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Looking for Artists


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Looking for Artists

We are an Oregon based company that is developing a multimedia intellectual property. The property centers on mythic teachings and storytelling, sword and sorcery style fantasy and metaphysic philosophies. We are looking to produce this property as a role playing game, graphic novels, novels, miniatures, and then eventually video games, toys and whatever else they property naturally develops into.

We need artists to bring our property’s development onto a visual level, and put together a style guide for the IP products to work off of. We are hoping to assemble a design team of artists who work together to develop the look and feel of the world these products are set in.

Although our resources are limited at this time, with strong artwork and writing in place, we can fund the first product in our business plan and get it distributed. Our obstacle at this time is we need artists who are willing to contribute their work with the risk that they won’t receive compensation if our efforts fail. Regardless, we do promise this to be an exciting process, and an opportunity for all involved if successful.

Please contact us at the following email (make sure to remove the<nospam> tag) with your portfolios, location and contact information: creative<nospam>megumi@yahoo.com

Thank You,

Nate Jones
Creative Megumi, Inc.
President & Creative Director

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Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Moved to the appropriate forum.

By the way, threads like this need to have a 'Paid' or 'Unpaid' tag. (Which aren't available in the forum you started this thread.)
Since your post indicates you can't guarantee payment, I'll set it to 'Unpaid.' If that's not what you want, please edit the tag or if that's not possible, let me know and I'll take care of it. (Or maybe edit the thread title to point out payment is at least possible.)


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Artists Compensation

Artists will be compenstated if we meet sales projections. We need artists who are willing to not be paid only if the product fails. We are looking to have artists invest in the project and become a part of it. So if where would you place that? Unpaid or Paid if Venture is Successful?



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how long would it be until you realize the product is a success or it is failing?
And i am confused about your business plan, you say it allows for funding of your first product, does that not take into account the artists? just everyone else?



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The way I'm reading it, it sounds like they can manage to get the money to get it printed, but not to pay the people involved in putting it together until (Read: If) it starts making money. At least he's up-front about it, if not entirely clear. I get the impression he's being as clear as he knows to be, not purposefully obscure.


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Our company is seeking to maintain control over the intellectual property, and to allow funding from an outside source often means to hand rights of that property over to the parties financing the project. This is something we are trying to avoid. Our other obstacle is that the scope of the product line requires a cohesive style guide, which means working directly with artists to develop the look and feel of the setting. Although we have done plenty of research, and many of the parties involved have extensive game industry experience, whatever costs we can avoid early on allows us a better chance at success overall. We also don't know how long it is going to take to devlope the setting further in a visual medium, as this is the first time we have done something on this scale. I can't speak about the IP or its business plan in detail because I am under a NDA and to do so would compromise its security, but I will say that artists rights are very important to us, and we do not want anyone invloved in this opportunity to feel used. We want this to be a win/win for everyone involved.


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Hey, I just want to know what kinda pics you want. Are you wanting someone to constantly be pumping out pics, or do you just want a few neat sceans?


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When I read your original post, I thought, these guys have a feeling they are going to fail and don't want to lose much of their money when it happens. Here's some advice (I know you didn't ask for any, but I hope you find it useful anyway).

Start acting professionally at the get-go. That means paying people for their work. Even if you only pay a pittance, paying 'something' will show you mean business and believe in your product enough to put your money behind it.

When a new company asks artists or writers for hand-outs, it raises a warning-flag for many people. It's like you're saying, we don't believe in our project enough to spend a thousand dollars.

There's a lot of ways to raise money without even getting a job. Sell your DVD collection on eBay. Sell your comics, Playstation games, the bike you no longer ride, whatever. Sell your car and buy a cheaper car. Use your credit card to buy your next $1000 worth of food and clothes, and take the $1000 you saved and invest it in your company.

If you plan on failing, you probably will. So spend money and DO NOT FAIL!!!

Tony M


First Post
Najo said:
Our company is seeking to maintain control over the intellectual property, and to allow funding from an outside source often means to hand rights of that property over to the parties financing the project.


I can't speak about the IP or its business plan in detail because I am under a NDA and to do so would compromise its security, but I will say that artists rights are very important to us, and we do not want anyone invloved in this opportunity to feel used. We want this to be a win/win for everyone involved.

I suspect that the unpaid artist will not have any control over the IP you're developing, which is an artist's right I know I consider important.

So, just to be clear, what you're really asking is:

"We want an artist to work for us for no up-front money, no actual guarantee of any compensation unless this becomes profitable or even offering a meaningful share (if any) of the Intellectual Property we're developing."

You must have no idea how often artists get this sort of offer.

The young, inexperienced or desperate often respond. They get burned, hopefully just the once, then know better.

Anyone with meaningful industry, or even "extensive industry" experience would have connections with professional artists and should be able to parlay those connections into meaningful artist investment.

There really isn't a folder for this sort of offer. Perhaps "Pipe Dreams" would be appropriate. . . .


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