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First Post
Leigh Valendor

[B]Leigh Valendor[/B] 
[B]Class:[/B] Cleric 	
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Region of Origin:[/b] Breland 
[B]Size:[/B] M
[B]Gender:[/B] Female
[B]Alignment:[/B] LG
[B]Deity:[/B] Sovereign Host ([B]Domains:[/B] Healing, Sun)
[B]Action Points:[/B]

[B]Str:[/B] 14 +2 (--p.)	[B]Level:[/B] 4	[B]XP[/B]: 6000
[B]Dex:[/B] 12 +1 (--p.)	[B]BAB:[/B] +3		[B]HP:[/B] 36 (4d8+4)
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1 (--p.)	[B]Grapple:[/B] +5	[B]Craft Points:[/B] n/a
[B]Int:[/B] 12 +1 (--p.)	[B]Speed:[/B] 20'	[B]Stat Increases:[/b] Str +1, Cha +1
[B]Wis:[/B] 18 +4 (--p.)	[B]Init:[/B] +1	[B]Spell Save:[/B] 
[B]Cha:[/B] 15 +2 (--p.)	[B]ACP:[/B] -6		[B]Spell Fail:[/B] 50% (Arcane)

[B]	Base	Armor	Shld	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc	Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]	10	+4	+2	+1	+0	+0	+0	17
[B]Touch:[/B]	10	[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 16

[B]Spell Res:[/B] None
[B]Dmg Red:[/B] None

[B]	Total	Base	Mod	Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]	+5	+4	+1	+0
[B]Ref:[/B]	+2	+1	+1	+0
[B]Will:[/B]	+6	+4	+2	+0

[B]Weapon			Attack	Damage	Critical	Range[/B]
Morningstar           	+5	1d8+2	20/x2      	------
Dagger                  +5/+3	1d4+2	19-20/x2 	10 ft
Light Crossbow		+4	1d8+0	19-20/x2 	80 ft

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Elven

[B]Abilities:[/B] Turn Undead (Turn Check: 1d20+4, Turn Damage: 1.5*(2d6+6), 9x/day), Divine Spells, Spontaneous Cure Spells, Domain Powers & Spells

[B]Feats: [/B] 
1st - [B]Extra Turning[/B] - Add 4 to your daily turning attempts
1st - (bonus) [B]Empowered Turning [/B] - Multiple your Turning Damage (after adding in your Cleric level & your Charisma modifier) by 1.5 to
determine the number of Undead HD you effect.
2nd - Heroic Channeling
3rd - Extend Spell
4th - Divine Metamagic (Extend Spell)

[B]Spells prepared[/B] (Save DC 14 + spell level): 
[B]Domains:[/B] Healing, Sun
[b]Domain Powers:[/b] Healing: cast Healing spells at +1 caster level.  Sun: Once per day,
 you can perform a greater turning against undead
 in place of a regular turning. The greater turning is like a normal turning 
except that the undead creatures that would be turned are destroyed instead. 

[B]Spells Prepared:[/B]
	0th - (5)     Light, Detect Magic, Resistance, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic
	1st - (4+1)   Divine Favor, Bless X2, [S]Shield of Faith[/S], Cure Light Wounds (D)
	2nd - (3+1)   [S]Bulls Strength[/S], Silence, Spiritual Weapon, Heat Metal (D)

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 28	[B]Max Ranks:[/B] 7/3.5
[B]Skills		Total	Ranks	Mod 	Misc[/B]
Concentration	8	7	+1	--
Know (Religion) 6	5	+1	--
Know (Arcana)	5	4	+1	--
Know (Planes)	5	4	+1	--
Heal        	11	5	+4	+2
Diplomacy	5	3	+2	--
Ride        	0	0	--	--


