independent heroes. But we basically ARE the equivalent of the Great Lakes Guardians."

Sirocco blinked, then grinned. "Cool!" "In some ways. Not so cool in others." "Well, we should be able to handle anything but the really big stuff, right?" "Yeah, but we've had two incidents of 'really big stuff' in the last year alone. The Doctor and Diabolus - surely you heard of those." "A little."

Sirocco pondered, then asked, "There aren't any other teams around? Wasn't there one in Tacoma?" "Wow, you really aren't up on the history around here, are you?" "What do you mean?" "The Freedom Squad got killed off last year by the Doctor. Only one of them survived, and she had to retire." "...Oh." Sirocco was plainly taken aback, and Jon grimly hoped it would be salutary.

I hadn't realized just how different my career has been from that of most new heroes, Jon thought to himself. Sirocco's been doing this as long as I have, maybe a bit longer, but I've had an entirely different caliber of experience. And Demeter - two months into my career I was doing an inside job in a villain organization!

I came into a functioning team of experienced heroes. I've fought world-class foes; I've had media exposure. Good grief, I've worked with the Galactic Guardians! I hadn't ever thought it through, but none of that is at all common.

With a revelatory shock, he realized: No wonder they look to me to lead! They've never been on a team at all! Then, yet a further shock: And no wonder the media don't take me seriously! They normally don't have cause to cover rookie heroes much at all; when they cover me, I stick out like a sore thumb.

The rest of the patrol was quiet, with one exception: Jon prevented an incipient mugging by shining a spotlight on the thugs as they were moving into position while Sirocco hovered opposite him in case things got ugly.

As it happened, they didn't. Sirocco started to swoop down to apprehend the bad guys as they ran off, but Photon stopped him. Sirocco reacted in surprise. "But they're getting away!" "From what? What charges could we bring? They hadn't done anything yet." "They were going to mug that guy!" "I know that and you know that, but what could we prove in court? Especially since neither of us can testify?"

Sirocco backed down, grumbling. Jon nodded to himself. Sirocco's hotheadedness and overconfidence would bear watching.

Reminding the young man of the press conference and seeing him off, Jon zipped home and once again gratefully fell into bed.


He awoke with butterflies in his stomach. This is gonna be a big day on several fronts, he thought grimly to himself. He called in sick to work, then went to the Shadow-Force base to wait tensely on a phone call.

Sure enough, Mr. Carlton's secretary called him at 8:05 AM. "I'm sorry to inform you, Mr. Photon, that Mr. Carlton is on a business trip in Tokyo. He will be back on Thursday, I can get you in then?" Aha, Jon thought, that explains why Hamilton was so smug - he's hoping to present Carlton with a fait accompli when he gets back. "I'm afraid the matter is urgent. Can I contact him by phone today perhaps?"

"He'll be sleeping at the moment, but I might be able to arrange a call this evening?" "Too late. Where is he staying?" Japan's not far at light-speed... "I'm afraid I am not authorized to share that information with you, Mr. Photon - I'd have to get Mr. Carlton's permission. However, there is a vice-presidents' meeting today at 9:30; I could get you into that if it would help?" "It will have to do, I suppose." "What should I list as your agenda item?" Jon thought for a moment. "Concerns regarding Shadow-Force base and personnel." (He had, of course, chosen the word 'personnel' with malice aforethought.)

Jon's hands shook as he waited. I can't afford to be shy and quiet in this meeting; I can't. Alpha's life may depend on it. He paced around the room to blow off steam, pondering strategy, then sat down and tried to will his heart rate to slow. Good grief, I can fight supervillains without this much trouble! How much worse can a room full of hostile bigshots be? But he knew the answer: I can't fight the bigshots with lasers, only with politics. And politics is their battlefield, not mine.

At 9:20, he told Beta, "Don't let anyone in the base except Demeter until I return." "Acknowledged". Then he took a deep breath and flew into the Carlton offices, and was ushered into an imposing conference room. [SP gave me a hero point for 'walking right into the lair of the enemy'.] There was a tape recorder on the table, but Jon's field sense told him there was a more sophisticated one wired into the room as well. Nobody looked surprised to see him, but they did their best to subtly portray his presence as an imposition all the same. Photon nodded grimly to himself. So it's going to be like that.

