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Lodoss War...


First Post
I'd agree on Karla's circlet, but put her at level 22. Also, I would add the lich template to Wagnard. I also have Deedlit at level 15/CR 17, Pirotess at level 14/CR 17, Ashram level 17, Kashue level 16, and Parn level 16 as well.

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Karla's Stats

I was bored, so here's my interpretation of Karla's stats:

Karla the Grey Witch, female human Sor15/Archmage 3: CR 18; ECL 18; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 18d4; hp 55; Init +5; Spd 30 ft; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Melee unarmed strike -1/-6 (1d3-1); SA spells; SQ Karla’s Circlet; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +18; Str 8, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 26, Wis 18, Cha 31.
Skills and Feats: Bluff +x, Diplomacy +x, Disguise +x, Hide +x, Knowledge (arcana) +x, Knowledge (history: Ancient Kazul) +x, Spellcraft +x; Arcane Preparation, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Spellcasting Prodigy, Spell Focus (Evocation), Spell Focus (Necromancy), Spell Penetration.
Sorcerer Spells Known (cast 6/9/9/9/8/7/8/7/6/3):
0-Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Flare, Mage Hand, Open/Close, Pregistation, Read Magic, Resistance
1-Featherfall, Mage Armor, Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Shield*, True Strike
2-Fog Cloud, Invisibility, Knock, Mirror Image, Protection from Arrows
3-Displacement, Fireball*, Fly*, Haste
4-Arcane Sight, Dimensional Door, Hallucinatory Terrain, Thunderlance*
5-Dream, Hold Monster, Lesser Ironguard, Telekinesis
6-Greater Dispelling, Repulsion*, True Seeing
7-Greater Scrying, Spell Turning, Teleport w/o Error*
8-Flensing*, Horrid Wilting*
9-Time Stop
Equipment: Karla's Circlet: +6 enhancement bonus to Intelligence and Charisma, has a magic-variant Mind Switch (PsiHB) effect on it, protects Karla as if she was under the effect of a constant Mind Blank spell, and Karla can control it 10 rounds a day to fly at a speed of 50 (perfect). I would also give her some other items, like Bracers of Armor +8 and similar.

Chosen Archmage Abilities: Spell Power +1, Spell Power +2, Spell Power +3

*Evidence of these spells used in the series.

The physical stats are for Karla’s original form, I used 42 point buy since she is a very major figure in Lodoss. I didn't do skills, but assume all those and a couple others are maxed.
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First Post
Now, from the HotW thread, with the Lodoss elf race added, and a few changes made based on stuff already discussed in this thread, I bring level 7 stats for Deedlit.

Shaman 7
Alignment: NG
Age: 170 (Not that it matters)
HD 7d6-7 , AC 15 (11 flatfooted, 15 touch) Movement 30 ft.
Str 8, Dex 18 (16 w/o gloves), Con 8, Int 14, Wis 20 (17 raised to 18 at level 4, 20 from periapt), Cha 19

Spell-like abilites:Levitate and Blink at will, as a 7th level sorcerer
BAB: +5
Attack Bonus: Melee +11 rapier, +4 unarmed strike, Ranged +12 (longbow)
Damage: 1d6/18-20, x2 (Rapier), 1d8+1 (Longbow)
Skills: -1 Climb, +10 Diplomacy(+7 when dealing with non-elf/meadow sprite humanoids, +5 when dealing with drow), +8 Handle animal, +8 Heal, +17 Hide, +1 Jump, +12 Knowledge (Spirits), +6 Listen, +15 Move Silently, +2 Search, +6 Spot
Feats: Expertise, Improved Initiative, Empower Spell(Bonus metamagic feat), Augment Summoning, Weapon Finesse (Rapier)
Weapon/Armor Proficiency: All simple weapons, all light armor, rapiers and bows (shortbow, longbow, composite longbow, and composite shortbow).
Saves: Fortitude +5, Reflex +9, Will +13
Initiative: +7
Abilities: Turn/Rebuke Undead as a 5th level cleric (6/day), Reubuke or Command Animals or Plants as a 7th level cleric (6/day), Rebuke or Command Spirits as a 7th level cleric (6/day), Spirit's Favor (+Cha bonus to saving throws, already added in), Spontaneous Casting (Summon Monster spells, makes more sense then healing for a Lodoss shaman's summoning nature), Spirit Sight, +2 Save vs. Enchantments, Cannot cast healing spells
Items: +1 Dagger, +1 Longbow, Boots of elvenkind, Bracers of Armor +1, Cloak of elvenkind, Spell Component Pouch, Holy symbol, Wand of Cure Light Wounds, Falcon as a animal compainion(Not very sensible, but I couldn't think of anything good. Lodoss shamans rarely have animal companion), 30 MW arrows, 4 Glass Figures (10 HP, used for Substitution spell), 273 gold left

Spells Per Day (6/6+1/4+1/3+1/2+1), Domains: Celestial, Nature
Spells Commonly Memorized:
0-Detect Disease, Detect Magic (2), Detect Poison (2), Read Magic
1-Animal Friendship, Bless (2)*, Detect Evil, Endure Elements, Invisibility to Undead, Speak With Animals
2-Ancestral Vengeance (3), Commune with Lesser Spirit*, Hold Person
3-Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic, Substitution*, Summon Nature's Ally III
4-Lesser Spirit Ally (2)*, Summon Nature's Ally IV
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First Post
So, anyone have any ideas for the one thing that we really need to add but haven't yet(Specifically, domains and alignments for the deities. I'm not that experienced, but I know having something horribly wrong when I see it, and a certain 3e Lodoss website has just that.)

