• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Luna imprint


Anyone other than me read these? I picked up a couple because they were by authors I already enjoyed. From there, it was natural for me to go on and try the others. I've found the series is very hit-or-miss, but I really enjoy them. :)

For those who don't know, Luna is a Harlequin imprint (yes, the romance novels). They are basically fantasy/sci-fi (though mostly fantasy) romances. Some of them have more romance than others. http://www.luna-books.com

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When I was younger, I used to read just about every vampire novel available, and a lot of those were "romance". Or looked like them, they'd often have barechested models (of a guy) on the cover. I always hated buying them, because the clerk would always make a smart remark (Why do bookstore clerks always feel a need to comment on your purchase?)

But, no, I haven't read any of them, but some are those look good. Seem expensive though, $15...


Yeah, when I looked at the site, I was surprised. I buy them at the store and they're a "normal" price ($6-8). They do have an annoying tendency to be oversized, which, of course, ups the price. :(

Edit: I don't buy oversized books unless they're special for some reason and won't come out in normal paperback size.


Getting lost in fantasy maps
My wife has tried a few but she has head-explode moment because of the awful editing through out the whole line, moreso than is expected normally. She's a former editor so she spots things like that easily.


That's funny; I also have edited for money :) and I haven't noticed too many problems. I have noticed some mistakes, but not enough to say it plagues the whole line. :shrug: :confused:


Getting lost in fantasy maps
Well, to be clear, copyediting is fine.

It's her opinion that the developmental editing needed much more attention. She agrees that the line is hit or miss, the top of her loved list is C E Murphy's series set in Seattle. She loves it. But to her there are many other books in the line that needed better guidance and shaping from a development editor.


Haha! I would definitely have to agree with that one. It seems like some, particularly by the lesser-known writers, were rushed through the process. I have been completely turned off by some of the authors (Michele Hauf in particular).

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