Introductions were made; too many names to really keep track of. (Hamilton of Research grinned at him like a shark.) The VP of Operations was chairing the meeting; after calling things to order, he explained a bit patronizingly to Photon that they recorded all their meetings and ostentatiously pressed the Record button on the little machine in front of him on the table. Jon curled his lip; pure showmanship, given that he could sense the hidden system also working.

They took care of some other items of business before getting to him - more putting me in my place, no doubt. Jon took the opportunity to read the room; his anxiety had receded now that he was in the thick of things, giving him only a light edge of urgency. The guy from Financial was on Hamilton's side - no doubt he saw the expenditure on Shadow-Force as giving no tangible return. Mark from Legal had a beef with the two of them, and with Hamilton in particular; that should be very handy. Linda from Public Relations was going out of her way to show sympathy to Photon; no surprise there. The chairman resented Photon's presence and was impartially annoyed with everyone responsible for it. The other four people in the room just wanted to get this over with.

Finally the chairman said, "Now, I believe you had some business to discuss, Mr. Photon?" Jon cleared his throat. "Yes. There are two issues. First, I am told that the decommissioning of the base has been put on an accelerated schedule due to the super-battle Saturday night, and that some Carlton property needs to be removed earlier than previously projected. Naturally, I have no objection to Carlton recovering its own property. But I am wondering if the list of property includes a certain supercomputer."

Hamilton grinned at him toothily again and informed him in a long, precise, bureaucratic speech that the list was being prepared and that he'd be glad to take up any concerns Photon might have with it once it was ready. (No doubt after this meeting was over, but before Mr. Carlton returned.) Jon nodded graciously. "Thank you, that is all I needed to know."

The chair asked, "And your second item of business?" Photon replied, "As a result of the accelerated decommissioning schedule, the power in the base has been turned off. One of our teammates was injured in the battle, and we need the power turned back on to help him."

The VP's looked at each other; they hadn't been expecting that. The chairman said, "I had thought that Technoid had been... removed from the premises?" "Yes, of course. I'm not referring to him." Legal said, "Then you must mean X-97 Beta?" Hamilton frowned and held up a hand. "Hold on, my reports say the robot wasn't involved in the battle."

Jon said smoothly, "Not directly, no, though he was hacked by Technoid. We do need the power on for him too, to keep him charged, but he's also not the teammate I meant."

Confusion at first. The chair was about to ask him just who he did mean when Jon saw comprehension suddenly dawn on the Legal VP's face, while Hamilton turned red as a beet. He shot to his feet and shouted, "Total idiocy! Do you honestly expect us to believe that a supercomputer..." Jon cut him off ruthlessly. "This is a matter of Shadow-Force team security. I request that the recording be turned off."

Pandemonium. Hamilton called him every name in the book, and Financial looked ready to sharpen a knife himself. Mark from Legal studied the two of them with a faintly calculating expression; meanwhile the chair gaveled Hamilton down. "Roger, you're making a fool of yourself. Sit down." Hamilton did so, trembling with rage. Jon noted, surprised, that this was deeply personal for the man, not just politics; his rant had made clear that he was enraged at the mere suggestion that Alpha could be a sapient being. The chair cleared his throat and said, "I think we'll take a fifteen minute recess to discuss this development, unless there are any objections?" There were none.

Linda from PR approached Jon and said, "If you'd like to come to the cafeteria, Mr. Photon, we'd be glad to get you a cup of coffee. We also have a very nice selection of teas if you prefer." "I'd love to." He selected an herbal tea; while he was being cooler under pressure than he had feared, he didn't want to risk any caffeine at this juncture. Once he was ensconced at a table with it, he was completely unsurprised when Linda said quietly to him, "I'm on your side in this, Photon." "Thank you." "A legal battle on this issue would be disastrous for the company." "Not to mention the verdict of the court of popular opinion." She winced. "Yes, I'm well aware of which way popular opinion would swing."

Jon pondered for a moment, then asked, "Can you tell me what's driving this? Is it intellectual, financial, or political?" She shrugged helplessly. "Any or all of the above, depending on who you're talking about." "All right, thank you." "I'll back your play however I can."

Back in the conference room, the chair brought the meeting to order again and announced, "A decision has been reached to end the recording at the request of Photon of Shadow-Force." He turned the little recorder off, and also did something surreptitiously under the table; Jon sensed the other system powering down as well. "Now, Mr. Photon, I think we need to be explicitly clear. Which team member are you referring to?"

