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Lost 1/19/05

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Hand of Evil

Comic book and the bear...still say it was a handbook for the island.

Boone is even more lord of the flys than before, now into the role of side-kick to Locke, or is that henchman.

Locke and Micheal have come to an understanding which I do think puts him on Lockes side when needed, respect goes a long way. Locke is still the mystery man, playing it close and building a power base, shall I say, superheros.

It was a flash and I am not at all sure BUT was that Jack in the background when Micheal was in the hospital? Just been looking for connections in the background stories and may be seeing too much. ;)

Claire back and the bady gone!

Rerun next week...damn!


First Post
If Walt's dog is really gone (can't remember if they found it at the end or if they only found Claire) but I think that it would be Walt's doing as well.

The dog came back I believe cause Walt probably felt alone and scared and needed to cling onto something familiar (since the dog was brian's) Now if he has this strange power wouldn't it be possibly to "conjure" up the dog for those reasons? (even if we don't know to what extent his strange power is)

But now that the dog is gone it could possibly be that Walt is ready to move on. He's bonded with his father and has some friends on the island so he doesn't need that security blanket anymore.

I liked the story of Michael and Walt. It puts into light their relationship up till this point. Especially how he was hit by a car when he was going to get him back. And then how Brian dumped Walt on him and how he almost seemed not to want Walt after all this time.

To me it almost seems like Locke is a cult leader with Boone as one of his followers (attacking Michael)

but it was a good episode, was surprised by Claire just showing up. I thought they might have dragged out an episode or two looking for her and this "black rock"


I'm not so quick to jump on the 'Boone as lapdog' bandwagon, per se. Boone is definitely latched on to Locke, but mostly because he sees Locke as having something that no one else on the island appears to have: certainty. Locke stands-alone for one reason, I think....he is no longer "Lost". His miracle has already come, so to speak. Whether or not Locke is thinking clearly is another matter...but I don't think he's some sort of cult leader.

Scorch commented to me last night, while we watched some of the episode: "The problem with Locke is that he always seems to be just inside the realm of reasonable." That is to say that he could be crazy...but he always seems to bring things back to a state where he's the reasonable one. Boone attakcing Michael is a case in point: Michael has an anger problem (and perhaps that's why his relationship fell apart to begin with). If a man with a knife waves it at my friend and threatens him with it, then darn right I'm gonna tackle him.

Michael's story was an interesting one, especially as it drove home how raw his and Walt's wounds actually are. I mean, Walt lost his mother a few days before Michael came to get him? Ouch. And that scene where Michael got hit by the car? AHH. I flinched when I saw that...it was probably one of the most horrible things I've seen on the show. Pilot flayed alive? No big. Realistic depiction of man being hit by a car from out of nowhere? Gah.

Solid, solid episode. Forward movement in all directions.

An interesting thread, too....Alex, Walt and Claire's Baby; do they all have 'something about them'? Who are the Others? Are they different, as well? What is that 'something' about Walt?

I don't accept that Walt made the bear. Rosseau's knowledge of them clearly predates the current survivors. Further, we have no reason to link the first bear attack (where Walt was nowhere near, and happened with complete strangers) with the second (only Walt, until his Dad and Locke show up). If this was some wish fulfillment, it's a pretty crappy one: he loses his dog and his life threatened (and his dad's life) without knowing if anyone is even around to save him. And I don't think it was wish fullfillment that got a bird to fly into a glass window, either.

What I think is that Walt has some form of Animal Empathy or latent psychic ability that can manifest itself under stress. I think he unintentionally called the bird and the bear. His dog smells something, and runs off....why? If he was going after a perceived predator, that's not normal dog behavior is it? Wouldn't a dog normally challenge a potential agressor with barking and posture, first? DRU'S Wacky Theory #1: Alex is on the island, alive, and he summoned the dog.

Big question: What will Claire remember, if anything?
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Rotten DM
black rock or oil? The mention of black rock repeatly last night got me thinking of oil with black rock being a code word. Also if the island is a volcano there would be a lot black rocks right?
I did think the foreshadowing of bear was kind of heavy.


First Post
WayneLigon said:
I'm not sure Boone is a patsy. He looks like someone growing up, finding a purpose for the first time in his pampered life...

Boone is a sidekick patsy if I've ever seen one. I agree he has found a purpose and right now its lapdog to Locke.


First Post
WizarDru said:
I don't accept that Walt made the bear. Rosseau's knowledge of them clearly predates the current survivors. Further, we have no reason to link the first bear attack (where Walt was nowhere near, and happened with complete strangers) with the second (only Walt, until his Dad and Locke show up). If this was some wish fulfillment, it's a pretty crappy one: he loses his dog and his life threatened (and his dad's life) without knowing if anyone is even around to save him. And I don't think it was wish fullfillment that got a bird to fly into a glass window, either.

I agree that Walt didn't make the bear. I do think he called it whether inadvertantly or not. There is a small link to the first bear attack in that it happened after Walt was shown looking through the comic at the picture of the polar bear. This is why I conjectured about him calling the first one as well.

Psychic Warrior

First Post
Has anyone else noticed that the survivors always seem to find what they need most on the island? It always seems that when someone is really looking for something (conciously or not) they find it.

I think the island (or whatever power controls the island) createsa these things for them. Or at least leads them in the right direction.

Remember the epsiode where Boone is left in the wilderness by Locke? Locke says "When you are properly motivated you will find a way out". The island provides that motivation (Boones half-sister in jepordy). And what does Boone feel when his "sister" is killed? Relief! His deepest darkest heart's desire is to be free of her! And the island provided him with it.


First Post
I can't remember but have there been any "monster" sightings since the dog has been found? I wonder if somehow the dog is the monster. As to why it would have attacked the pilot though, I don't know.


First Post
Psychic Warrior said:
The island provides that motivation (Boones half-sister in jepordy).
I thought Locke provided that. (Shannon, shortly after being rescued (paraphrasing): "What the heck did you say to Locke, to make him...?!")

P.S. "Step"-sister, not half-sister.

A decent episode. Like fett, I was hoping to see more about the hatch. Further, I'm surprised that Jack and Sayid are still burbling about "finding out more about the possible power source" (when looking at the maps). There's a bloody cord coming out of the ocean, leading right to Rosseau's place! Which had power! *sheesh*

I'm surprised that others were surprised that Claire showed up (sans baby). I thought that was pretty obvious all along, and the foreshadowing seemed clear to me...

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