M1: Just a Treasure Hunt?? (Bront Judging)

Snatching up his gear after securing his treasures, Genithar deftly looses his longsword and calls out over the din of a frantic crew in a reedy voice, 'Something is amiss! To Mastery Gregory!'

Without further exposition, the beanpole of a wizard dashes bravely into the fray, leading the group onwards towards the larger staterooms!
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The elf, already jogging towards Master Gregory's cabin can't help but hear his young friend's call, long ears quivering as the wisdom of Corran's suggestion flashes through the wizard's keen mind and he makes a split second decision, perhaps the decision between life and death. It won't be the last time.

Slowing considerably, Genithar motions his friends forth with a stark wave of his long left arm, before whispering to the nearby Shade',

[sblock=shifter lady]
'I hear commotion in the bigger cabins, let us approach stealthily... something is indeed amiss.'

and begins to move forth again, but now in a crouched creep, towards the larger cabins.
Right hand gripping his sword loosely, the deft enlogated digit's of the willowy elf's left hand dance in anticipation of casting....

ooc; moving silent (half speed), totally bringing spells online
x4 0th - Read Magic, Detect Magic, Message, Flare

x3 1st - Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Charm Person

Terran saunters to above deck and spots the fire. Well, this doesnt look good... He moves towards the source to see if there is anything he can do.

The Deck

There is confusion on the desk, sailors mulling about shaking their heads and holding up there hands in confusion. No fire? What do you mean, no fire?, a puzzled Plank asks as Terren looks about.

The Hold

The sound of the scuffle either dies or is lost to Genithar's ears as they get closer to the bigger cabins. As they get near to Gregory's door, Thral'k materializes. Movement. One only. It hisses and fades again before the others can ask it something.

Flinging open the door, the group is greeted to a room is disarray. Papers, boxes, and clothes have been tossed about as if an air elemental was let loose. As you come in, Gregory drops what he was holding behind the desk, looking a bit startled. Good! Ethan attacked again! I think he climbed out... he has the schema!

One of the cabin windows is open, the rain drenching the nearby bed.

OOC: Spot, Listen, and any other checks for those in the room. Terren, your plans?

His suspicion probably piqued by his irritability at being on this storm-cursed sea, Corran focuses his attention on their employer rather than rushing to the window that undoubtedly leads to nothing but the ravenous waves below.

[sblock=ooc] Sense Motive on Gregory, 21
Listen 18, Spot 11[/sblock]
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