"X-97 Alpha." "The base's supercomputer." "That is correct." Hamilton restrained his fury and cut in scornfully, "So you claim that this... computer is an actual member of Shadow-Force?"

Jon said with quiet dignity, "No. I do not claim that." He paused just long enough for everyone to stare at him in confusion, then stated, "I positively assert it. He WAS a team member long before I was, without any question, and he remains one to this day. His vote in team meetings has always been treated as equal to anyone else's."

Hamilton pointed out triumphantly, "But if this is true, why the secrecy? Why hasn't its contribution been publicly recognized?" "We kept him secret because we could. He's a valuable asset, but he isn't out in the field." "And we're supposed to just take your word on this, I suppose?"

"No. Bazooka and Brimstone will tell you the same. What's more, Alpha has worked with other heroes as an equal. Most recently the Texas Hex - ask him." Jon could feel the tide in the room starting to shift; Hamilton felt it too, and blustered, "We don't exactly have a phone number for them..." "I can contact Bazooka and Brimstone. As for the Texas Hex, he's a member in good standing of the Texas Legends, who do in fact have a public telephone number."

Hamilton started to say something cutting, but the chair held up a hand. "We'll stipulate that the Texas Hex can be contacted. But regardless, Mr. Photon, how can a computer be a person? There's no legal precedent, is there?"

Everyone looked at Mark from Legal, who said, "There is no body of legal opinion on the subject of artificial intelligence at all; it's a lively issue among constitutional legal scholars. It is my considered opinion that any case hinging on the personhood of an alleged artificial intelligence would end up before the Supreme Court." Hamilton rolled his eyes. "This is ridiculous! Do you mean to say that I'm going to have to emancipate my laptop?!"

Jon cut in, "How many laptops get paid a salary?" When everyone stared at him again, he pointed out, "X-97 Alpha is an employee of Carlton Industries." Pandemonium all over again; it took everyone by storm. The chair gaveled the meeting to order again. "Okay, Mark, what the hell?! Human Resources is your bailiwick."

The Legal VP was fully engaged now. He studied Photon carefully, measuring him up. "The contract was signed 'X-97' by the robot known as 'X-97 Beta'. Are you saying he wasn't signing on his own behalf?" "'X-97' is a collective term for the two of them. You could think of it as a surname." Hamilton cried out triumphantly, "Aha! Fraud!" Jon shot back, "Did you get a Social Security number? Are you saying that Carlton Industries hires undocumented workers?" Several people around the room winced; Jon could tell that he was winning the argument, though gaining no friends in the process. Screw it, he thought, this isn't a social call.

Hamilton shouted, "I still say the whole thing's a fraud!" Mark said crisply, "It's not that simple. It's possible to grant temporary power of attorney to sign documents if one is unable to sign oneself - due to a hand injury, for example." "You have got to be kidding me! You buy this..." The chair said wearily, "Roger, sit down. Look. Are you putting this robot Beta on the list too?"

Hamilton said cagily, "Well... We've been looking into the matter." "On what legal basis?" Jon wanted to know. "Even apart from issues of personhood, neither Alpha nor Beta were created by Carlton Industries, nor have they been bought by the company."

Mark explained, "The contract with Shadow-Force stipulates that any improvements to the base remain the property of Carlton." "Ah. It's just that nobody involved with Shadow-Force, including Mr. Carlton, has ever seen Alpha as just an 'improvement'." "So it would seem." Mark pondered a while, then continued, "Given that X-97 Beta is an openly recognized member of the Super community, I cannot recommend taking any action in his regard. In fact, I urge in the strongest terms against it unless Mr. Carlton is fully apprised of the ramifications."

The chair said, "OK, in that case I move we table discussion of the robot until Mr. Carlton returns. All in favor?" The motion carried unanimously except for Hamilton's vote. "Now, the computer. Anyone else have anything to add?"

Linda from PR said, "Yes, I do." She had a couple charts ready. "As you can see, corporations that sponor superhero teams experience a consistent rise of 10 to 15% in revenues. But in those few cases where corporations have been seen by the public as reneging on their agreements with super teams, their sales have fallen by 20 to 30%. Boycott campaigns have been organized, and the media don't let it go. It's this simple: It doesn't matter whether the courts eventually say we were right or wrong. If this goes public, we will take a major hit. We'd do our best to spin it, of course, but I'm telling you right now that it's a hopeless cause."

