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Low-Magic Campaign Experiment

the Jester

I'm posting here the document detailing the basic rule changes in an experimental campaign I'm going to run. Basically I'm seriously tweaking the amount of magic available. I'm going to do other things to compensate, though, and I think it will prove fun and exciting for everyone involved. Anyway, here's the first part of the document; I'll add to it as I keep working on it. I'm actually prolly about 75% done, but I'm going to stretch the posting out over a couple of days so as not to throw a mass of stuff at people all at once.

Anyway, here it is.


The Year is 271 After the Founding. The Kingdom of Pellinsia fell fifty years ago. Now the warring barons and dukes struggle for supremacy in a world of shifting alliances, betrayed allegiances and bloody blades. Most history has been lost, and adventurers scramble to recover lost lore. Armies clash frequently as territory changes bloody hands. Violence is common and terrible monsters stalk the wilds between islands of civilization.

The Year 271 Campaign is the first in what may become a series of experiments exploring different campaign styles and rules variants. The Year 271 Campaign is intended to explore a lower-wealth, low-magic variant. It will be set some 28,000 years after the ‘current’ game time (c. 370 O.L.G., a calendar that no longer even exists in the Year 271 campaign) in a small sheltered barony surrounded by threats, all part of the shattered kingdom. This barony, called Kamenda, will host the initial forays of the pcs.

The rule set in use will be modified in a number of significant ways, laid out below. In general, the changes are designed to achieve a specific campaign feel- a world where the past holds fantastic glories that may yet be unearthed, but where the present is full of savagery. Civilization is not very civilized, and savagery is savage indeed.

Rule Changes for the Year 271 Campaign:

Character Generation

All characters are rolled using 4d6/drop lowest and arrange to taste. In addition, all characters begin play with 1d4 Wyrd. As they advance in level, characters may increase an ability score every third level (3rd, 6th, 9th, etc), rather than every fourth level.

All characters gain a feat at first level and at every odd level (1st, 3rd, 5th, etc), rather than every third level.

There are many changes made to the options available to pcs. These are broken down below. In some cases these changes are absolute (such as with what classes are available). In other cases, further choices may open up throughout the campaign (such as ‘new’ feats being discovered through ancient records).

The Year 271 Campaign features a predominantly human realm. The demihuman races have retreated from most contact with them. However, there are still a few racial options available for pcs: Human, Dwarf, Half-Elf, Half-Orc and Halfling.

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the Jester

All characters gain an additional 2 skill points per level (8 at first level). Otherwise, the following base classes are available as written: Barbarian, Fighter, Scout and Wilder. The following base classes are available, but are modified in the Year 271 Campaign:

Bard: A bard does not get spells. Instead, he gains a bonus feat at level 2, 4, 7, 10, 13 and 16. If the bard wishes, he may instead take a Wyrd. This feat may be chosen from the following list: Alertness, Animal Song**, Chant of Fortitude*, Encore**, Extra Music*, Force of Personality*, Green Ear*, Improved Initiative, Inspire Fear**, Ironskin Chant*, Jack Of All Trades*, Lasting Intimidation**, Lingering Song*, Linguist**, Masterful Performance**, Melody of the Free Mind**, Obscure Lore*, Powerful Voice**, Rally the Dying**, Rat-a-Tat**, Renowned Critic**, Sexy**, Skill Focus (bluff, diplomacy, listen, perform, sense motive), Soldiers’ March**, Song of the Masses**, Subsonics*, Tonguetwister**, True Tone**, Uncanny Dodge@, Virtuoso**, Versatile Performer*, Weapon Finesse.

*From Complete Adventurer. **From Cydra Player’s Guide. @As the rogue ability, requires Improved Initiative, base Ref save +4.

