
I received in the mail today an AD&D module I bought entitled, Beyond the Living Room written by Rob Kuntz! Not only that, it includes illustrations by Jeff Dee, Darlene, and Jim Holloway! The cost of the adventure was $36.00, including shipping. It's for 4-9 characters of 5th to 8th level and uses the OSRIC system. It's 30 pages long. It was an interesting adventure and beautifully presented product.
This adventure was written many years ago, but Rob recently added to it. The Living Room was first publicly noted in Dungeons & Dragons Supplement I: Greyhawk back in 1975! This adventure is part of “Greyfalkun Castle,” something I am not familiar with, but old-school games will recognize.
First, I ordered this only ten days ago, and it arrived in good shape. It was bagged and in a rigid, cardboard envelope shown here:

Second, the maps on the interior of the cardboard cover are blue, which is always a good sign of old-school goodness!

Third, the illustrations were helpful and well done. Here's one by Jim Holloway:

This was an interesting adventure, with not a lot of rooms, but lots of information about what was in each room and how everything interacted with everything and everyone else. The overall effect was like a pixel hunt game, where you had to have this to do that, and then touch this to activate that, etc.... The adventure is like a giant puzzle you have to piece together. The adventure does start out with a huge melee, so if you like combat, you'll probably get all you can handle right at the beginning. There's additional combat along the way, but most of it appears to be front and end-loaded. One of the truly universal mechanisms to begin this adventure is that the party just needs to walk through a door. The DM simply puts this door wherever the party can find it, and once they walk through, it's on!
I believe all the monsters in this adventure are unique to it. There are several new magic items within. It includes a list of pre-gens for quick start-ups and to avoid using, and losing, favored characters.

This adventure is not for the faint of heart or the impatient of heart. If you just like to kill things and steal their treasure, this adventure is not for you. If you like to think, explore, solve and save the world, then this could be your cup of tea. There's a good chance of a TPK for multiple reasons. I could see where it might take a group ten hours of gaming time minimum to finish this adventure, and it will take some groups twice that long. It would also be a challenge for most DM's to run. I enjoyed just reading it. I only found one typo. It just oozed old-school goodness and fantasy.
Here's the link to the web-site where you can order this, see upcoming products, and learn more about Legends of Roleplaying:
Legends of Roleplaying Adventure Modules