The Financial VP sat back in his chair, eyes wide. Evidently he was seeing the whole thing in a new light. Jon stopped himself from smiling; things were nearly sewn up. One of the VP's who hadn't yet spoken up (Jon couldn't recall his department) asked, "So what ARE our chances in the courts, Mark? Lay it on the line for us."

The lawyer pondered for a time. "The issue of personhood is wide open - there is just no telling what direction the Supreme Court would go. Setting that aside, I have become convinced that our position is... uncertain." After some more thought, he said, "I categorically oppose taking any action until Mr. Carlton returns and is fully informed of the possible fallout. And while I will study the matter further, my recommendation to him at this point is going to be not to pursue action with regard to X-97 Alpha."

Hamilton locked eyes with Photon. He had sufficient self-possession not to lose his cool now that it was clear he had lost, but the hatred in his face was plain to see. The motion to table the matter carried, but it was just a formality by that point. Jon ignored the vibes coming off Hamilton and said, "I propose that the power be turned back on and the decommissioning be restored to its previous schedule."

There followed some discussion, cavilling, and nuancing. Hamilton did his best to gum up the works out of pure spite by pointing out the radiation issues once again; Jon offered sweetly to clean it up with his own powers. But when the guy from Maintenance expressed a desire to make sure of a variety of other potential hazards in the base, Photon graciously backed down. They need to save face, he thought, and I can afford to be magnanimous in victory.

In the end, the decontamination was retained at the accelerated rate, but the rest of the decommissioning process was restored to its original pace. The Finance VP feebly tried to protest the expense of keeping the power on until Maintenance pointed out that the alternative was to haul in thousands of pounds of generators to do the decontamination, then haul them back out again. In the end, it was agreed to turn it back on, with the request that Photon keep all nonessential equipment and unused areas of the base turned off. Jon agreed to that readily as well.

With that, the meeting adjourned. Linda warmly wished Photon the best of luck with his press conference that afternoon - doing so in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear. (Evidently she'd heard about it through the grapevine.) Jon replied, "Thank you. I'll be sure to mention how helpful Dr. Norton and the other scientists from the Research division were." He'd intended it as a sop to Hamilton's ego, but his heart sank when the man glared at him with redoubled fury. Apparently Norton was a significant rival.

Leaving the lion's den, Jon paused to catch his breath. He could feel adrenaline catch up to him almost as if he'd just been in a battle. I was, he thought; a battle for my friend's life and freedom. [This 'battle' did require two hero points to pull off - one to reroll Sense Motive, and another to reroll Diplomacy.] He enjoyed a nice peaceful flight above the rainclouds toward Struthers' office at Seattle PD headquarters.

Taking a seat, he said, "Captain. You wanted to see me today?" "Yes, we've still got some loose ends regarding the whole Technoid situation." After discussing the details of the fight and filling out a few more inevitable forms, Struthers leaned back and said mock-cheerfully, "So! When were you planning to let me know about this little press conference of yours?"

Photon blinked. "Er. Now? I'm sorry, Captain, I didn't know I was supposed to inform you earlier. I'm still very new to the whole media thing." "So I hear. In the future, a courtesy call would be... greatly appreciated." "I'll definitely do that. Who should I tell? You weren't on duty yesterday." "Whoever's covering for me can handle it."

"All right. You should also know that I've got two new teammates: Demeter and Sirocco." "Sirocco, that rings a faint bell." "He's from Michigan. Actually, he gave me a reference of a police lieutenant over there." "Easy enough to track down - lay it on me." Jon did so, and after a little searching in a police database, Struthers said, "Damn. Killed in the line of duty two months ago." "He's been in Seattle four months. I guess he wouldn't have heard?" "Probably not. All the same, dig a little more." "I will."

After answering some more questions about Seattle's two newest heroes, Jon paused then asked, "Out of curiosity, when do you get off duty today?" Struthers replied drily, "I'm happily married, thanks." Jon's jaw dropped. "WHAT?!" The older man grinned a little mischievously. "Serves you right for not telling me about the conference. What's up?"

Jon collected his wits. "Well... you mentioned the possibility of a 'six-beer conversation'. I have a feeling before this day's over, I'm going to need one." "I hear that, but I'll have to take a rain check. Tonight's taken." "Ah well."

Returning to the base, Jon found two messages waiting for him: One from the mayor of Tacoma's office (huh?) and one from Mr. Carlton.