Clerics are replaced by the Priest. Each priest must choose a deity that he represents. The gods are discussed below, under religion. A priest is functionally very similar to a cleric, except for the following changes: HD- d6. Class Skills- Add Bluff and Intimidate. Domains and Spells- The priest gains access to one domain, which is added to his list of spells known at each level (thus, he can cast his domain spells with any of his slots). He does not gain any granted powers from his domain. A priest need not prepare spells; he casts spontaneously from his entire list of spells known. A priest has a number of spells per day equal to a cleric. Weapon and Armor Proficiency- The priest is proficient in light and medium armor, shields (except for tower shields) and all simple weapons. The priest is also proficient in his deity’s chosen weapon. Bonus Feats- At 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th and 20th level, the priest gains a bonus feat chosen from the following list (although if he so chooses, the priest may instead take a Wyrd): Armor Proficiency (heavy), Combat Casting, Consecrate Spell*, Corrupt Spell*, Eschew Materials, Extra Turning, Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration, Heighten Spell, Iron Will, Leadership, Persuasive, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (bluff, diplomacy, intimidate, knowledge (religion) or spellcraft), Spell Focus, Spell Penetration.

*From Complete Divine.

Druids are empowered by the might of the wilds. They differ from the PH druid in the following ways: Class Skills- Add Climb, Knowledge (geography) and Use Rope. Spells- A druid knows all spells on her list and casts them spontaneously. She cannot spontaneously summon as a PH druid can, as she does not prepare spells in the first place. Wild Shape- A druid’s wild shape progression is slowed in exchange for bonus feats. At 7th level the druid gains a bonus feat, but does not gain her 3rd wild shape use until the next level. At 11th level, the druid gains another bonus feat, which pushes the 4th daily use of wild shape to 12th level. (Each ability is gained in the same sequence as a PH druid, just more slowly.) The druid gains another bonus feat at 15th level. The druid’s bonus feat list follows: Animal Affinity, Blind-Fight, Craft Staff, Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, Natural Spell, Run, Self-Sufficient, Silent Spell, Skill Focus (handle animal, knowledge (nature) or ride), Still Spell, Track.

Paladins have no place in a setting without alignment. They are replaced by the Knight, who represents the landless noble’s line. Knights often have the right to bear arms in places where others cannot. A knight functions like a paladin except as follows: Class Skills- Balance, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (nobility), Ride, Spot, Survival.

Knight Level--- Class Features Gained
1---Hospitality, immediate charge 1/day, special mount
2---Bonus feat
3---Mount 1
4---Immediate charge 2/day
5---Mounted evasion
6---Mount 2
7---Overhand strike
8---Bonus feat
9---Mount 3
10---Improved mounted combat
11---Immediate charge 3/day
12---Mount 4
14---Bonus feat
15---Mount 5
16---Greater mounted combat
17---Bonus feat
18---Mount 6
19---Immediate charge 4/day
20---Devastating charge, superior mounted combat

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A knight is proficient in all armor, shields (other than tower shields) and simple and martial weapons.

Immediate Charge (Ex): Before rolling for initiative, a knight may declare that he will make an immediate charge. This gives him a +2 bonus on initiative, but the knight must charge an enemy in the first round. If he cannot do this, he loses his action for the first round of combat and is considered flat-footed until he acts in the next round.

Special Mount: The knight may forge a special bond with a mount that he has ridden and handled for at least one month. (If he begins play with a mount, it is assumed this bond already exists.) If applicable, the mount gains the Warbeast template (neither warhorses nor riding dogs are eligible for this template). In addition, the knight’s mount gains a +4 bonus to str and con as long as the knight is within 100’ of it.

Bonus Feat: The knight may take a bonus feat from the following list: Combat Reflexes, Diehard, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (lance), Improved Overrun, Improved Toughness, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack, Skill Focus (diplomacy, handle animal or ride), Spirited Charge, Trample, Weapon Focus (lance).

Mount 1: The knight’s special mount may take a class level in any of the following classes: barbarian, fighter or ranger. (At each Mount X ability, the mount may take another class level.)

Mounted Evasion (Ex): While the knight is mounted, both he and his mount gain the ability to evade attacks that allow Ref half saves.

Overhand Strike (Ex): When the knight attacks an opponent from higher ground (including attacking a medium or smaller from the back of his mount) he gains a +2 competence bonus to attack. This stacks with the +1 circumstance bonus.

Improved Mounted Combat (Ex): Upon attaining 10th level, the knight may use the Mounted Combat feat, if possessed, 2/round.

Mettle (Ex): If subjected to an effect with a Will or Fort partial or half save, a successful saving throw indicates the knight is instead unaffected.

