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Looking for the origin of "Fan - Point Based Magic.doc"


I was digging through my old files a few days ago, and I came upon a file with that name. The title inside is:

Point Based D20 Magic System
A rewrite of the core magic system
as presented in the Player’s Handbook

Does anyone know where this comes from? I don't remember where I got it, I think a message board somewhere, but I'm not sure. It's a fairly decent system, and I was thinking of using it (with some modifications) for my campaign world, but I'd like to know who made it... There is no listed author, no OGL, nothing. Just the rules. It's like 2-3 pages, something like that.

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hong said:
Did you go to File -> Properties? Often you'll see a name listed in the Author field.

Hmm. Well, it turned up a name, but it's not of any use. All it says is "Kanati" for the author. A dogpile search of things like "d20 kanati" and "kanati magic system" havn't turned up anything.

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