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M1: Just a Treasure Hunt?? (Bront Judging)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
OOC: Just making sure: Shade' is not pulling back, and Teran/Coran is not going to try to do any further healing? [Can't you convert Domain spells? d20srd isn't opening for me right now...]

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ooc; Remember, Concealment negates Attacks of Opportunity!

OoC: I did not remember that... Whoops I was hoping Shadé could knock them both down before they knocked her down. Action points, decent roll... It could happen. The lack of healing worries me though, being at basicly -11.

That and being unable to hear any direction barked at her...

I hope you have a good plan
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ooc; ah crap.... well, that doesn't mess up the plan toooooo much! As Long as Shade' can knock down T5! ;)

are we waiting on someone's action? or just resolution!? SG, thanks again for running this, very fun!


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
In the Shadow of Giants (Round 5)

Pressed on all sides, Genithar pulls out a smoke-stick to try to conceal his friends. Meanwhile, the similarly pressed Taran strikes out at the wounded 'forged at the wizard's flank. With a sickening *crunch*, the priest's weapon smashes plating and pulp, driving it to the ground. [Q6 down]

Choking on the blood in her lungs, Shadé bellows and lunges at the wounded 'forged before her. With all of her strength, she demolishes the surprised warrior to her left, but her mouth stings as the plating of the other absorbs much of her blow---but it is enough as it crumples. Heart ringing in her ears, she knows her strength is failing her. [AP spent; T4 & T5 dropped]

Seeing the tide turning against him, Ethan curses loudly. "This won't be the last you hear from me, dear brother!" He then runs off into the wilderness.

Bolts magical and mundane from Thral'k and Corran drop the final assailant. As Shadé suddenly collapses to the ground, Gregory rushes to her side, pouring down the contents of a potion down her throat. The unconscious shifter is alive, though barely.

In the Shadow of Giants (Complete)

Final Status
Taran 15 [17/26,]
Shade' 14 [-4/14]
Corran 7 [9/16]

ooc; whew! well done everyone! LFate, way to go!

Standing tall within the smoke, his arcane wards still up, Genithar remains unharmed, knowing that the might of his Art has kept him safe once more.... Though the same could not be said for his friends and companions.

Moving over Shade' the Wizard swiftly takes a knee and makes sure the brave shifter still lives, then calls, 'Corran! Terran! She's hurt bad, can either of you still call upon your Divine abilities to cure her wounds?'

Keeping an eye out for any further danger, the elf retrieves his bow and notches an arrow as he waits.
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First Post
Corran takes a few deep breaths, then moves over to the fallen shifter. Alas, the lord of the hunt doesn't tend to give any coddling to his pack. I have but a few small healing skills left, but I'll use them without hesitation. That said, he leans over and whispers a few words that sound almost like growls, and runs his hands gently over the warrior's wounds.

[sblock=ooc] burn all four 0 level spells for cure minors. [/sblock]

Spells Prepared 4/3+1
0-Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink
1-Bless, Summon Monster I, Protection from Evil, Calm Animals (D)

Spell Like Abilities
Speak with Animals--1 use
Locate Object--used
Turn Water/Rebuke Earth creatures--4 uses
Turn Undead--4 uses [/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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