[B]Equipment:		Cost	Weight[/B]
Morningstar           	8gp	6lb
Scale Mail            	50gp	30lb
Heavy Steel Shield 	20gp	15lb
Dagger                 	2gp	1lb
Light Crossbow      	35gp	4lb
20 bolts               	2gp	2lb
Backpack              	2gp	2lb
Explorer's Outfit     	10gp	8lb
Belt Pouch             	2gp	2lb
Silver Holy Symbol	25gp	1lb
Bedroll                	5sp	5lb
Winter Blanket       	5sp	3lb
Healer's Kit          	50gp	1lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B]80lb	[B]Money:[/B] 13.5gp 

[B]		Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]	58	117	175	350	875

[B]Age:[/B] 24
[B]Height:[/B] 5'8"
[b]Weight:[/b] 125 lbs
[B]Eyes:[/B] Green
[B]Hair:[/B] Blonde
[B]Skin:[/B] Tan

Appearance: Tall and lithe, with piercing green eyes that delve deeply into ones soul. Her hair is shoulder length, tied back so that it stays out of her eyes.

Personality: Trusting, Playful, Motherly.

Background: Born to parents who would help anyone in the time of need, Leigh became the living embodiment of their ideals. She spent most of her time caring to sick animals in her youth. As she grew up, she became an ardent supporter of the Sovereign Host, and left her family to study at one of their monasteries. After completing her studies, she set out on her own for a time, preaching the word of the Sovereign Host, but fate brought her back to Hommlett, where she fell in with some of the others that she knew as a child -- they banded together and began to adventure and obtain/recover items for a wealthy benefactor. However, they soon attracted the attention of a rival group, who also were known for obtaining sought after objects -- but their motives were less than pure, they were merciless bounty hunters.

http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?a=show&id=1218552 <-- ability roll

2 Things Dragoons took: Adamantine Morningstar (Family Relic), Dimension Stride Boots (Magic Item Compendium)

An exploit where your adventuring group showed up the Jade Dragoons : We were tracking down an artifact known as the "Eye of the Storm" -- a magical gem of immense power, for our patrons, we had been given information that it was kept in a old tomb in a secret vale in the Towering Wood. The Dragoons had been following us for some time. The tomb was filled with traps, and the vault where the gem was kept had a protective trap that sealed the room off when triggered. Luckily the group's rogue was able to disarm the trap and allow us safe entry inside the vault. We had planned ahead and brought a fake gem to throw off the Dragoons, who were not far behind. After securing the gem and replacing it with the fake, we turned invisible and headed outside the vault -- just in time to see the dragoons stealthily advance into the vault after us -- we quickly sprung the trap door from the outside and left them entombed. I don't know how or if they got out.

An exploit where the Jade Dragoons showed up your adventuring group: We were tasked with bringing back a fugitive to the house Cannith for questioning -- someone who had been conspiring with the Thuranni's for some time. We had tracked him down to a small tavern in Gaylespire in Breland. We checked into the inn, hoping to observe the mark unnoticed. However, the Dragoons were on to us and had our food laced with poison -- we all were knocked out cold and woke up much later in the cargo hold of a lightning rail car bound for Flamekeep in Thrane!

A short, three-sentence description of the Jade Dragoon who irritates you the most : Elvistra Mandola, a horrid excuse for a woman, who knowingly befriends the undead from Karnaath, has earned the ire of Leigh for an eternity, after she 'raised' a fallen collegue (of Leigh's) as a zombie in front of her.
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First Post
Vaeryn d'Phiarlan, Elven Scout

Vaeryn joined the Braelish military as soon as he was old enough, determined to use his skills to help end the war, rather than profitting off of it like most of his family. He was trained as a scout, taking advantage of his stealth and ability to learn important skills.
After the war ended, Vaeryn was not welcomed back into the Phiarlan fold. His elders saw his enlistment as turning his back on the family, so they returned the favor. With nowhere else to turn, Vaeryn rejoined a group of his military companions and started a career as an adventurer.

