D&D 5E Lost Mine of Phandelver (pretty much the worst adventure title in the history of D&D)

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Cute but dangerous
Oh my...

As long as there won't be something even more off like the Phorgotten Phault of the Throw.

unan oranis

First Post
Yeah the name is dumb.

When I opened the box my eyes tricked me into thinking "Lost mines of Philanderer" and I was all like, what?

Decent enough quest though.


"Lost Mine of Phandelver" is a horrible, HORRIBLE name for an adventure.

Literally any other name would have been better.

"The Lost Mine of Shadow Puppies"
"The Lost Mine of the Mating Flumphs"
"The Lost Mine"

Ugg. Rich Baker needed more 'no' men and women in his life when he came up with this title.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with the title.


I love the adventure, but man, I find that the locations and NPCs suffer fairly badly from what my players call "bad naming syndrome."


Totally Awesome Pirate Brain
Man, that is one FUGLY cover. What the heck is that guy looking at at the bottom of the pic? Yech.

Chinstrip? He's seriously questioning whether he should have gone on the adventure with that facial hair. That doesn't look good on anybody, and he'll be damned if he's going to die in some hole to some ghost with a more wicked beard than him.

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