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Loex'edar: The Dragonwars


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As the flight of dragons arranges itself for the upcoming battle, the two who cast spells before begin casting anew. You also see more detail of the other two. One is wearing a breastplate and carrying a very large club. The other is wearing a chain shirt, and it comes to a stop, hovering while the others continue flying forward. You veryquickly notice the bow in its hands, as arrows begin flying around you. One arrow flies straight and true at Versveshedar, penetrating his thick skin over his tough shoulder muscle. It does not have the force to penetrate deeply, however, and is only a minor annoyance to the gold. The unarmored magic-user stops and hovers beside him.

[sblock=ooc for shayuri]The divine caster is now casting Divine Favor, while the arcanist casts See Invisibility.[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc for Wrahn]The arrow hits with a roll of 39, and does 12 points of damage.[/sblock]

The creatures are now merely a few seconds' flight distant. The cold wind rushes by your wings as you feel the excitement of battle overtake you. What do you do?
[sblock=ooc for everyone]Initiative order for the first round:
Nonlethal Force
DK Sorceror
Goddess FallenAngel
DK Cleric
DK Archer
DK Basher

The front pair of dragonkin are 70 yards away from Versveshedar, straight ahead (at the same altitude). The other two are twenty feet higher and about 60 feet back, keeping the front two between them and you.
Also, I need Tailspinner's position in the formation before we go too much farther.[/sblock]
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Nonlethal Force

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Flitterdust grins. "Well, so far they've already fallen into our trap. I'll take care of the halfbreeds in the back and their ability to cast spells for at least a little while. I'd suggest getting to them and taking them out before they move too far and are able to cast again, however."

Flitterdust begins to hover in his position and focus upon the the back pair of dragonkin. "Bahamat reign down his justice to silence you all!"

[Sblock]Casting Silence on the back pair of dragonkin - assumig that I can hit them both in the same spell. Caster level 14, Range: 400+40/level = 960, Duration 1 min/level = 14 minutes, Save: Will DC 22 Negates.[/Sblock]


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Shayuri rumbles in the language of High Arcane, and extends one curved claw towards the two burlier dragonkin that were giving the casters cover.

A solid beam of jet black non-energy speared out even as her invisibility spell flickered out, revealing her.

[sblock]Firing a Ray of Enfeeblement at the dragonkin with the breastplate and huge club. Coming out of Invisibility, I deny it Dex bonus to AC, and ranged touch is +15 to hit. (+13 base, +2 for being invisible when it's cast). If hit, the subject takes a 3d6+3 Str penalty.[/sblock]


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Drumaxius flies ahead to hurt the (hopefully) silenced caster. "...Aaaaahhhh--"

[sblock=Attack]Charging: +33, 2d6+13 damage, my AC drops to 45 for this round
edit: fixed attack roll to account for Bless[/sblock]
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First Post
By Bahamut's Breath I hate fighting on the wing Versveshedar thinks as the arrow hits. They appear more manuverable than us and there is plenty of unknown to this fight. Well, let's see what we can do. No time for complicated instruction, best to go with what comes naturally.

"No time left for discussion, Luminous, come with me, the rest of you, take out the casters and then help us."

With that his speed increases and he swings wide left and comes at the two at the side, when he gets close, he intakes a deep breath and unleashes his dragon fire.

[sblock]Vers's actions are dependent on what the others are doing. He will dip down and level off, stopping some twenty feet away and Breath (6d10 fire Damage DC 26 reflex for half, 40 foot cone trying to catch both) in an attempt to use the two as cover.

If they have been engaged in melee he will also dip down and come beneath the "Cleric", still attempting to use them as cover and close to 10ft and strike with his tail (+35 to hit (Bless taken into that number) 1d8 + 29 damage)[/sblock]
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Lord Wyrm

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Upon entering range Thric cuts a hard dive at the armored caster.

Armored casters never bode well. he thinks as he slashes out with his savage maw. Without checking to see his effects the silver one wheels up to regain altitude.

[sblock]Thric moves bites at +16 base +2 for invisibility for +18 total, damage 1d8+3 +3d6 Sneak Attack. Then continues his move (Flyby Attack, Adroit Flyby Attack) rising as high as he can.[/sblock]

Luminous gives a sharp nod and banks to follow Versveshedar.

Much like Versveshedar, her actions will determine where the others are/what they are doing. If she can get a breath weapon in, she'll use Shape Breath to make her Line of Force a Cone and breathe (Reflex save DC 27, 4d10 Force damage). If not, she'll attack using her bite at +29.
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Guest 11456

Zathros : Male Wyrmling Gold Dragon Fighter 6

Zathros positions himself to take on the one with the club. He flies forward and bites.

OOC: Attack: 47 Damage: 19


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Round 1 Recap

As the draconic humanoids come into range, Flitterdust starts the battle with a spell designed to reduce the enemy to helplessness. She casts a spell of silence upon the unarmored spellcaster, which you can all tell doesn't work, because a moment later Drumaxius sinks his teeth deep into the creature's side- and you all hear the screech that it lets loose. Thric Martivar, coming out of nowhere (or so it seems), narrowly misses giving the armored caster a new set of scars, then turns away and climbs for height.

The arcane mage towards the back hovers slowly away from Drumaxius, but not slowly enough- it shouts out in pain once again as he scores a blow on it. However, it then looses a lightning bolt from its foreclaw that aims to catch both Drumaxius and the newly revealed Thric in its path. Thric dodges easily out of its way, while Drumaxius is burned across his back as he tries desperately to twist free from this onslaught.

Luminous and Versveshedar split up, trying to catch the front pair in a crossfire. The dragons, having followed Vers's movements underneath them, seem to be ready for this, and manage to avoid the worst of the energy hurled at them. However, Luminous' darting movement over them catches them by surprise, and they both take the full effect the pounding force that emanates from her mouth.

The armored caster rushes after Thric Martivar, who had just attacked it. Coming after him from behind, it manages to land a blow squarely between his shoulder blades. At almost the same moment, the bow-wielder looses a stream of arrows at Drumaxius, every one of which bounces harmlessly from his scales.

Zathros charges the one with the club, intent on biting it to death. As he closes with it, however, his focus on killing it allows it to land a blow on his noggin that shakes him up a little. Nonetheless, bite it he does, his jaws clamping down on its forearm. Immediately behind Zathros, Shayuri casts her spell, annoyed that Zathros put himself right in the way. She still manages to hit the creature with the spell, however, and the dragonkin shrieked in dismay as he felt himself growing weaker. But, with a dragon right there for him to beat on, he happily does so- once again clubbing Zathros about the head, albeit not quite so hard, this time.
[sblock=damage and other such stuff]Drumaxius: 21 damage from the lightning bolt (unless you have resistance somehow)
Zathros: 30 damage from AoO, 25 damage from regular attack
Thric Martivar- 20 damage from cleric
Luminous: 3 rounds till you can breathe again
Versveshedar: 2 rounds
Luminous and Vers- I switched you in the init. order, based on you descriptiopns of what you did (Luminous followed V's lead)[/sblock]
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First Post
Map (hope it works)

[                                    ]
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Each - and [ equal 5'.
2=Divine mage
Heights (these are all taken from Versveshedar, who is the lowest):
1= +45
2= +25
3= +35
4= +15
Flitterdust= +15
Drumaxius= +40
Luminous= +55
Shayuri= +45
Thric= +30
Zathros= +15

For the enemies, these are for there "bottom" squares- they are Large (tall) creatures, so they extend up another 5'

Voidrunner's Codex

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