Greater Mounted Combat (Ex): Upon attaining 16th level, if the knight has the Mounted Combat feat, he can use it 3/round.

Devastating Charge (Ex):[/i 1/day the knight can deal an extra 20d6 points of damage when charging on his mount with a lance. He must declare this option before rolling to hit, and if it misses, the ability is wasted.

Superior Mounted Combat (Ex): Upon attaining 20th level, the knight can use the Mounted Combat 4/round if he has it.

Rangers exist but with a less magical emphasis. Use the following changes: Spells- A ranger does not cast spells. Class Features- The ranger’s class features change as follows:
Ranger Level--- Class Features Gained
1---1st favored enemy, wild empathy
2---Bonus feat
3---Animal companion
4---2nd favored enemy
5---Bonus feat
6---Swift tracker
7---Woodland stride
8---3rd favored enemy
10---Bonus feat
12---4th favored enemy
14---Bonus feat
16---5th favored enemy
17---Hide in plain sight
18---Bonus feat
20---6th favored enemy

Bonus Feats: The ranger may choose any of the following feats: Alertness, Animal Affinity, Athletic, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Far Shot, Great Fortitude, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Initiative, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Mobility, Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Quick-Strike, Rapid Shot, Ride-By Attack, Run, Self-Sufficient, Shot on the Run, Skill Focus (handle animal, heal, ride or survival), Spring Attack, Track, Two Weapon Fighting.

Rogues may take a bonus feat as one of their high-level special abilities, but it must come from the following list: Acrobatic, Agile, Alertness, Armor Optimization (light)#, Dash*, Deadly Precision**, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Dodge, Flick of the Wrist*, Hamstring*, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Nimble Fingers, Riposte#, Shot on the Run, Skill Focus (any class skill), Stealthy, Weapon Finesse.

*From Complete Warrior. **From Expanded Psionics Handbook. #From Player’s Guide to Cydra.

Wizards are all generalists; the training necessary to become a specialist is not available to starting pcs. (Specialist wizards may exist as prestige classes.) Other people view wizards with suspicion and not a little fear. Wizards gain bonus feats at 1st and every 4th level (instead of every 5th level). The wizard bonus feat list is as follows: Augment Summoning, Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Staff, Craft Wondrous Item, Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, Eschew Materials, Explosive Spell*, Extend Spell, Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration, Heighten Spell, Improved Concentration**, Improved Counterspell, Improved Hold the Charge**, Iron Will, Mastery of Dispelling**, Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Safeguard Spell**, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Spell Focus, Still Spell, Superior Mastery of Dispelling**, Transdimensional Spell*

*From Complete Arcane. **From Player’s Guide to Cydra.

Monks and Sorcerers do not exist as pc options in the Year 217 Campaign. Neither do other base classes from other books other than those mentioned here.
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What elements make it low-magic? There are fewer classes that use magic, of course, and it seems that the increase in class abilities (feats, ability boosts) hints that there will be somewhat less treasure... anything else?

the Jester

Cheiromancer said:
What elements make it low-magic? There are fewer classes that use magic, of course, and it seems that the increase in class abilities (feats, ability boosts) hints that there will be somewhat less treasure... anything else?

Severely restricted spell lists, limits on item creation and treasure distribution. I'm getting there... here, I'll post the next bit.

the Jester

Skills: All characters gain an extra 2 skill points per level.

Feats: The feats available to pcs at the start of the game are limited. The following feats from the PH are not generally available: Craft Rod, Craft Wand, Forge Ring, Greater Spell Focus, Greater Spell Penetration, Magical Aptitude, Natural Spell, Stunning Fist and Toughness.