[B]Name:[/B] Vaeryn d'Phiarlan
[B]Class:[/B] Scout 4
[B]Race:[/B] Elf
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral Good
[B]Deity:[/B] Balinor

[B]Str:[/B] 12 +1            [B]Level:[/B] 4        [B]XP:[/B] 6000
[B]Dex:[/B] 21 +5            [B]BAB:[/B] +3         [B]HP:[/B] 32 (4d8+0)
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1            [B]Grapple:[/B] +4     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] NA
[B]Int:[/B] 15 +2            [B]Speed:[/B] 40'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] NA
[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +2            [B]Init:[/B] +6        [B]Spell Save:[/B] NA
[B]Cha:[/B] 10 +0            [B]ACP:[/B] -0          [B]Spell Fail:[/B] 10%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +2    +0    +5    +0    +0    +0      17     (+1 skirmish, +1 Dodge)
[B]Touch:[/B] 15              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 12  (Uncanny Dodge)

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      1    +1    +1    +3
[B]Ref:[/B]                       4    +5          +9       
[B]Will:[/B]                      1    +0          +1      +2 vs Enchantments, Immune to sleep effects

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Longbow                   +8 (+9)1d8 (+1)   20/x3         (point blank shot)
Light Mace                +3     1d6+1      20/X2 
Dagger                    +3 (+8)1d4+1      19-20/x2      (thrown)

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, elven, goblin, gnome

[B]Abilities:[/B] Low-light vision, Elven Weapon Proficiencies, Trapfinding, Skirmish +1d6/+1 AC, Fast movement +10', Trackless Step, Battle Fortitude +1, Uncanny Dodge

[B]Feats:[/B] Point Blank Shot (1st), Precise Shot(2nd), Least Mark of Shadow(3rd), Dodge(4th), Mobility(scout bonus 4th)

[b]Spell-like Abilities[/b] [i]darkness[/i] 1/day, caster level 1.

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 70       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 7/3.5
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Acrobatics                 7    +5    +2    +14
Atheletics                 7    +1   +2     +10
Craft(Trapmaking)          4    +2          +6
Disable Device             7    +2          +9
Escape Artist              4    +5          +9
Gather Information         3    +0    +2    +5
Knowledge(Dungeoneering)   4    +2          +6
Knowledge(Geography)       5    +2          +7
Knowledge(Nature)          5    +2    +2    +9
Notice                     7    +1          +8
Stealth			   7    +5          +12
Survival		   7    +1          +8     (+2 above ground, +2 for following tracks, +2 to 
                                                                      avoid hazards or keep from getting lost)
Use Rope                   3    +5          +8

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]
Longbow                  75gp   3lb
20 Arrows                1gp    3lb
Light Mace               5gp    4lb
Dagger                   2gp    1lb
Leather Armor            10gp   15lb
Traveler's Outfit       
Flint and Steel          1gp    --
Signal Whistle           8sp    --
Small Steel Mirror       10gp   0.5lb
5 Tindertwigs            5gp    --
5 Sheets of Paper        2gp    --
Inkpen		         1sp    --
Vial of Ink              8gp    --

[B]Total Weight:[/B]26.5lb      [B]Money:Spent[/B] 119gp 9sp 0cp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]               43    86    130   260   650

[B]Age:[/B] 138
[B]Height:[/B] 4'10"
[B]Weight:[/B] 95lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Green
[B]Hair:[/B] Brown
[B]Skin:[/B] Pale
Appearance: Vaeryn wears leathers so dark they could pass for black, and tends to keep his hood up at all times. Every movement is carefully placed and deliberate, and every word is weighed numerous times before being released. His dragonmark is on the inside of his right forearm.

