First Post
Plane Sailing said:Was it fun?
Yep! I got to play my first ever RAW 3e game, which was also my first ever game with minis. The players and GM were great, and Tallarn, in particular, was helpful in explaining various 3e rules to me. I noticed that a lot of 3e rules that I have disliked in other games worked absolutely fine in an RAW context (perhaps unsurprisingly--as that's what they were designed for).
PS I loved the fight with the mephits! We were having a relatively easy time of things before the GM waited until my character was dangling from a rope half way across the chasm before having ice mephits attack. Very old-school!
Plane Sailing said:Did you get any scoops?
A small one. I too had to run for a train, but I managed to fire off one question at Dave Noonan before heading off for a random encounter with two drunken and bloodied rugby players on the tube. I asked Dave how the design team had had to change spellcasting to make it fit into a 1:1 spell-level-to-character-level mapping scheme. He told me that it would be difficult to explain without giving me the PHB as they'd made a lot of changes, but he did give three interesting pieces of information:
--30 discrete levels of spells would be too fine a level of gradation, so we shouldn't expect to see spells occupying every spell level.
--Dave thought (but wasn't 100% sure?) that the upcoming Races & Classes book explained more about the spellcasting system.
--To help me better understand the new magic system, he said he would send me an autographed copy of the current iteration of the PHB. He might have forgotten that bit, as I'm sure he was very tired--but no doubt reading this he'll be reminded of it and pop the PHB into the mail. Really he said that.

So folks, go hit that pre-order button at Amazon.