Jon braced himself, and called Mr. Carlton back. Sure enough, he sounded grumpy and tired. "All right, Photon. Just what did you DO?!" "What have you heard?" "No less than five conflicting reports, none of which makes a lick of sense. I gather that my company is still standing?" "It was the last time I checked." "That's something. What happened?"

"Technoid turned on us and we had a big fight in the base. Your man Hamilton in Research used this as a pretext to close the base down early and try to seize Alpha as 'Carlton property'." Carlton growled, "I never ordered or authorized any such damfool thing." "I knew that, sir, of course. I went in to the VP meeting this morning and... dissuaded them from any such action." "What sort of dissuasion did you use?" "I informed them that Alpha was a member of the team, and also on the Carlton payroll."

"There had to be more to it than that. What didn't you say?" "I very loudly didn't say that the courts would find their actions intriguing, and that the general public would be intrigued to the point of breaking out the torches and pitchforks." "While simultaneously putting away their pocketbooks, no doubt! Well... I'm not happy, but I see why you did it. I will take steps to make sure this never happens again." The word 'never' was said with the finality of doom; Jon could not doubt him, and almost felt sorry for Hamilton. Almost.

"Thank you, Mr. Carlton." "I have cut my trip short. I'll be back tomorrow, and human again the next day. Please make an appointment for Wednesday and we will address any further loose ends." "I will do that."

Returning the Tacoma call, an eager mayoral staffer asked - nay, pleaded with - him to appear at an event on Friday afternoon. "What sort of event?" "Please keep it quiet, but...The announcement of the third American Eagle!" Jon beamed sunnily, only barely noticing that he was shining rays of light around the room. "That's fantastic! I'll gladly come."

"Great! We're hoping to get as many people who worked with the Freedom Squad as possible - can X-97 make it?" "I don't see why not. And I can ask Bazooka and Brimstone as well, though I don't know if they'll be able to come." "Would you? That would be excellent! We're hoping to get Victrix in as well." Jon sighed to himself; his last memory of Victrix was as a broken shell of her formerly vibrant self. "How... is she doing?" "Ah... better, from what I'm told. We think she'll come." "I'm glad to hear that."

The staffer hesitated, then asked, "I guess we should ask you, you don't have a problem with the new American Eagle being a woman, do you?" Jon blinked. "No, not at all, why would I? If she can do the job, I couldn't care less what her gender is." "Good to know!" "How much experience does she have?" "She's the old hero's niece. I understand he trained her some before he, uh, passed away." You mean before he was murdered, Jon didn't say. "I'm glad she's not coming into it completely cold."

After hanging up, Jon just glowed for a time, both literally and figuratively. The nucleus of a new Freedom Squad to match the renewed Shadow-Force? Now THAT is some good news!

He still felt buoyed up when Demeter and Sirocco arrived, and the news teams began setting up for the conference. He filled his teammates in quickly on the situation and game plan.

At 1 PM sharp, Photon stepped up to an array of microphones set up in front of the base, his heart inevitably pounding like a hammer. After the preliminary stuff, he cut to the chase: "Shortly after the dissolution of Shadow-Force, my teammate Technoid placed himself in an experimental apparatus of his own design. He remained in a hibernation-like state for weeks while unknown changes took place; we did not know enough to interfere with the process. Two nights ago, on Saturday, the apparatus exploded. With me at the time studying the device were FAQ of the Portland Protectors and a team of scientists from Carlton Industries led by Dr. Andrew Norton. As well as a new applicant to the team, Demeter."

Photon paused; the audience was rapt in attention - it gave him a heady sensation of power that he resolutely held at arm's length. He continued, "Technoid emerged, seemingly deranged and definitely physically altered. When he attacked us, we defended ourselves. It became clear that he was a continuing danger to himself and everyone around him. With heavy hearts, then, we defeated him and turned him over to the Stronghold Superhuman Incarceration Facility."

A Babel of questions ensued, as he had expected. He clarified Technoid's full goals as little as he possibly could, and doled out information about the changes to Scott's physical form by the teaspoonful. In all, he tried his best to give the impression (without actually saying so) that the explosion had been an accident, and not Scott's intent... Let them remember him as a hero who was tragically injured, he thought. Not as a madman who put his city at risk for his own ends.

