Looking for Players Roseburg Oregon


First Post
I have 2 spots open in my local game. We play Wednesday start at 530-6 and play until 10-11. This is a long running game and I have slots open because I have friends moving out of state. We will be taking the next 3 weeks off to get new players ready to join. So first session will be June 21st. I would want to meet with any prospective players ahead of time. We play in my home, my wife usually makes dinner for the group, and I provide all materials. Please message me at Nephril@gmail.com and we can figure out a time to meet.

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I have 2 spots open in my local game. We play Wednesday start at 530-6 and play until 10-11. This is a long running game and I have slots open because I have friends moving out of state. We will be taking the next 3 weeks off to get new players ready to join. So first session will be June 21st. I would want to meet with any prospective players ahead of time. We play in my home, my wife usually makes dinner for the group, and I provide all materials. Please message me at Nephril@gmail.com and we can figure out a time to meet.
I only have 1 slot open now. This will bring the table up to 5 players.

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