The following are the only feats available from other sources to pcs at game start: (From the XPH): Body Fuel, Burrowing Power, Chain Power, Combat Manifestation, Delay Power, Ghost Strike, Mental Leap, Opportunity Power, Overchannel, Power Penetration, Psionic Meditation, Psionic Talent, Speed of Thought, Talented, Up the Wall, Wild Talent;

(from Cydra PG): Armor Mastery, Armor Optimization, Block Magic, Bowl Over, Brutal Bludgeoning, Cleaving Sunder, Extreme Toughness, Heavy Armor Juggernaut, Improved Charge, Improved Shield Use, Laugh in the Face of Death, Masterful Charge, Overwhelming Sunder, Pole Arm Style, Resilience, Riddlemaster, Sliding Grip, Spinning Haft, Tactician, Veteran, Walls of Metal and all feats that require fighter levels;

(from CD): Boar’s Ferocity, Cheetah’s Speed, Fast Wild Shape, Oaken Resilience, Swim Like a Fish; (from CW): Arterial Strike, Close-Quarters Fighting, Extend Rage, Extra Rage, Hamstring, Hold the Line, Improved Toughness, Shield Charge, Shield Slam; (from CV): Brutal Throw, Climb Like an Ape, Death Blow, Expert Tactician, Power Throw.

Mutliclassing & Prestige Classes: There will be no xp penalty for multiclassing. Characters are rewarded for taking levels in their race’s favored class because they receive a Wyrd every 5th level in that class. A half-elf or human’s favored class is whichever class he was at 1st level.

In the Year 271 Campaign, prestige classes are rare. Instead of ‘hard’ prerequisites, many will be organization and test based- pcs will have to earn entry. The secrets to unlocking other prestige classes might be found in crumbling tomes. A few prestige classes are exceptions, which pcs may take freely if they have met the normal prerequisites. These include the following: Accursed, Blighter, Cavalier, Dog Soldier, Evangelist, Freedom Fighter, Jester, Master of Hounds, Master Thrower, Olympian Athlete, Pugilist, Thief-Acrobat and Warrior of Darkness.

When a character takes any prestige class, until she finishes that prestige class, she
may not take any new classes (though she may take levels in any existing classes as desired). For example, a fighter 5 is trained in the ways of the knights of the chalice. Later, as a Ftr 5/KotC 4, he meets a powerful wizard who seeks to take him on as an apprentice. Until he has gained his tenth level as a knight of the chalice, the character cannot take wizard levels. He can, however, continue taking fighter levels. This means that characters must think carefully before taking a prestige class. In most cases, advancement in a prestige class brings a character more prestige (or, in some cases, notoriety), perhaps with accompanying responsibilities, obligations and perquisites.

Alignment is not a concept that the Year 271 Campaign treats like most games do. In most cases, alignment will be ignored. Instead, characters should each make a list of 10 character traits. These may be as specific as “left eye twitches when she sees kobold children” or as general as “likes dark colors.” These will be used for awarding roleplaying xp.

Religion is, as always, an important element of life. In the Year 271 campaign, there is a small pantheon of deities worshiped in the Barony of Kamenda. These represent a variety of concerns of the folk of the Barony. (There are likely to be other gods, but at game start the pcs have not heard of them.)

Amandere----Healing, childbirth, the home, safety----Caduceus
Belthizar----Farming, weather, the sun----Stalk of wheat
Clymorian----Kingship, the nobility, divine right, propriety----Crown
Dreymore----Unpleasant secrets, magic, greed----Locked chest
Landin----Craftsmanship, the forge, armor, fire----Smith’s hammer
Mandolore----Trade, merchants, good business----Scale
Mithandor----Mystery, wilderness, getting lost----Wandering path
Nyman----Proper use of resources, waste not---- Circle divided into 4

Healing, Home, Protection
Dogma: One’s home is the most important thing in her life. The state of a home reflects the state of the owner. A host is obliged to treat his guests well. A guest is obliged to respect the house. A child in her house is sacred. Sleeping quarters are sacred ground. Violence solves nothing.
Ethos: One must always maintain her home in a proper fashion. Shedding blood in a bedroom is a heavy sin. It is always better to find a peaceful compromise than to shed blood. If one finds a badly wounded stranger one is obligated to help them.

Air, Earth, Sun
Dogma: Nature has important rhythms. Following these rhythms leads people to have happy lives. The sun symbolizes these rhythms, following a regular path every day. Weather is caused by the sun’s action through the sky. Mishaps are caused by failing to live in harmony with nature. A day with good weather is a blessed day.
Ethos: Early to bed, early to rise. Work in accordance with the seasons. On a day of especially nice weather, burn incense and say a prayer to Belthizar. Follow the natural way.

