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M2: The Search for Goblin HQ

Vigwyn the Unruly

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Somac: Male Human Bbn1

"Aargh!" cries Somac in exasperation. Three arrows fired, and three misses! And now his new companions lie helpless at the feet of these evil beings!

Throwing caution to the wind, the frustrated barbarian rushes down the scree-covered hill in a desparate attempt to save the bard and cleric from these abominations, drawing his greatsword as he moves.

OOC: Somac will attack the ghoul that is still a threat when he gets there (greatsword: Atk +3, Dmg 2d6+3, 19-20/x3). Speed 30'; Climb +3 in armor; Balance -1 in armor.

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Round 4 (con't)

The bell has by now stopped ringing

Somac, having reslung his shortbow, pulls out his greatsword and charges down the hill.

Seeing Somac charge down the hill, Tenebryn grips his staff and lays into his attacker. His first strike his solidly into the ghouls ribcage, and the elf hears the satisfying crack of bone. Jerking his weapon around, he is able to smack the other end of his staff into the ghoul's skull, again shattering bone, and sending the creature hurling lifeless to the path. (7 pts dmg each hit)

The ghoul continues to back down the rockslide on all fours, pulling the cleric along with its teeth, still imbedded in his shoulder. It pulls Charlyn behind an outcropping of rock and wood, which constitute the remains of the wagon. Charlyn and ghoul are now out of sight of the party, except for Somac, who partly sliding, partly leaping, partly running, manages to reach the wagon area.

Two more ghouls burst forth onto the path, one from the north, one from the south. Rushing towards Tor, the first is subjected to his slashing chain, which rips a gush in its chest. Undetered, the ghoul closes, but is unable sink his claws into the barbarian. In the south, another ghoul attempts to close with Tenebryn. Tor whips back his chain at this one, too, but the spikes slash wide. This ghoul is also unable to hit the elf.

Rinaldo steps out from behind Tor and thrusts his rapier through the ghouls chest (4 pts dmg). A mortal blow to a living opponent, perhaps, but the ghoul stays on its feet. Tor allows his barbarian instincts to take over. Letting out a mighty roar, he whips his shimmering chains back towards the northern ghoul, but it dodges nimbly aside.

[Ashnar still to act in Round 4]


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Steve Jung

Charlarn of Phyrah: Male human cleric 2

Manzanita said:
The ghoul continues to back down the rockslide on all fours, pulling the cleric along with its teeth, still imbedded in his shoulder. It pulls Charlyn behind an outcropping of rock and wood, which constitute the remains of the wagon. Charlyn and ghoul are now out of sight of the party, except for Somac, who partly sliding, partly leaping, partly running, manages to reach the wagon area.
Charlarn's mind races as he is dragged by the ghoul. "Lady Phyrah, I am sorry I have failed you. Please don't let Nurlan pay for my failure. Help me, somebody. I don't want to die like this."


Tor, Human (more or less) Barbarian 1

With two ghouls still in front of him (or is it three?) Tor continues to swing at them with his chain. If the opportunity presents itself, he will take a 5' step so as to interpose himself between the ghouls and another party member, possibly giving that party member the cover needed to back up Somac in his rescue of the downed party members.

Knight Otu

First Post
"Someone needs to help Charlarn, Nurlan and Somac down there! I only have area damage spells left, which might hurt them!"

Ashnar will try to get back on the path and maneuver to catch as many ghouls there with a burning hands spell, without hitting the others.


Tenebrynn breaks off from the combat with the ghoul he is fighting, knowing that Tor's chain will protect his retreat. He will then move as quickly as he can down the rock slide till he can spot the ghoul at which point he will pull out another scroll of magic missile and launch it at the offending creature.

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Somac: Male Human Bbn1

Knowing that terror must be filling Charlarn's mind, Somac is desperate to free him from the ghoul. He brings his greatsword around in a large arc.

OOC: greatsword: Atk +3, Dmg 2d6+3, 19-20/x3


First Post
Round 4

Ashnar does manage to climb back up to the path, but it takes all round, as he seems to continually slip and slide back.


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Round 5

Somac advances over the rocky terrain towards the ghoul. Seeing him, the ghoul releases the paralyzed cleric and hisses, "It's mine - find other brain for you!"

Undetered, Somac lays into it with his greatsword. The wily creature dives under the sweeping steel and tries to dig into the barbarian's stomach. Somac steps back, but feels the cold claws much deeper than they seem to bite. He grits his teeth, though, and continues to fight. (takes 5 dmg)

Meanwhile Erekose leaps out onto the slide. He seems to catch a wave of sorts, and slides down easily. He is able to prepare his scroll and come in behind Somac.

The two ghouls still on the path leap at the party. Irene releases another bolt at the closer one, but it goes wide. This one aims for Rinaldo, and manages to get one claw around his buckler, leaving a shallow gash in his shoulder(2 pts). Rinaldo keeps his cool, and strikes back, but can't connect.

The other ghoul weaves in towards Tor, trying to avoid the chain. It manages to grab the chain in its swift hands, and pull itself in close enough for a viscious bit (5 pts dmg.) Tor whirls and shakes it off, but can't hit it again with his chain.

He does push it somewhat to the south. Ashnar, realizing he's unlikely to be able to catch both ghouls in an arc, settles for this one. Linking his thumbs, he releases a burst of flame, which singes the ghoul's stringy black hair, but little else.

No other ghouls seem to be approaching.


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Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Somac: Male Human Bbn1

Somac fights back a wave of fear and revulsion at the ghoul's touch. The pain of the claw tearing at his flesh quickly brings him back to his senses. Lunging forward, he swings again at the disgusting undead thing!

OOC: greatsword: Atk +3, Dmg 2d6+3, 19-20/x3

Voidrunner's Codex

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