[M&M 3E] October 1962 (Full)

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Tuesday, October 23, 1962
Day two of the U.S. naval blockade standing in the way of further Soviet missiles arriving in Cuba. Does the world teeter on the brink of nuclear war? Maybe yes. Maybe no.

New Falls, Washington, seems millions of miles away from the crisis brewing in the Caribbean. Indeed, New Falls seems a long way from just about everywhere. It's more than 160 miles through winding roads amid river valleys and forests to the nearest town. New Falls is isolated, traditional, patriotic: home to less than 1,200 heads of household, most of whom work directly or indirectly for Titan Defense (TD), a major research and development corporation.

In New Falls, life goes on much as it has done since the end of WWII, when TD bought the valley and surrounding lands from the state and federal governments on which the thriving community now exists. People go to work, to school, to the cinema, to the diner, to the church or the synagogue.

And, meanwhile, New Falls High School gears up for the big Halloween Dance.

Your Characters...
...are seniors at New Falls High School. You might be looking forward to the big dance. You might be looking forward to graduation and what follows. You might have dreams big or small. Who knows? Maybe you'll finally get to spend more than a week with your family away from New Falls. There's a great, big world out there, and you've seen very little of it except on TV or in a movie.

Starting the Game
At the beginning of the game, your character is just a high school student. If we had to assign a Power Level, your character would be PL 1. Your character has no superpowers, no uncanny aptitude for science or magic or psionics or anything like that.

About the Heroes
While your character isn't a hero to start with, he or she won't stay that way. All of the characters will share a common origin story. As a result of that origin story, the characters become the heroes, finding themselves in a world much more dangerous and mad and astonishing than even the wildest day ever in New Falls. Once your characters undergo their transformations, they become PL 5 supers. Don't worry about creating a PL 5 hero just yet.

Hero Advancement
Your heroes will improve quickly. Power Point awards will start out of 5 PP per milestone with the series PL increasing every 15 or so earned PP.

What Next?
If you're interested, please let me know and post a Before/After summary. Who is your character before The Change? Who is your character after The Change? While considering these two questions, think Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko in the 60s and 70s.

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Without knowing the nature of the Event, it’s hard to be sure what works.

However, I’ve had a thought I’d like to play around with. I’m currently thinking an overweight marginalized boy who never made anything of himself outside of Chess Club and after the Event, he’s got a perfect body, complete with six pack abs, enhanced strength and endurance, wings, Empathetic Healing and Minor immortality (reborn in a globe of light a few days later if he dies). It’s an idea I’ve had for a while. He’d likely develop other abilities as he gets stronger, such as manipulating fire or regeneration, things that would fit an Angel/Phoenix motif, but to start the only supernatural ability, besides his new physique, would be his Empathetic Healing. I’d want to make it later that he learns to give his injuries to others, but I’d have to figure out how to do that. Maybe an attack power that gives damage and heals himself the same amount, but can only be used when currently damaged. The thought being he can take damage from allies into himself and give it to enemies.


Sign me up. School athlete (not a cheerleader, just one of the top female athletes, tennis maybe, and top academics. Driven.). I hope the event allows her to be less self-focused.


I'd be interested. I'm pretty flexible on characters. So we have the Nerd and the Athlete covered for high school tropes. What's that leave? Popular and Bad Boy/Girl? I'm thinking teleporter or basic TP/TK build. This is just top of my head right now. I'll give it some more thought and see if I come up with anything else.


See if this is right. Going with the bad girl teleporter:

Hero: Mirage
Identity (Secret): Maria Sofia Ximena Ibarra (Sofia Ibarra)
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 105 lb
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Group Affiliation: Tres Reyes gang
Base of Operations: New Falls High School
Power Level: 1 (15p)
Power Point Totals: Abilities: 8 + Powers 0 + Advantages 0 + Skills 7 + Defenses 0 = 15
Power Points Earned: 0
Unspent Points: 0
Trade-offs (PL1):
- Skill Modifier (11)
- Attack/Effect (Melee): 0/0
- Attack/Effect (Ranged): 0/0
- Dodge/Toughness: 1/0
- Parry/Toughness: 1/0
- Fortitude/Will: 0/1

Abilities (8p)
Strength: 0
Stamina: 0
Agility: 1
Dexterity: 0
Fighting: 1
Intellect: 0
Awareness: 1
Presence: 1

Initiative: 1
Melee: +0
Ranged: +0
Specific Attacks:
- Unarmed: +1; DC 11 (Damage 15, bludgeoning; crit 20)

Defenses (0p)
Dodge: 1 (1 Agility)
Parry: 1 (1 Fighting)
Fortitude: 0
Toughness: 0
Will: 1 (1 Awareness)

Skills (14 Ranks, 7p)
Acrobatics: 1 (Trained Only)(1 Agility)
Athletics: 1 (1 Strength)
Close Combat
- Unarmed: 0
Deception: 3 (1 Presence + 2 Ranks)
Expertise (Trained Only): 0
Insight: 1 (1 Awareness)
Intimidation: 3 (1 Presence + 2 Ranks)
Investigation: 0 (Trained Only)
Perception: 1 (1 Awareness)
Persuasion: 3 (1 Presence + 2 Ranks)
Ranged Combat: 0
Sleight of Hand: 2 (2 Ranks) (Trained Only)
Stealth: 3 (1 Agility + 2 Ranks)
Technology: 2 (Trained Only)(2 Ranks)
Treatment: 0 (Trained Only)
Vehicles: 2 (Trained Only)(2 Ranks)

Advantages (0p)

Equipment (0ep)

Powers (0p)

Complications: Responsibility (little sister)
Motivation: Thrills, Greed

Sofia was born in Havanna, Cuba. Her family fled to Miami when Castro took over the country. In Miami, she fell in with the Latin gang Tres Reyes. Two years ago, when Sofia was a junior, her father died. Her mother moved the family north to New Falls, Washington when her mother got a job with Titan Defense. Sofia found herself out of place in the small town and missing her gang friends in Miami. With her mother working long hours, Sofia was left babysitting her little sister Alejandra. Sofia also found it difficult to fit into the new school with its tight cliques and few minorities like herself. She acted out, often getting in trouble and landing in detention.


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