Authority, Strength, War
Dogma: Kings are chosen by the gods and have a divine right to be kings. Even a tyrant must be borne; it is a divine punishment. The same principle applies to other advantaged folk: they are where they are because they have been chosen by the gods. One should behave appropriate to her station. One aspect of Clymorian represents righteous war as a noble activity.
Ethos: Laws should be obeyed. Respect the rights and privileges of your betters. Serve your liege.

Knowledge, Magic, Secrecy
Dogma/ Ethos: Dreymore represents a pursuit of power past the point of good sense or seemliness. His priests are sometimes those pursuing power and are sometimes those pointing to him as a bad example. He represents delving into things better left unknown, but has no formal dogma or ethos.

Crafting, Fire, Protection
Dogma: Those who work hard are rewarded in this life and the next. Fire is the source of civilization. Armor is the seed that blossomed into glorious (and dead) chivalry (this aspect of Landin is connected with archaic times, when his worship tilted more toward knights and battle). The virtues are hard work, honesty and charity.
Ethos: Be virtuous. Be your best at everything you do. The best gifts are made by one’s own hands.

Charm, Greed, Trade
Dogma: The gods choose who will be wealthy. A successful merchant is worthy of respect almost as great as that due a king. Honest dealing leads to better profits in the long run. People are suckers. Everything- and everyone- has a price. An item is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it.
Ethos: Always know the rules of the game. Buy low, sell high. Treat others fairly in business dealings.

Illusion, Passion, Travel
Dogma/Ethos: Like Dreymore, Mithandor has no formal dogma or ethos. (She is, in fact, his sister.) She is the archetypical wanderer, who is always going where she shouldn’t and getting lost. Her tales often involve wonderful mysteries and fey realms.

Animal, Crafting, Plant
Dogma: Waste not, want not. Everything has a use. Wastefulness is terrible.
Ethos: Make full use of anything you take from the world. Do not throw away what you might need later. If need be, leave hidden stockpiles in various places.


Next time I'll post the spell lists and such. They aren't very long. :)

the Jester

Spells are severely limited in the Year 271 Campaign. The basic ‘class lists’ follow; they are all considerably abbreviated. Other spells may be ‘discovered’ throughout the campaign. All 0-level spells in the PH are available. However, wizards only start with as many 0 level spells as 1st level spells in their spellbooks.

Priest Spells
1st level----2nd level----3rd level

Bless-----------------Augury--------------------Bestow Curse
Command-------------Bull’s Strength-------------Cure Serious Wounds
Cure Light Wounds----Hold Person----------------Daylight
Detect Undead--------Lesser Restoration---------Dispel Magic
Magic Stone----------Owl’s Wisdom--------------Glyph of Warding
Magic Weapon--------Remove Paralysis-----------Prayer
Remove Fear----------Resist EnergyRemove-------Blindness/Deafness
Shield of Faith--------Silence---------------------Remove Disease

4th level----5th level----6th level
Cure Critical Wounds----Break Enchantment--------Animate Objects
Death Ward------------Disrupting Weapon---------Banishment
Discern Lies------------Flame Strike---------------Blade Barrier
Dismissal---------------Insect Plague--------------Deadly Weapon
Freedom of Movement--Lower Resistance----------Greater Dispel Magic
Neutralize Poison-------Righteous Might------------Greater Glyph of Warding
Restoration-------------Spell Resistance-----------Harm
Tongues----------------True Seeing---------------Heal

7th level----8th level----9th level
Control Weather---------Antimagic Field-----------Act of God
Ethereal Jaunt-----------Earthquake---------------Anathema
Greater Restoration------Greater Lower Resistance--Mass Heal
Mass Spell Resistance----Greater Spell Immunity----Righteous Zeal
Refuge------------------Holy Aura-----------------Soul Bind
Regenerate--------------Piercing Clarity------------Storm of Vengeance