Anime Kidd

My take on the Lodoss deities

If anyone has a site or information on the Lodoss deities? Until then I say just use a similar deity in the PHB instead or as a starting point. Might not be perfect, but its a start. :)

Here is the domains I would use and a similar deity of the PHB:

Falis - Law, Sun, Good. Pelor, Heironeous, or St. Cuthbert.
Falaris - Evil, Destruction, Darkness*. Nerull or Hextor.
Marfa - Protection, Healing, Good, Creation*. Yondalla.
Kardis - Destruction, Chaos, Darkness*. Wee Jas.
Baylos - Fire, Chaos, Madness*. Erythnul.
Myrii - War, Strength, Nobility*. Heironeous or Kord.
Barbas - Death, Evil, Trickery. Gruumsh.
Rada - Knowledge, Protection, Artifice*. Moradin.
Cha Za - Luck, Travel, Community*. Fharlanghn.

As Atsuki is the creator deity and no longer exists, so no clerics for him.

* Domain found in Deities and Demigods.

EDIT ----------------------
Heres my take on the following people:

o Wagnard: Human, 17th level Necromancer with Lich template.
o Karla: was Human, Sorcerer of 19-21 level.
o Emporer Beld: Human Fighter/Blackguard of around 17th level.
o King Fahn: Paladin around 17th level.
o King Kashue: Fighter with a few Paladin levels or at least a knight-like PrC.
o Ashram: Fighter/Blackguard around 13th or 14th level.
o Pirotess: Rogue or Ranger.
o Parn: A level or so less than Ashram, minimum of 12th level.
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First Post
I like it, but I see Falis as NG instead of LG(Being the god of light so knights worship you doesn't make you lawful.) so I think something else is in order. This pantheon is skewed LG-CE, and I'm not sure how to fix it, though I think replacing protection with chaos on marfa would help.

Anime Kidd

Well when I was posting the pantheon, I wasn't considering the alignment of the deities, just listing similar deities in teh D&D pantheon. As for chaos for Marfa, I just don't see it.
Also, Im having thoughts about Kardis's domains. When I was typing it, I just couldn't think of th right domains. I see her as the "Super-Chaotic Evil Destroyer" type. Her domains are just o close to Falaris's domains.
What alignments would you list the pantheon as?

o Falis - LG or NG.
o Falaris - LE or NE.
o Marfa - NG.
o Kardis - CE.
o Baylos - CN with evil tendancies (sp?), CE, or NE.
o Myrii - LN.
o Barbas - NE or CE.
o Rada - NG.
o Cha Za - CN or CG.

What else needs to be done for Lodoss? Appropriate list of Prestige Classes?


First Post
I see marfa as chaotic because she is the new creator deity, and creation used to be what Atsuki did, and Atsuki was CN all the way. This looks more balanced now, and I will use it(Adding in appropriate alignment domains of course.), but I must note that if you use an NG Falis, he has 2 domains. I'm wondering what to add for him, maybe healing(Etoh was notorious as a healer) or war.(The knights of Valis are such good warriors.)

And now we've completed the bare basics. We still need PrCs and NPCs of course, along with a set of rules for how certain things work in certain locations(Specifically, the forest of no return, and how time passes in it.)


Roll 21.
Interesting thread.
I was a big fan of Lodoss war.
It's my early experience with RPG.(I'm Japanese.)

I haven't see many animated series or read recent novels, but I have official Lodoss RPGs.
You know, Lodoss was played as AD&D(1st ed, I think) at origin.
It was very long campaign focused on Karla, the Grey Witch (possesed on Leylia's body in this time). Heros(and heroines) are Parn,Deedlit,Slayn,Ghim,Etoh and Woodchuck.
This 1st series became very popular, but couldn't published as a book because of TSR patent problem. (And the magazines command a premium.)
So, 2nd (and 3rd...) series were played on original game system.

There are two separate RPG systems called "Sword World RPG" and "Lodoss War Companion"(strange name?).
Lodoss is part of "Material plane" for Sword World RPG.
After ten years or so, Group SNE published Record of Lodoss War as a supplement for Sword World RPG.
I have some of thses rulebook.

So, I hope I can help conversion project.


First Post
I hope so as well. While we may have the basics ironed out, we still need more done to become a very useful guide for GMs who want to run a game in Lodoss. I welcome you to the group.

Voidrunner's Codex

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