* 2 items that were stolen from you by the Jade Dragoons when you were arrested; these items can be specific or general, at your discretion (EX: The Trafalgar family sword, a +1 flaming mithril longsword with a single edge and a curved tip, inscribed with draconic runes along its cutting edge; or, The Trafalgar family sword, magical blade).
* An exploit where your adventuring group showed up the Jade Dragoons (no more than a few sentence please).
* An exploit where the Jade Dragoons showed up your adventuring group Dragoons (no more than a few sentence please).
* A short, three-sentence description of the Jade Dragoon who irritates you the most (make one up).
*Vaeryn lost a +1 Mithral Shirt and a Quiver of Balinor (Ehlonna) to the Jade Dragoons.
*Vaeryn proved his worth to the party by guiding them through the Q'Barran wilderness while racing the Jade Dragoons to the site of a recent airship crash. By arriving first, the party was able to rescue a Braelish nobleman who had been on board, gaining much acclaim and a bit of political capital in the process.
*The dragoons earned Vaeryn's eternal hatred by succesfully venturing into the Mournland to recover a family heirloom for a New Cyran merchant, a mission that our party had been unable to accomplish due to Vaeryn's inability to navigate the ruined geography of that cursed place.
*Vaeryn's personal nemesis with the Dragoons is, of course, a scion of House Thuranni. Ellynia d'Thuranni is bard of some renown, and is all-too skilled with her rapier for Vaeryn's taste. She has successfully charmed Vaeryn on a number of occassions as well.
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First Post
[sblock]Karna was born under the sign of Rilmorn Dragonspawn, infamously known as a traitor in Aerenal's war agains the dragons. Karna would later come to decide that he was in fact a hero, as he sacrificed himself to bring his fellow elves important information about the dragon's weaknesses.

Knowing that no personal interpretation of Rilmorn's actions would blunt the shame of Karna's patron ancestor, her parents sent her away to live with a retired dwarven soldier living in Hommlet.

Karna grew up learning the arts of forge and swordsmanship from her adopted 'uncle' and ways to practice and expand on her bloodline's innate magic from books sent with her by her parents. The most prominent among her small library being the life history of Rilmorn, written in her mother's hand.

When the call to war came, the choice was easy. Karna's young friends of all races were going, so would she.

Good Encounter: The time Karna intimidated a small group of goblins into backing down when the group was raiding some ruins of their old empire. Her personal take was an ancient Dhakaani tome on dragon worshippers.

Bad Encounter: Karna hates to be reminded in any way of the group's escapade in a swamp when she was badly wounded by a particularly sneaky orc.

Lost Items: The books she had collected on draconic lore and her ancestor patron.

Hated Enemy: A mostly civilized half-orcish warrior. After learning of the swamp story he takes every opportunity to bring it up in Karna's presence.

Mechanical Bits:
Stats/numbers/abilities etc.

STR 16 (+3) (includes +1 at level 4)
DEX 20 (+5) (includes +1 at level 4)
CON 16 (+3)
INT 16 (+3)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 14 (+2)

Chaotic Good Elven Battle Sorcerer (4)
XP: 6000
Hit points: 44 (4d8, +12 CON)
Armor class: 18 (touch 15, flatfooted 13; DEX +5, armor +3)
Move: 30 feet
Initiative: +5
BAB: +3 (melee +6/missile +8); grapple +8
Scimitar +6; damage 1d6+3
Fortitude: +4 (base +1, CON +3)
Reflex: +6 (base +1, DEX +5)
Will: +6 (base +4, Cha +2)

Combat Expertise (level 1)
Improved Disarm (Level 2)
Combat Casting (Level 3)
Blindfighting (Level 4)

Skills (35 sp):
Concentration +10 (7 ranks, CON +3)
Craft- Armorsmith +10 (7 ranks, Int +3)
Craft- Weaponsmith +10 (7 ranks, Int +3)
Knowledge- Arcana +10 (7 ranks, Int +3)
Spellcraft +10 (7 ranks, Int +3)

Studded Leather 25gp
Scimitar 15gp
Shortbow 30gp
40 Arrows 2gp
Spell Component Pouch 5gp
Explorer's outfit
Travelers outfit (1 gp, spare clothes)
Back pack (2 gp)
Bedroll (5 sp)
Winter Blanket (5 sp)
Belt pouch (1 gp)
Flint and steel (1 gp)
Waterskin (1 gp)
Trail rations (4 days; 20 sp)
Whetstone (2 cp)
Ink 8 gp
Inkpen 1 sp
Journal 15 gp
10gp 9 sp

Spells per day 5/6/3; DC 12+level
0th: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Light Prestidigitation
1st: Enlarge Person, Shield
2nd: Acid Arrow

Karna is a female elf, tall and muscular by her own race's standards, but still average in height and wiry compared to a human. Her straight auburn hair is kept tightly tied back in a short pony tail and would barely come down to her shoulder if it was allowed to hang free. Her skin is an odd slightly coppery tan that few elves achieve and is a stark contrast to her blue eyes.

