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Loex'edar: The Dragonwars

Nonlethal Force

First Post
Flitterdust hovers where he is, taking in the battle and hoping that his blessing in the beginning is helping his allies. He keeps a sharp eye out for any of his allies who look like they are in trouble.

[Sblock]Flitterdust will hang out on the fringe hovering until:
A. He is charged at which point he will use a readied action to circle the battlefield - hopefully using his speed and maneuverability to evade attack.


B. He notices an ally drop below 1/4 HP left. If this is the case, please let me know and I will decide if Flitterdust will charge to the rescue and heal the ally or not.[/Sblock]

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First Post
Round 2 results

Flitterdust, dismayed by the ineffectiveness of his last attempt, calls forth a dazzling, superheated radiance from the ether. The two dragonkin who are caught within its radius chitter crazily, as their wingtips begin to smoke slightly.

Drumaxius attempts to grab hold of the arcanist and drag it from the sky, but the wily thing sees it coming and deals him a sharp blow to the nose as he reaches. However, he is not deterred by this, and succeeds in grabbing on. Both of them begin falling from the sky, hurtling towards the unfriendly ground below.

Thric, still stinging from the blow dealt to him, whirls and catches the cleric and the club-wielder in his icy breath before spiraling out of the thick of the melee. As he flies away, the cleric begins falling insensible to the ground below, his wings streaming out limply behind.

The arcanist, held in a deathgrip by Drumaxius, sets his face and concentrates as he calls upon his magic to save him. He begins casting a spell, shouting twisted phrases but making no gestures.

Luminous spends a few moments maneuvering, but ends up next to the burly greatclub wielder. She sinks her teeth into his stinking hide, tearing a sizable gash.

Versveshedar flies off to assist with the arcanist, and arrives as the dragonkin is halfway through its casting. With a swift chomp of his sharp teeth, Versveshedar forces the mage to look around, breaking his concentration on the spell. The building magical energies drain away harmlessly.

The dragonkin archer, seeing that his front line and his support are in trouble, and having some trouble seeing everything, decides to make a run for it. He deliberately stalls, plummeting towards the earth below with no attempt to control his fall.

Zathros moves in on the greatclub wielder and unleashes a ferocious attack, striking out with every limb that can reach. Unfortunately, he spends more effort on trying to make each hit hurt rather than aiming his blows carefully. He scores only one hit, but that one causes blood to flow freely.

Shayuri, circling the fight at a distance, also attempts to aid Drumaxius in his duel with the arcanist. However, because she is unwilling to risk hurting her companion, the stream of sonic energy that she calls up flies wide.

The greatclub wielder, dripping blood from deep slashes in his hide, still roars defiance. He moves slightly to get himself out of the uncanny radiance that Flitterdust has conjured, but his attacks find Zathros unerringly as Zathros finishes his wild flurry. The greatclub lashes out once, twice, thrice, each time connecting solidly with a new portion of Zathros' now very tender body.

[sblock=ooc: ]Drumaxius: 6 pts damage from AoO. You'll have one round to do what you want before you need to disengage to save yourself.

Zathros: takes 74 pts of damage from the DK's full attack.

Flitterdust: you notice that Zathros is now pretty badly hurting.[/sblock]
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Nonlethal Force

First Post
Flitterdust spies the one making an attempt to escape and yells out, "Anyone free, stop that one from leaving and bringing in reinforcements!"

Flitterdust watches as two of their enemies fall from the sky and assumes it is relatively safe to go help Zathros. Using his faerie wings he zips towards Zathros and when arriving he calls out, "Bahamut shines upon those who serve good in the fight of evil!"

[Sblock]Casting Cure Critical Wounds: 4d8 + 14(CL) +8(Augment Healing Feat)[/Sblock]


Guest 11456

Map Posting

X-Y:                                     Y-Z:
Q...................................Q    Q................Q
P...................................P    P................P
O...................................O    O................O
N...................................N    N................N
M...................................M    M................M
L...................................L    L................L
K...................................K    K................K
J...................................J    J................J
I...................................I    I................I
H...................................H    H................H
G...................................G    G................G
F...............................VV..F    F.....VV.........F
E...............................VV..E    E.....VV.........E
D...................Z44.............D    D..........4Z....D
C.F..................44..T..........C    C.T........4F....C
B...................................B    B................B
A....................LL.............A    A........LL......A
9....................LL.............9    9........LL......9
8...................................8    8................8
7...............S...................7    7.....S..........7
6...................................6    6................6
5...................................5    5................5
4...................................4    4................4
3...................................3    3................3
2...................................2    2................2
1...................................1    1................1


Each position is a 5 feet cube.