Domains: The following domains are available, many with minor changes, in the Year 271 Campaign: Air (change 7th level spell to Airboat), Animal, Authority (change 1st level spell to Hearty Greeting, 2nd level spell to Eagle’s Splendor), Charm, Death (change 4th level spell to Stop Heart), Destruction (change 6th level spell to Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds, change 8th level spell to Disintegrate), Earth (change 1st level spell to Fist of Stone, 7th level spell to Storm of Earth), Fire (change 3rd level spell to Protection from Fire), Greed, Healing (change 1st level spell to Lesser Vigor, 3rd level spell to Mass Lesser Vigor, 4th level spell to Mass Resurgence, 5th level spell to Greater Vigor, 6th level spell to Vigorous Circle, 7th level spell to Renewal Pact), Illusion, Knowledge, Magic (change 3rd level spell to Follow Sorcery’s Trail, 5th level spell to Cinderspell), Passion (change 7th level spell to Greater Heroism), Plant, Protection (change 5th level spell to Magic Circle vs. Evil, 7th level spell to Contingency, 9th level spell to Freedom), Strength (change 2nd level spell to Shatter but with a range of Touch, 5th level spell to Animal Growth), Sun (change 5th level spell to Aura of Heat, 9th level spell to Red Hot Touch), Trade, Travel (change 5th level spell to Overland Flight, change 7th level spell to Airboat), Trickery, War (change 1st level spell to Bane, 6th level spell to Thunderous Blows).

New Domain:


3---Arcane Lock
4---Fire Trap
5---Leomund’s Secure Shelter
6---Word of Recall
7---Word Lock
8---Guards and Wards
9---Proleptic Visions

Druid Spells
1st level----2nd level----3rd level

Calm Animal---------------Animal Messenger--------Call Lightning
Charm Animal--------------Barkskin-----------------Cure Moderate Wounds
Detect Snares & Pits-------Bear’s Endurance--------Neutralize Poison
Entangle------------------Bull’s Strength-----------Plant Growth
Faerie Fire----------------Cat’s Grace--------------Protection from Energy
Goodberry----------------Heat Metal---------------Snare
Obscuring Mist------------Tree Shape--------------Speak With Plants
Speak with Animals--------Warp Wood--------------Water Breathing

4th level----5th level----6th level
Antiplant Shell------------Animal Growth------------Antilife Shell
Control Water------------Awaken------------------Fire Seeds
Cure Serious Wounds------Baleful Polymorph--------Ivy Siege
Flame Strike--------------Call Lightning Storm------Liveoak
Giant Vermin--------------Commune with Nature----Move Earth
Ice Storm----------------Control Winds------------Repel Wood
Repel Vermin--------------Insect Plague------------Stone Tell
Spike Stones--------------Wall of Thorns-----------Wall of Stone

7th level----8th level----9th level
Animate Plants------------Control Plants-----------Elemental Swarm
Changestaff---------------Earthquake-------------Mass Baleful Polymorph
Control Weather-----------Finger of Death---------Mass Cure Critical Wounds
Creeping Doom------------Repel Metal or Stone-----Regenerate
Fire Storm-----------------Sunburst---------------Shambler
Heal----------------------Whirlwind---------------Storm of Vengeance
Transmute Metal to Wood

Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
1st level----2nd level----3rd level

Cause Fear--------------Arcane Lock----------------Arcane Sight
Charm Person------------Blindness/Deafness----------Daylight
Comprehend Languages---Eagle’s Splendor------------Dispel Magic
Disguise Self-------------Fog Cloud-------------------Explosive Runes
Hold Portal---------------Fox’s Cunning---------------Fireball
Mage Armor--------------Invisibility------------------Haste
Magic Missile-------------Knock----------------------Hold Person
Magic Weapon-----------Protection from Arrows------Keen Edge
Shocking Grasp-----------See Invisibility--------------Lightning Bolt
Silent Image-------------Shatter---------------------Phantom Steed
Sleep--------------------Steam Jet------------------Slow
Tenser’s Floating Disc----Web------------------------Water Breathing

4th level----5th level----6th level
Animate Dead-----------------Break Enchantment------------Acid Fog
Arcane Eye-------------------Cloudkill-----------------------Antimagic Field
Charm Monster----------------Contact Other Plane-----------Chain Lightning
Confusion---------------------Dismissal----------------------Circle of Death
Fear--------------------------Hold Monster------------------Disintegrate
Ice Storm---------------------Lower Resistance--------------Globe of Invulnerability
Lesser Globe of Invulnerability--Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound--Greater Dispel Magic
Shadow Conjuration*----------Passwall-----------------------Legend Lore
Shout-------------------------Persistent Image--------------Mass Suggestion
Solid Fog----------------------Rary’s Telepathic Bond---------Persistent Image
Stone Shape------------------Symbol of Pain-----------------Programmed Image
Stoneskin---------------------Wall of Force------------------Stone to Flesh

*This allows the wizard to use a shadow version of an appropriate summon monster from the PH only.