Stat Rolls
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First Post
Ranulf, Eater-of-Hearts


Race/gender: Shifter (longtooth)/male
Class/level: Barbarian 2/Fighter 2
Alignment: CG

Description: Ranulf is massively built- while he is only a bit taller than average height, his shoulders are so broad that he looks almost square, especially in armor and a wolf-skin mantle. He has a wild mane of curly black hair, and a short beard- no matter how often he shaves or how much attention he spends on grooming, he always looks scruffy and wild- so he doesn't usually bother, though he likes to be fairly clean. Between his unkempt appearance, his growl of a voice, and his rude and surly attitude, he seems to attract all kinds of trouble. Wherever he goes, woman are always hiding their children when they see him, and town guards always give him a hard time- he appears to embody the worst violent and savage stereotypes of his race (this is only exacerbated by the fact that he often revels in such responses, and will go out of his way to 'act up' if people don't get worried when they see him).

Personality: Ranulf has the rough and crude persona one might expect from his appearance- he talks loud, laughs louder, and curses those who give him any grief. He is honest, almost to the point of rudeness, and seems to have little concept of subtlety or social conventions. He would never shy away from a fight, and in fact, seems to enjoy fighting more than (almost) anything else- while he is terrifically ill at ease in social situations, he is quite crafty and cunning when it comes to warfare. While some of his more even-tempered or socially-skilled compatriots might shake their heads at his lack of diplomacy or restraint, they also know that he has a good heart, unbending loyalty, and courage to spare. On his own part, he does actually realize what a social or diplomatic disaster he can be, and when things are truly dire, he can force himself to keep his mouth shut so that his friends can do the talking.

Background: Not too many shifters lived in the area around Hommlet, at least not back in the day. Ranulf's parents stayed in the nearby forest for a time, but they were wanderers by nature, and they moved on, leaving their son in the custody of one of their few friends- no one knows whether they were trying to get rid of the boy or to protect him from the dangers of the roving lifestyle... Ranulf grew up outside the village, in the care of a surly old ranger- while the man might have been a friend to the boy's parents, he was no friend to anyone else. While he didn't get into town much and his social skills have definitely suffered for it, Ranulf grew up quite fit, and very much at ease in the woods or on the battlefield. When the recruiters passed through town, Ranulf was one of the first to sign up, and the other members of the group have long known him as a powerful warrior and a reliable friend- but not the kind of guy you send into town to negotiate with the locals.

Campaign details:
1. Two lost items: +1 mithril shirt, MW longaxe
2. Rival/enemy: Fezlyn, a changeling rogue and swashbuckler; virulently anti-shifter, nimble, stylish, and oh-so-suave, he has been a pain both in battle and out of it. The worst part is that he just won't stay dead- Ranulf is quite convinced that he has killed the fellow at least twice, but it doesn't seem to stick.
3. A triumph: Well, it was a heck of a fight, a real knock-down, drag-out brawl that ended up involving pretty much the entirety of a Karrnathi battlefield camp. The Jade Dragoons definitely weren't expecting us to show up there- they had prevailed upon some old friendships and they were nearly all in the camp commander's tent celebrating their triumphant acquisition of some critical Brelish battle-planning maps (we won't ever know, I guess, just how they managed to get their hands on that info). We sort of stumbled into the mess- I guess, honestly, we weren't exactly expecting the Dragoons to be there either- but we adapted to things a heck of a lot faster, and while we didn't manage to fight our way out easily, we did manage to get out and not get dead. Recovering the map case was just gravy...
4. A setback: It should have been simple- we had the location of the supply train, the guard roster, even the specific information about which wagon we were supposed to hit... Maybe the whole thing was a set-up, but our source had been good before- maybe it was just bad luck and the Dragoons were there for something else but couldn't resist putting us under the hammer just on principal. Whatever it was, we got slammed but good- we probably would have ended up getting killed if that Brelish cavalry patrol hadn't spooked them off. As it was, we were paying off our account with House Jorasco for what felt like months...

