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Maddgoth’s Castle (restart?)

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Scotley said:
Looks like fun. I'll stat up a Cleric, most likely a Dwarf.

Feel free to create connections to Konrad. I played in an all dwarf game once and it was a blast with lots of family connections binding the characters together.
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Feel free to create connections to Konrad. I played in an all dwarf game once and it was a blast with lots of family connections binding the characters together.

I'm all about that. I don't know what we could come up with, but I always find characters with connections, and context are more fun to play.


Voadam said:
Feel free to create connections to Konrad. I played in an all dwarf game once and it was a blast with lots of family connections binding the characters together.

Cool, I was thinking a neutral good gold dwarf cleric of Marthammer Duin. We should be able to find some common ground. I can see gold dwarves being interested in a flying castle. When I get a little further along maybe we can develop some shared history.


First Post
Assuming that EXP does indeed mean Expanded Psionics Handbook... then I'm thinking along the lines of a Human Wizard 3/Psion 3/Cerebremancer 2.


Theobold Stonefist Male Gold Dwarf Cleric

Theobold Stonefist

Male Gold Dwarf Cleric 8th lvl
Patron: Marthammor Duin
-Symbol: Upturned Mace in front of a leather boot with a fur cuff
Alignment: NG
Home Region: The Great Rift

Str 12 pts 4
Dex 12 pts 4
Con 13 pts 3 +2 racial bonus
Int 12 pts 4
Wis 18 pts 10 +2 level bonuses
Cha 14 pts 6 +2 enhancement bonus

Hit Points 50
AC 23, Touch 11, Flat 22
Init +1
BAB +6/+1, Grap +7
Speed 20
Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +10

+9/+4 Melee, +1 Heavy Mace, 1d8+1, 20/x2
+8 Heavy Crossbow, 1d10 20/x3

Medium, 4'4" tall, 141 wt, 69 yrs old
Steel Gray hair, brown eyes, tan skin

Speaks Dwarven, Common and Celestial

Skills 24 (11x2+11Int)

Concentration (8+1Con+4Feat)
Craft (+1Int)
Diplomacy (+2Cha+2Feat)
Heal (6+4Wis)
Intimidate xx (0+2Cha+2Feat)
Listen xx (+4Wis)
Knowledge Arcana (1+1Int)
Knowledge History (1+1Int)
Knowledge Planer (1+1Int)
Knowledge Religion (5+1Int)
Profession (+4Wis)
Search xx (+1Int)
Spell Craft (+1Int)
Spot xx (+4Wis)
Survival (2+4Wis)

-Great Fortitude (bonus) (+2 Fort Saves)
-Thunder Twin has a twin. Know twins direction with a DC12 Wis check. +2 Diplomacy and Intimidate
-Weapon Focus Heavy Mace +1 to hit
-Combat Casting

Gold Dwarf Traits
-Darkvision 60’
-Stonecunning +2 racial bonus to search checks involving unusual stonework
-Weapon Familiarity with Dwarven Waraxes and Urgroshes
-Stability +4 to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground
-+2 Racial bonus vs. poison
-+2Racial bonus vs. spells and spell like effects
-+1 racial bonus to attack rolls vs. Orcs and goblinods
-+4 dodge bonus to AC vs giant type
-+2 on Appraise Checks that are related to metal or stone items.
-+2 bonus on Craft checks related to stone or metal

Cleric Abilities
-Dwarf Domain Great Fortitude bonus feat
-Travel domain Freedom of movement level rounds per day
-Turn Undead
-Proficient with all simple weapons all armor and shields except tower
-Divine Spells

Spells Prepared
0th-Detect Magic x3, Detect Poison, Light, Mending
Spell1-Blessx2, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Protection from Evil, Longstrider (D)
Spell2-Aid, Sound Burst, Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon, Bear’s Endurance (D)
Spell3-Dispel Magic, Fly (D), Prayer x2, Searing Light
Spell4-Neutralize Poison, Restoration, Summon Monster IV, Dimension Door (D)

+1Full Plate Armor 2,500gp
MW Studded Leather 175gp
Cleric’s Vestments
Travelers Outfit 1gp
+1 Heavy Steel Shield 1,020 gp
+1 Spell Storing Heavy Mace (Aspergillum) currently storing Searing Light 8,100gp
Wand of Cure Light Wounds 750 gp
Potion of Cure Light Wounds 50 gp
Wand of Searing Light 13,500gp
Holy Water x6 150 gp
Healer’s Kit 50 gp
Holy Symbol, silver 25 gp
Cold Iron Dagger 4gp
Alchemical Silver Light Mace 10 gp
Long Spear 5 gp
MW Heavy Crossbow 350 gp
-10 standard bolts, 5 alchemical silver, 5 cold iron 14gp
Backpack 2gp
Bedroll & Winter Blanket 6 sp
Scroll Case 1 gp
Scroll Spells
-Sanctuary 25gp, Restoration, lesser x2 300, gp, Neutralize Poison 375 gp,
Belt Pouch x2 2gp
Trail Rations 10day 5gp
Rope 100’ Silk 20gp
Torch x4 4 cp
Waterskin x2 2gp
Courtier’s Outfit 30 gp
Ring and matching bracelet silver set with amethyst and etched with dwarf runes 100 gp
Cold Weather Outfit 8 gp
Hooded Lantern with Continual Flame 57 gp (cast by Theobold)
Alchemist Fire x2 40gp

Warpony 100 gp
-Military Saddle, Bags, Bit and Bridle and Leather Barding 108 gp
Mule 8gp
-Pack Saddle 4gp
Feed Pony or Mule 8 days 4gp

Coins- 4pp 26 gp, 13sp, 6 cp
100 gp gem, 3 10 gp gems

Appearance/Personality: Theobold is a typical Gold Dwarf, not quite as powerfully built as his brother, but tall (for a dwarf) and fairly handsome. His once dark hair has started to turn a steel gray. His hair is worn long in braids and his full beard is thick and frequently brushed. His skin is tan and his brown eyes bright and observant. He smiles easily and is amiable if somewhat aloof with those not of Gold Dwarf stock. He walks proudly with his head held high and a purposeful stride. On formal occasions he dresses well in Priestly vestments or courtier’s clothing. In the field he wears a well worn suit of studded leather armor with a heavy steel shield. He carries a glowing heavy mace at his side as well as a finely crafted heavy crossbow. Also at his side are a light mace and dagger. He has a suit of full plate armor for battle. Like many of his faith he is curious and eager to see what lies over the next hill. He has been roaming the roads of Faerun on the back of a pony from a young age and is unlikely to stop any time soon.

History/Background: As one of the Thunder Twins Theobold has been a wanderer from a young age. He and his brother received formal training as a Monk and Cleric, but even in those days found excuses to explore the Great Rift. As they got older their travels wandered further and further from home. Much of his time has been spent blazing new trails or clearing older ones of trouble. Many times he has been the stalwart anvil to his brother’s more mobile hammer as they crushed foes in between. Whether battling giants in the Evermores or chasing orcs out of the lowland forests they form an effective team. More recently Theobold, Konrad and their companions find themselves in the City of Splendors looking for a floating castle under the mountain.
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I've kinda fleshed out my story a bit now. If any of you want to have met, perhaps some of you dwarven fellows met me in the Evermoors, fighting orcs, trolls and giants? Or in some good hearted adventures along my trek to Waterdeep?


Yea, I was starting to get a little concerned too... I sent him an e-mail yesterday (cause I sort of revived this thread from the second page...and I wanted to make sure he had seen it...)
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