I think "Armed to the Teeth" could use some rewording. It's not entirely clear when or why your natural weapon attacks count as Heavy for the purpose of using a combat maneuver.
I'm also curious how many wild shapes would actually be able to make use of the Mounted feature. Non-Skinchanger druids have much more limited Wild Shape options.
Regardless, if you can cause a creature mounting to use a maneuver you know, it probably should cost that creature's reaction. A comparable feature, the marshal's Commanding Presence, allows you to give up your attacks to let another creature attack, but it costs their reaction.
Maybe have Extra Attack also grant your natural weapons the ability to count as magical for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction? It feels to me that you are going for a martial druid that stays in wild shape and uses combat maneuvers a lot, having combat maneuvers and extra attack (combined with the wild shape's temporary hit points and AC boost) to let this druid fill a martial role normally filled by a fighter wearing plate mail or a berserker with Rugged Defense, but that just won't work once creatures with resistance to nonmagical attacks become more common.
If I understand your intent, then I also am curious how this archetype will stand out from the Skinchanger. Combat maneuvers, obviously, but if both focus on using wild shape to fill a martial role, will combat maneuvers alone be enough to at least stand on even footing with the Skinchanger's faster animal transformation, increased creature CR, and better temporary hit points? (Food for thought to improve what I think is a solid seed idea, not intended to stop you from developing this archetype.)