Stats/numbers/abilities, etc.:
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 190 lbs
Age: 24

Strength: 18 (+4), includes +1 at level 4
Dexterity: 17 (+3), includes +2 racial and +1 at level 4
Constitution: 18 (+4)
Intelligence: 11 (+0), includes -2 racial
Wisdom: 12 (+1)
Charisma: 9 (-1), includes -2 racial

Barbarian 2/Fighter 2; total level 4; (B/F/B/F)
Experience points: 6000
Hit points: 60 (12/10/12/10; +16 CON)
Armor class: 17 (touch 13, flatfooted 14; armor +4, DEX +3)
Move: 40 feet (in light or no armor)
Initiative: +3 (DEX)
BAB: +4 (Melee +8/Missile +7/Grapple +8)
ACP: -2
Fortitude: +10 (base +3+3, CON +4)
Reflex: +3 (base +0+0, DEX +3)
Willpower: +4 (base +0+0, CON +4 for Steadfast determination feat)

Endurance (level 1),
Power attack (level 2)
Exotic weapon proficiency- longaxe (Fighter 1 bonus)
Steadfast Determination (level 3, PHB II)
Extra rage (level 4, Complete warrior)
Weapon focus- greataxe (includes longaxe, Fighter 2 bonus)

Athletics (climb/jump/swim) +13/swim +11 (not including armor/encumbrance penalties); (7 ranks +4 STR +2 racial climb/jump)
Survival +6 (5 ranks +1 WIS)
Knowledge (nature) +2 (4sp crossclass= 2 ranks +0 INT)
Profession (lumberjack) +2 (2 sp/cc= 1 rank +1 WIS)
Intimidate +3 (4 ranks -1 CHA)
Speak language +1 (goblin; 2 sp/cc= 1 rank)

Items (160 gp):
Chain shirt (AC +4, check -2; 100 gp)
Longax (35 gp; Complete Adventurer pg 115-116; +9/1d12 +6)
Dagger (2 gp)
Dart (x6; 30 sp; +7, 1d4+4, range increment 20')
Morningstar (8 gp; +8, 1d8+4)
Explorer's outfit (free outfit, with wolfskin mantle)
Travelers outfit (1 gp, spare clothes)
Back pack (2 gp)
Bedroll (5 sp)
Belt pouch (1 gp)
Flint and steel (1 gp)
Waterskin (1 gp)
Trail rations (4 days; 20 sp)
Whetstone (2 cp)
Torches (x8; 8 cp)
Sack (x2; 2 sp)
identification papers (standard, 2 gp)

Spare cash: 1 gp, 2 sp
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First Post
Unity, warforged binder

Name  : Unity               | Race  : Warforged         | Height: 6'6"
Player: Scribbler           | Gender: None              | Weight: 302
Update:                     | Age   : 5                 | Eyes  : Blue
Align : CG                  | Size  : Medium            | Hair  : -
Deity : Sovreign Host       | Speed : 20 ft             | Hand  : Right
       Ability    |   Temporary   | Class: Binder         Level 4
     Score   Mod  |  Score   Mod  |
STR    14    +2   |               | Level 4 bumps: Cha and Str
DEX    12    +1   |    16    +3   |
CON    18    +4   |               |
INT    11    +0   |               |
WIS    10    +0   |               |
CHA    17    +3   |               | Action Points: 7       Char Level: 4
        Total   Current   Subdual |         Total   Dex   Misc
HP    :   48       13        0    | Init  :  +1   =  1  +
        Total           Armour   Shield   Dex   Size   Natural   Defl   Misc
AC    :  20   =   10  +    8   +        +  1  +      +         +      +   1
Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 19, Flat-footed touch: 11
        Total   Base   Str   Size |         Total   Base   Dex   Size
Melee :  +5   =  3   +  2  +      | Range :  +6   =  3   +  3  +
SAVES      Key                    Ability
         Ability   Bonus     Base   Mod   Magic   Misc
Fort  :    Con      +8     =  4   +  4  +       +
Ref   :    Dex      +4     =  1   +  3  +       +
Will  :    Cha      +7     =  4   +  3  +       +
RACE/CLASS ABILITIES & FEATS                                GAINED
Construct (Living Construct)
Light Fortification
Slam attack

