Looking for D&D 5th Edition Gamers in the Lichfield UK area


Game designer
I'd like to DM a new D&D 5th Edition group with an aim to play a long involved campaign, 3-4 players, two games a month, anywhere within 5-10 miles of Lichfield. I don't have a location to game in so any suggestions welcome.

The game will be Birthright/Game of Thrones/grim fantasy, so serious gamers please. I'm easy on the choice of campaign world, and this is somethign we can create as a group. In fact, if you're an existing group looking for a DM then so much the better.

IM me if you're interested.

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First Post
I'd like to DM a new D&D 5th Edition group with an aim to play a long involved campaign, 3-4 players, two games a month, anywhere within 5-10 miles of Lichfield. I don't have a location to game in so any suggestions welcome.

The game will be Birthright/Game of Thrones/grim fantasy, so serious gamers please. I'm easy on the choice of campaign world, and this is somethign we can create as a group. In fact, if you're an existing group looking for a DM then so much the better.

IM me if you're interested.
Hey Jon. Are you still looking for people to play?


First Post
I'd like to DM a new D&D 5th Edition group with an aim to play a long involved campaign, 3-4 players, two games a month, anywhere within 5-10 miles of Lichfield. I don't have a location to game in so any suggestions welcome.

The game will be Birthright/Game of Thrones/grim fantasy, so serious gamers please. I'm easy on the choice of campaign world, and this is somethign we can create as a group. In fact, if you're an existing group looking for a DM then so much the better.

IM me if you're interested.
Also wondering if a Lichfield group was formed. Only ever played 1e. Just picked up 5e


First Post
I'd like to DM a new D&D 5th Edition group with an aim to play a long involved campaign, 3-4 players, two games a month, anywhere within 5-10 miles of Lichfield. I don't have a location to game in so any suggestions welcome.

The game will be Birthright/Game of Thrones/grim fantasy, so serious gamers please. I'm easy on the choice of campaign world, and this is somethign we can create as a group. In fact, if you're an existing group looking for a DM then so much the better.

IM me if you're interested.
Hi Jon, Lichfield based, looking for a game exactly like the one you described 8 years ago! Do you still DM?



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