An unusually acute question about the size of the explosion caught Jon off guard. (He hadn't let slip any details of what the 'apparatus' was really like.) Not willing to lie outright and unable to think of a weaselly way to non-answer in time, Jon admitted, "It was large enough to do significant damage to the city. Thankfully, with FAQ's advice, I was able to contain the explosion with my powers."

Eventually, Jon found space to drop the other shoe. "I am pleased to announce that I have added two new teammates to our roster: Demeter and Sirocco." Introducing them to the community, he let them take their turns in the hotseat. Demeter proved to be something of a natural, handling the reporters with more ease after the first shock than Jon had feared. (It certainly didn't hurt that she was very telegenic!) Sirocco also acquitted himself decently; he had clearly had a little experience with the press.

Eventually things wound down. The three heroes commisserated with each other in the Situation Room, then plotted out a quick interim patrol plan for the rest of the week, and a team meeting to thrash things out in more lasting fashion on Saturday.

Jon ran a few errands he'd been letting slip in the craziness of the last few days. He called Hei and left her a message apologizing for not being in touch. Then, after pondering an obstacle in his research to get his mind off of super-stuff, he finally went to bed.


Jon's alarm woke him earlier than usual: He had a vital matter to attend to.

Flying into the base, he checked the diagnostic results for Alpha. Cross-referencing with the manual, he discovered that Alpha's memory files for the last week had been seriously corrupted. His options were to restore to a month-old backup or to scan back a further week to see how extensive the corruption was. He gave commands to implement the latter, and was informed the scan would take another six hours. Jon sighed. More waiting.

Going in to work, Jon did his best to play catch up. There was a message on his office phone from Karen, urgently requesting a lunch date for yesterday; she sounded really stressed. Stopping by her office, he found her still stressed but also harried. "I'm swamped today, Jon; how about tomorrow?" "You're on."

Dev also stopped by to see how he was doing. With his usual infectious enthusiasm, he shared, "The 28-dimensional polytopes are classified to my preliminary satisfaction, so I have moved on to a new project! Set theory, this time." "A little out of your line - mathematical theology again?" "No, no - how do you say? The Hound of Heaven has slipped my snare. Something much more suited to a little mind like mine: I think I have a new line on Cantor's Continuum Hypothesis."

Jon laughed. "Oh, is that all? It's only one of the greatest outstanding set-theoretical questions of the last century." "Piffle! Why do I listen to you and all of your negativity? I ask you." "Because I'm brilliant, handsome, and fun to be around? Oh, and because physicists are smarter than mathematicians?" Dev returned archly, "How brilliant can you be when you say such stupid things, yes? I ask this of you, Mr. Smarty-Shorts Physicist." "Pants, Dev." "Oh?" "Yes, it's 'smarty-pants'." "So you are handsome, fun to be around, and interested in my pants? This is too much information, Dr. Winters!"

Jon spluttered and laughed. "Two more points for you, Dr. Singh Dolma." "Yes, yes. I add them to my collection with joy." "I really am interested in your Continuum idea." Serenely, "Of course you are. You do not believe in continua, so you can afford to be interested. I do believe in them, and so I am in love."

That final crack stuck with Jon. The whole point of Loop Quantum Gravity was that spacetime was not, at the smallest level, a continuum. (Though he occasionally still used the term out of habit.) It was a fabric of ever-shifting loops. Not for the first time, he wondered if the shifting was purposeful instead of random; if the sensation he got from his powers of interacting with something alive was real. But how could you even touch such a thing mathematically...? It definitely kept him occupied him until lunch. [Theoretical research: Getting paid for daydreaming and writing it down! :)]

[The fact that SP has a degree in math and I have degrees in chemistry and physics makes conversations like this much easier. ;) I've *met* people like Dev, scarily and fascinatingly enough. He, Karen, Gerhard, and Hu are all based (extremely) loosely on people I knew in grad school. Though the (distant) prototypes of Dev and Karen were actually MARRIED to each other! The mind boggles.]

Eating quickly and zipping back to the base, he found that the scan had been successful and that the week-old memory file checked out. At last! He sent the commands to restore back to the older file, and then:

> wake -s -R


> enable -terminal plaintext

Hello world?

> "Hello, my friend.  Welcome back."

[P.S. I would like to solicit suggestions for a new team name. 'Shadow-Force' just doesn't fit this group any more, and both Jon and I feel there needs to be a clean break with the past. However, I am just plain tapped for a name; I haven't been able to think of anything.]

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