Soul Binding (1 vestige)                                   1st level
Pact augmentation (1 ability)                              2nd level
Suppress sign                                              2nd level

Adamantine Body                                            1st level
Ignore Special Requirements                                2nd level
Improved Binding                                           3rd level
Skilled Pact Making                                        4th level
Sudden Ability Focus [B]                                   4th level Binder

Vestige Bound:
Paimon, [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1219882]bad pact (1d20+11=12)[/url]

Abilities Granted:
Dance of Death
Proficient with the shortsword and rapier
Weapon Finesse--shortsword and rapier only
+4 bonus to Dex
Can use Tumble untrained; +4 to Tumble and Perform (Dance)
Uncanny Dodge
Whirlwind Attack
One side of mouth wider than the other
Lascivious and bold; required to dance (move at half speed) when he hears music or take -1 penalty on attacks, saving throws, and checks per incident
+1 insight bonus to Armor Class


SKILLS                    Max Ranks (3 + Level):     CC Max Ranks (/2):

                            Key    Skill Ability            Misc
CC SKILLS                 Ability  Mod    Mod     Synergy   Mod    Ranks
X  Appraise                Int     +0  =  +0       +0       +0      +0
X  Balance                 Dex     -2  =  +3       +0       -5      +0
   Bluff                   Cha     +3  =  +3       +0       +0      +0
X  Climb                   Str     -2  =  +3       +0       -5      +0
   Concentration           Con     +4  =  +4       +0       +0      +0
   Craft: Armor            Int     +7  =  +0       +0       +0      +7
   Diplomacy               Cha     +3  =  +3       +0       +0      +0
x  Disguise                Cha     +3  =  +3       +0       +0      +0
X  Escape Artist           Dex     -2  =  +3       +0       -5      +0
X  Forgery                 Int     +0  =  +0       +0       +0      +0
   Gather Information      Cha     +3  =  +3       +0       +0      +0
x  Heal                    Wis     +0  =  +0       +0       +0      +0
x  Hide                    Dex     -2  =  +3       +0       -5      +0
   Intimidate              Cha     +7  =  +3       +0       +0      +4
X  Jump                    Str     -3  =  +2       +0       -5      +0
   Knowledge: The Planes   Int     +3  =  +0       +0       +0      +3
x  Listen                  Wis     +0  =  +0       +0       +0      +0
X  Move Silently           Dex     -2  =  +3       +0       -5      +0
X  Open Lock               Dex     +3  =  +3       +0       +0      +0
X  Perform (Dance)         Cha     +7  =  +3       +4       +0      +0
   Profession              Wis     +0  =  +0       +0       +0      +0
X  Ride                    Dex     +3  =  +3       +0       +0      +0
x  Search                  Int     +0  =  +0       +0       +0      +0
   Sense Motive            Wis     +0  =  +0       +0       +0      +0
X  Sleight of Hand         Dex     -2  =  +3       +0       -5      +0
x  Spot                    Wis     +0  =  +0       +0       +0      +0
X  Survival                Wis     +0  =  +0       +0       +0      +0
X  Swim                    Str     -3  =  +2       +0       -5      +0
X  Tumble                  Dex     +2  =  +3       +4       -5      +0
x  Use Rope                Dex     +3  =  +3       +0       +0      +0