7th level----8th level----9th level
Banishment--------------------------Bigby’s Clenched Fist---------Astral Projection
Control Weather---------------------Binding-----------------------Imprisonment
Drawmij’s Instant Summons-----------Greater Lower Resistance-----Meteor Swarm
Forcecage---------------------------Horrid Wilting-----------------Power Word Kill
Mass Hold Person--------------------Mass Charm Monster----------Proleptic Vision
Mass Invisibility----------------------Maze-------------------------Refuge
Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion---Piercing Clarity---------------Time Stop
Prismatic Spray----------------------Polar Ray---------------------Weird
Spell Turning-------------------------Prismatic Wall
Symbol of Weakness------------------Puncture
Vision--------------------------------Scintillating Pattern
Waves of Exhaustion-----------------Temporal Stasis


Still to come: wilder power list, item creation limitations aaaand... not sure what else I need yet.

Now that you can see how limited the spell lists are, any comments? Note that there are entire categories of spells 'lost' (no teleportation other than Refuge, f'rinstance). At least some of these are intentional. Also, I'm not too concerned about balancing the schools, since PH wizard specialists are not available.
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Penguin Herder
the Jester said:
Now that you can see how limited the spell lists are, any comments? Note that there are entire categories of spells 'lost' (no teleportation other than Refuge, f'rinstance).

... except word of recall.

-- N


Interesting list of spells. No fly or even wind walk. Adventurers walk or ride to their destinations. There is stone to flesh but no flesh to stone. So you can deal with a gorgon or medusa, but can't turn things into stone yourself. Only druids have polymorph and it is the baneful kind. No shapechange spell, naturally. Reincarnation is missing. No gate, plane shift, planar ally or planar binding spells, though binding is present.

Seems like the difficult to adjudicate spells are all gone. And the ones that really change the way campaigns run at higher levels. No scry/teleport combos; there is neither scrying, nor teleporting. No detect thoughts or clairvoyance.

Wow. A very lean list indeed.

I like it.



Penguin Herder

1/ Dump Stone to Flesh. You've got Break Enchantment, that will work fine, and you get rid of the annoying "Mountain of Spam" army-feeding tactic.

2/ Domains. They're really a problem. You're allowing Clerics Priests to cast Overland Flight and Word of Recall, when Wizards can't cast Teleport or Fly -- yipes! I'd suggest you think outside the "one spell per level" Domain box... after all, Domain spells are "prepared" like normal spells in your system.

3/ Since spontaneous casting is VERY powerful, I'd reduce the Cleric's list even more, and put more of the better "situational" spells in Domain lists. Or, use the CDiv Spirit Shaman spells known / spells per day mechanic.

Specific Domain list suggestions available upon request. :)

-- N

the Jester

Cool, feedback! :D Thanks!

Responses to issues that have been raised so far:

Word of Recall is okay for the setting and flavor I want because it's escape-only. Though highly useful, it also means that if a character uses it to escape after journeying for hundreds of miles on their quest, they're journeying hundreds of miles again. I have just begun mulling whether I like this or not.

Overland Flight for clerics only- I'm open to suggestions for a replacement spell. I was torn up about that one. (Fly made the first cut for 3rd level wizard spells, but got winnowed as I thinned the list out.) This one prolly should change.

Stone to Flesh: A very good point. I'll have to decide what to replace it with. Maybe duo-dimension. :p

Domains: Actually, the domain spells are added to the priest's spell list, so he can cast them spontaneously (just like any of his other spells). However, he doesn't get the bonus domain slot per level.

A lot of the other tweaks to the cleric priest are intended to help balance the added spell flexibility (d6 HD, no heavy armor proficiency). Also, keep in mind that they aren't getting granted powers either. Given all that, and the limited and flavor-tailored nature of their spell list, I think it's okay.

Voidrunner's Codex

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