MAG CON - April 12th & 13th - New Caney, Texas

Sans Serif

MAG CON - April 12th & 13th in New Caney, Texas - is a gaming convention that focuses on board, card, and role-playing games. MAG CON's goal is to provide a great value for attendees - great games and concessions at a low price. MAG CON is a fundraiser for The Learning Center campus in New Caney ISD. All proceeds from this gaming convention go to support the The Learning Center and its educational mission.

RSVPs are handled at If you'd like to join us for gaming, after you register for the convention itself, select your scenarios at

If you didn't make last year's MAG CON, you missed something special. MAG CON is our local convention - held at the New Caney ISD Annex Building. It is the sole fundraiser for The Learning Center, which deals with many students that are considered "at risk". The programs mission is to provide an educational environment that helps provide opportunities for these students to refocus their attitudes and academics. This is achieved by fostering positive teacher-student relationships and helping students realize their own potential.

Last year's convention raised $2800 - $700 of which went to rebuild schools in West, Texas following their disaster. Last year, Pathfinder Society was the dominant gaming activity at the convention with 45 players participating in 22 sessions. Naturally, we're hoping to surpass both attendance and fundraising this year.

That's all well and good for the school - but this is a great con for gamers. $20 gets you in for the weekend (and there's lots of group discounts available), and parking is free. We also have "the single greatest amenity at a convention, ever" - the mobile concession cart. That's right, Om noms delivered to your table. You'll still have to get up to go potty, though.

We'll get to the offerings for PFS in a second, but there's more gaming if nothing but PFS is too much for you - they'll have Stellar Horizons RPG, an auction, a dealer's room, and a ridiculously large board game library. Last year's con had X-Wing, Warmahordes, Malifaux, Savage Worlds, old-school D&D, Zombicide, Khet, and Steve Jackson Games - we expect that and more this year, including an appearance from the 501st, Arkham Horror, Takenoko, Civilization, Stellar Horizons, Small World, and a Ticket to Ride tourney.

Its by far the smallest of the Houston-area cons, but its a great time and a great value.

To sweeten the pot, GM *at least one* session and your admission is free. Our Pathfinder Society options are going to be pretty cool this year - including the season two special "Year of the Shadow Lodge" and the appropriate scenarios leading up to and following it. If you've played those already, great - GM it for us and get in free. We'll have scenarios at all levels of play - slightly weighted towards the lower-level tables. That includes "The Confirmation" - the new introduction scenario. We'll have FOUR brand-new scenarios. You're not going to be bored.

So, join us. Raise money for some kids and have a good time in the process. And hey, for the majority of y'all, we're a shorter drive than Moody Gardens.

Register for the convention itself at: - you'll still need to register here, even if you volunteer to GM - so we know to put you on the list.

Gaming sign-up is at:

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Sans Serif

This is shaping up nicely. The con has added Arkham Horror, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Catan, the Firefly board game, Civilization, OD&D, Iron Kingdoms, Nuclear War, Small World, and Call of Cthulhu since last I posted here.

Me, I'm still looking for GMs for Pathfinder Society. We have plenty, but I would like more. Remember, GM *one* session, and your admission is free.

Register for the convention itself at: - you'll still need to register here, even if you volunteer to GM - so we know to put you on the list.

Pathfinder Society scenario sign-up is at:

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