Slam             +5    1d4+3     x2       -   light   B    Natural weapon
Morningstar      +5    1d8+3     x2       -   one-h  B+P
Light x-bow      +6     1d8    19-20    80 ft  M      P    Move to reload
Longbow          +0     1d8      x3    100 ft  M      P    Not proficient
Shortsword       +6    1d6+2   19-20      -   one-h  P    proficient

Unarmed Strike   +5    1d3+2     x2       -    light   B   Unarmed, nonlethal

                           ARMOUR CHECK    MAX  SPELL
Adamantine Body feat/heavy  +8     -5       +1   35%  20 ft  DR 2/Adamantine

COIN:    PP:    GP:   4 SP: 6   CP:
Morningstar           6 lb
Light crossbow        4 lb
30 crossbow bolts     3 lb
Longbow               3 lb
20 arrows             6 lb
warforged repair kit  1 lb
Standard ID papers     -
Traveling papers       -
Shortsword            2 lb
5 sunrods             5 lb
belt pouch            1/2 lb
20 pieces of chalk    -


Unity is fairly typical in appearance for a warforged. His adamantine-laced
plating is the same he was built with, and he is about typical size. He
wears a belt around his waist to hold things and a dark green traveling
cloak, but no other clothing. His eyes glow a bright blue and always look
friendly. The symbol on his forehead is somewhat distinctive, a perfect
spiral that moves clockwise from a center point a good five times.

On any given day he may or may not bear the sign of a vestige. There are
some signs he suppresses when able and others that he usually doesn't mind

Unity has a stronger personality then most warforged. He demands his own say and likes getting his way, too. This has served him well in soul binding, enabling him to convince vestiges that the unique experience of riding in the unusual warforged body is well worth it, enlisting the aid of vestiges who wouldn't ordinarily listen to him at all.

Despite the taboos associated with contacting a vestige he always calls on their power as a means to an end, and that end is usually helping or protecting people.[/sblock]

Unity was sent to serve in the Brelish army after his creation. He was made with strong armor to be a warrior, but a binder in the unit called Melissandra wanted to experiment with teached the construct pact magic, and she was allowed the attempt. She was extremely successful, and she named him Apprentice.

However, as he learned more about the art, he noticed things about his teacher that unnerved him. He had been able to contact vestiges of all types by convincing them to experience life as a warforged instead of their usual requirements in hosts. Melissandra could not do this, but nonetheless could contact vestiges of all kinds. Clearly, Melissandra had been less ethical than Unity approved of, possibly solely for the purpose of making
stronger pacts.

He confronted her, and she became furious. He was not supposed to question her. The woman and the strong-willed warforged had become hostile towards each other, and he no longer needed her tutelage. Their commanders simply split them up into different units. Unity stopped using the name "Apprentice", and was renamed "Unity" by his new companions.

With the treaty of Thronehold signed, Unity no longer had any place to go. Several of his companions in his new unit lived near each other, and were heading home. He was invited to accompany them and did so, and later these friends left that home to become what they are today...[/sblock]

Unity's rival among the Jade Dragoons in none other than Melissandra. Apparently she also took to a life of adventuring after the Last War ended, and turned up in the rival party. She may have taught him his skills, but he is determined to show her that his was of using them is better.

When Melissandra joined the Jade Dragoons, they immediately started seeking out Dhaakani ruins. Unity did some research on the fly and discovered what she was looking for, and his group managed to beat them to the punch. He claimed the ancient vestige phylactery, a useful magic item for soul binders, for his own.

Unity suffers great embarrassment over one particular incident. He had made a poor pact with Naberius and the vestige was overtaken with a desire to make a speech to the passengers waiting for an airship, which he did not resist because he was not worried about the time and shook off his companions' requests for haste. The Jade Dragoons took advantage of his stop and bribed the pilot to take off without them; arriving in Zilargo three hours before the party easily enabled them to handle the hostage situation without interference.

Unity's vestige phylactery was stolen from him, and Melissandra possesses it at last. His magical shield, captured from a servant of the Lord of Blades almost a year ago, was also taken.

(If a vestige phylactery is too expensive for this, swap it for implements of binding.)
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Voidrunner's Codex

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