Lijit DOT com Adware/Malware Problem


World of Kulan DM
Hi, I just figured I should let you know that I'm having an Adware issue regarding EN World. I am not getting this problem on any other web sites. My AVG keeps popping up with this message:

Threat blocked
We've safely aborted connection on ap DOT lijit DOT com because it was infected with URL:Botnet.

I'm fairly certain this is coming for one of the ads on EN World but I don't know which one. It only started within the last few days, but has happened six times. I have scanned my PC with AVG, downloaded and run Malwarebytes and both programs say I'm not infected with anything.

Has anyone else seen a message like this from their antivirus program?



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World of Kulan DM
The problem is that the ads are served by Google and individualized to you, so you don't see the same ads as other people do. Makes it hard for us to do anything about that!
Yeah, I figured it was something like that. The Browser Guard seems to be blocking it now, so I think I'm good.

Throw out AVG, at least if you're on Win10 (or 11, my condolences). The on-board Windows Defender will work every bit as good or better, and NOT make your system unusable or break other software. Also, those programs are entry vectors for attacks themselves. Use Firefox with unlock for security, browse the net responsibily and you're good.

Voidrunner's Codex

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