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M3: Nurlan & Mordik (Patlin judging)


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The bustling theater company each introduces himself or herself eventually. Nurlan and Mordik must wait patiently, as Balmorrow and the others all want to be present for them to do a sample performance. All are fairly friendly.

Balmorrow is clearly in charge. He is 40 years old, 5’ 10”, 175 lbs. and has closely cropped brown hair. Despite the apparent safety of the building and the relaxed demeaner of the others, Balmorrow wears a chain shirt under his loose purple tunic, and keeps his longsword buckled on. He is fit and charming.

The other performer in the company is Phyllis. She is 42 years old, 5’ 5” tall, 110 lbs. and has long black hair. Marvin, Wilbur and Arthur are stagehands, and general workers. All appear about 16. Wilbur proves to be the young lover Nurlan and Mordik met outside earlier. He blushes slightly when introduced and doesn't make eye contact.

Finally all is ready. Nurlan has had opportunity to inspect the stage, which has curtains, various props, and a trap door. It is time for his performance. The company takes seats in the gallery and watches expectantly.

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Nurlan follows Willis, gesturing to Mordik to come in too. "I'm from Lhondaio originally, although my home is on the road."
Mordik follows behind Nurlan, trying to seem the strong and quiet type. He keeps his distance from the dog, as he's never been very good with animals, he gives a half-hearted smile at it in passing, an almost fearful look in his eye.
Thinking to himself: ...Dont attack me, dont attack me, dont attack me...no problems here....dont attack me, dont attack me....

Finally all is ready. Nurlan has had opportunity to inspect the stage, which has curtains, various props, and a trap door. It is time for his performance. The company takes seats in the gallery and watches expectantly.
As they're walking towards the stage, Mordik seems nervous. He speaks to Nurlan quietly on the way, behind stage if possible.
Err...so...you want me to do the prop-hander thing or...what?


LEW Judge
Manzanita said:
Finally all is ready. Nurlan has had opportunity to inspect the stage, which has curtains, various props, and a trap door. It is time for his performance. The company takes seats in the gallery and watches expectantly.

"Just let me have the spear." Nurlan tells Mordik. "If they want to hear more than one song I'll give it back to you." Nurlan has surveyed the place and decided that a little more emphasis on theatricality than his usual act would be appropriate. He therefore decides to sing a song in character -- unusual, since most of his favourites are in the third person. Knowing that acting is not his forte, he decides to rely on his physique. Since his frame is well-suited to a tough-guy persona, he decides to sing "Get out of the way". He begins with a bow, displaying exaggerated gentility to contrast with the tone of the song that is to come. "Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for this opportunity." He then launches into the song, beginning while gripping the longspear just a foot from the tip:

Get out of the way
Don't want to see you round here
Your toughness won't scare me
I've nothing to fear

Don't tell me what to do
Don't tell me who to see
Just get out of my way
Keep your distance from me

As he sings, he gradually moves more and more of the spear in front of him, as if claiming an ever longer reach has his territory. He handles the persona, scowls and all, remarkably well for one accustomed to pure singing, although his focus on trying to act distracts him from the musical aspect of his performance.

Perform(sing) 6+9=15
Perform(act) untrained 20+3=23
Invisible Castle seems to be down, so I used the Irony Games server. It's supposed to be verifiable, although I don't quite understand the way it works. If you want to confirm the authenticity of the rolls, let me know, and I'll forward the email to you.


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Everyone applauds Nurlan's performance. Nurlan is aware it wasn't a particularly good one, but evidently you don't have to be too special to perform here. After all, they put on five shows a week.

Balmorrow comes up to the stage as the others disperse to variouis chores. The dog follows at Balmorrow's heals. "Step into my office, my friends. Let us discuss your employment."

The pair is conducted into a small room. Balmorrow sits behind a cluttered desk. On the other side he motions towards three chairs for Nurlan and Mordik to sit. On the walls are various props and instruments, including a lute with golden strings.

"Now. How long were you planning to stay in our little town?"


LEW Judge
Manzanita said:
The pair is conducted into a small room. Balmorrow sits behind a cluttered desk. On the other side he motions towards three chairs for Nurlan and Mordik to sit. On the walls are various props and instruments, including a lute with golden strings.

"Now. How long were you planning to stay in our little town?"

Nurlan makes a mental note about the lute. He will ask about it later.

"To be honest, I do not know. When my travels take me to a welcoming community, and I find good employment, I can stay for a while. If not, I leave town. Here, if you hire me, I expect I won't be leaving soon."


First Post
Balmorrow eyes the pair carefully. "Tell you what. For this week, I can pay you 1 gp per day for a performance similar to the one you did tonight. It's not a lot, I realize, not even enough for the both of you to keep separate rooms at the inn. But if you're a hit, I could probably raise it next week. Also, it only takes up your evening, and a little practice time, so you may be able to raise money another way as well."


LEW Judge
Manzanita said:
Balmorrow eyes the pair carefully. "Tell you what. For this week, I can pay you 1 gp per day for a performance similar to the one you did tonight. It's not a lot, I realize, not even enough for the both of you to keep separate rooms at the inn. But if you're a hit, I could probably raise it next week. Also, it only takes up your evening, and a little practice time, so you may be able to raise money another way as well."

Nurlan gives a little thought to haggling, but realizes that he wants this job for reasons other than the money. Rather than jeopardize his position there, he says (after a short pause), "It's a deal."


First Post
Balmorrow claps his hands and stands abruptly. "A deal it is." he holds out his hand to shake with each of you. We'll have to integrate you into our performance. Shouldn't be too hard. Please be back at 5 o'clock. You can eat with us and go through the show with us. Until then, you can do you other business if you have any. Or feel free to stay all day. Can I offer you any advice on what to do or where to go in this town?"


LEW Judge
Manzanita said:
Balmorrow claps his hands and stands abruptly. "A deal it is." he holds out his hand to shake with each of you. We'll have to integrate you into our performance. Shouldn't be too hard. Please be back at 5 o'clock. You can eat with us and go through the show with us. Until then, you can do you other business if you have any. Or feel free to stay all day. Can I offer you any advice on what to do or where to go in this town?"

Nurlan says, "Mordik, any thoughts on what you wanted to do today?"


First Post
Mordiks eyebrow raises as he thinks...
I dont rightly know. Maybe get a drink and look around the city a little.

Voidrunner's Codex

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