D&D 5E Looking for Ideas for a Unique PC


So new PC in an ongoing campaign. I will be taking the place of an NPC from another plane of existence that has been trapped in statis for hundreds of years.
Start at 8th level.
One moderate and two minor magic items.
Otherwise any race or build.

That immediately made me think of the spelljammer stuff since from another plane. Giff Path of Wild Magic barbarian. Plasmoid Way of the Astral Self Monk. Thri-Kreen Swarmkeeper Ranger. But I'm not set on Spelljammer.
I want a build that is reasonably effective, yet has lots of abilities/spells/powers/race that are rarely seen.

Do you have any suggestions?
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One thing that screams at me is Bronze Age. You could have a lot of fun RPing gawking at all the stuff made of iron and having fancy and special bronze armour and weaponry.

Voidrunner's Codex

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