Magik Shope Ver 1.2 (Generator)


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I was inspired by the "Random Treasure Generator"
I found this Parcel Generator while I was looking for a shop item generator. Well it didn't work they way i wanted (works great for parcels though) so i decided to try and make my own shop generator and this is the result. Now I am familiar with Excel so that is what it is created in and it uses a lot of programing so you need to enable macros for the file to work(and obviously have Excel installed on your computer). The Program is very simple to use but has some customizations so that you can tailor the items it produces. I have left all of the sheets and code unlocked so feel free to change/edit to get your desired result.

The base of the program is a list of magic enhancements that I got off this forum from a member called "Asmor" who has his own parcel generation system. - Quartermaster
Thank you very much Asmor as with out those tables you provided this probably would not have been created. The tables were posted in another thread that i can't find right now but they are on here somewhere.

Any and all feedback about the program is appreciated but be aware that i wrote the program for my own use so if you want something major added you may want to have a look at doing it yourself. I might consider it so no harm in asking though.:);) Enjoy!


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So far I like it and think it will be really useful. However, I found a wierd bug in the program that doesn't give you an accurate description in the "weapon/armor/item type" column. Here is a screenshot of the probelm.


  • ScreenShot.JPG
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Hey there Guyanthalas thanks for checking out my program. If you are referring to how the "weapon/armor/item type" column doesn't come up saying shield or bracer's its because i didn't implement anything for that. At the moment only weapons and armor will "fully" generate down to an item description. Everything else will just put the section of the book its from, ie: arms (arm slot section) At the time of writing it I was concentrating on getting Armor and Weapons to generate fully. I will look at implementing the shield determination as well.:)

If there was something else you were meaning please can you be more specific?

Sorry I wasn't very specific. If you look in the screenshot, you'll see that the Armor/weapon ect column displays kind of a wonky description. Row 14 and Row 17 specifically. +1 Shimmering armor, but the description is +0 cloth. Is this by design?

Sorry about that Guyanthalas, That is actually by design as you have the magical benefit and then the armour benefit. So in you example (+1 Shimmering armor, +0 cloth) the magic gives it a plus 1 but the cloth is inherently plus 0. I kept it seperate so that you can see the bonuses of the magical enchantment. This is more apparent in heavier armor (eg. +2 Eladrin Armor, +6 Chainmail. The total bonus would be +8. 2 from the enchantment and 6 from the inherent armor bonus.)

Hope that clears things up. :)

Any updates to this?

I haven't looked at the VBScript portion of the program yet, but it looks as if the "Magic" and "Item" tabs are pretty user friendly to edit. Perhaps we just add the items in there and see what happens? It will take a little bit of typing, but it would get the update done.

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