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D&D 5E Looking for an adventure review


Last week I released my fourth DMs Guild adventure. It’s titled Hand of the Wychlaran. This is the first adventure I’ve released with a set price. The rest of my adventures have all been Pay What You Want, and while I have by no means gotten rich from them, they’ve received decent reviews, and people seemed to enjoy them.

For Hand of the Wychlaran, I tried to up my production quality. I made the switch to a color product, added additional interior art from DriveThruRPG and other sources, and worked with a wonderful artist to do a full-color cover. So far, the response has been tepid.

I’m not certain if I priced the adventure too high (it’s $2.99), if it simply got lost in the sea of content on DMs Guild, or if it just plain sucks (always a possibility), but I would like to see if I can get a few reviews and some helpful feedback. If any of you are interested in checking out the adventure, please PM me with your email address, and I will send you a complimentary copy to review.

Thanks in advance,

My Other Adventures


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