Symbol=Name XYZ/facing angle in XY-plane/facing angle from XY-plane
4=Greatclub-wielder LC5/270/0
F=Flitterdust 2C5/90/0
L=Luminous L97/0/0
S=Shayuri G7B/180/0
T=Thric PCF/90/0
V=Versveshedar WEA/90/0
Z=Zathros KD5/135/0

150 feet (30 spaces) below the above map:

X-Y:                                     Y-Z:
Q...................................Q    Q................Q
P...................................P    P................P
O...................................O    O................O
N...................................N    N................N
M...................................M    M................M
L...................................L    L................L
K...................................K    K................K
J...................................J    J................J
I...................................I    I................I
H...................................H    H................H
G.................................11G    G....11..........G
F.................................D1F    F....1D..........F
E...................................E    E................E
D...................................D    D................D
C...................................C    C................C
B...................................B    B................B
A...............22..................A    A........22......A
9...............22..............33..9    9......3322......9
8...............................33..8    8......33........8
7...................................7    7................7
6...................................6    6................6
5...................................5    5................5
4...................................4    4................4
3...................................3    3................3
2...................................2    2................2
1...................................1    1................1


Each position is a 5 feet cube.

Symbol=Name XYZ/facing angle in XY-plane/facing angle from XY-plane
1=Arcanist YFB/270/0
2=Divine mage G97/270/0
3=Bow-user W89/270/0
D=Drumaxius YFB/90/0[/sblock]
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Guest 11456

Zathros : Male Wyrmling Gold Dragon Fighter 6

Zathros, now feeling very battered, is appreciative for Flitterdust's healing. Knowing that he is one of the faster and probably better maneuverable of his breathren (and sistren?), he makes a snap decision (another of probably many to come) and turns his body straight down before diving toward the fleeing dragonkin archer.

OOC: Turn nose down and double move dive (how far is the ground?) and level out at the last minute if necessary.

Turning her head at Flitterdust's shout, Luminous sees the fleeing dragonkin. She hesitates briefly, considering going after it, but realizing quickly that she has little chance of catching it and still pulling out of her dive in time, and the others might have better luck.

Backwinging to halt her motion and stay above the greatclub-wielding dragonkin, she roars to draw his attention from Zathros as the gold turns to disengage, and, still grimacing at the taste of its blood, attempts to bite the dragonkin again.

Starting to hover as a move-equivalent action, still 10’ above the dragonkin, at the maximum of Luminous’ reach, and bite as a standard action, +30 to hit (29 +1 bless +1 height).


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
"Thanks, Vers!" Plummeting towards the ground, Drumaxius smiles at the caster and tries to make him more helpless.

[sblock=OOC]I'm going to try to Pin him, assuming I can do that in midair.
Grapple +26

I'll use as many of my attacks as it takes. With the rest, I'll just attack him. If I can't pin him, I'll just hurt him. (all my attacks listed here for reference)

Bite +30 2d6+13
2 Claws +28 1d6+9
2 Wings +27 1d4+9[/sblock]


First Post
Frustrated by her inability to hit the clubbing dragonkin, who seemed for now to be the biggest threat, Shayuri reaches into the pouch strapped along her ribs, crafted from tough shed dragonhide. From within she draws a stout length of wood that she carefully grips with the pads of her paws, not letting her claws so much as scratch its surface.

She waves it at the club wielding dragonkin and roars the final vowels of a High Arcane incantation. Runes, previously invisible, flare to garish life along the length of the wooden rod, and from the tip it discharges five bolts of greenish energy that sail through the gap between Shayuri and her prey...jinking adroitly to miss all obstacles in their path...until they can spiral and slam into the dragonkin.

[sblock]Wand of magic missile in use, move to X87. Damage: 5d4+5 = 16; http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=186507[/sblock]


First Post
As the arcanist and Drumaxis plummet past him, Versveshedar takes the opportunity to lash out with his tail at the held dragonkin. "My name is Versveshedar," he says reflexively, as his forward momentum carries him past.

He hesitates, looking to see what enemies are still up and who is engaged in what. Finally, see the rest have taken care of the other combatants, Vers dives toward the ground placing himself close to the path of decent of the archer.

[sblock]Okay, I THINK Vers gets an attack of opportunity on the arcanist who uncontrollably falls through three zones of control of Vers, which he will take with his tail (+34 to hit, 1d8 + 29 20/x2)).

Vers will descend trying to move himself right next to the path the archer is falling. I would imagine it is a difficult snap estimation so you may want him to make a to hit roll or an int check to place himself in the route. (BAB +14, Int mod +3) He is trying to place himself about 50 feet below the archer, his standard move is 200 ft double for descent, should allow him plenty of room to manuever as a move equivilent action. He will ready his standard action and attempt to strike the archer when he enters his zone of control (again with his tail +34 to hit, 1d8 + 29 20/x2) and as he continues to fall through, taking an attack of opportunity (with his tail again)[/sblock]
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