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Malice of the Medusa (pt-1) [Manzanita judging]

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Thy wounds are healed!
"Oh my yes," the priest says as he let's you into a tiny room lined with scroll shelves. More than half the cubby holes are empty but a few hold rolled pieces of parchment. "It is such an odd tale, he came in through the mausoleum door one night about four days ago." Starting to chuckle he adds, "One of the younger priest thought the dead housed below the church where coming to life. Ha ha!"

"Now what is it that you were looking for?" he asks turning back to the scrolls.


First Post
Reis chuckles appreciatively along with the priest.

"Well, now, about the scrolls you'll have to ask my friend Midias here. He's the expert in clerical matters." Reis frowns slightly and looks at the priest earnestly. "But if the passage you're talking about connects this temple to the basement of the hospice nearby, you might be interested in knowing that there actually were undead found there recently. It seems to be a dangerous place."

He pauses reflectively. "Perhaps that's how the fellow you spoke of got his bloody feet, come to think of it. Do you think we could speak to him? I'm curious as to what he saw down there."

[sblock=ooc]Do I need to make a diplomacy check or something, or is just talking fine?[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
The cleric loses his jovial look as you mention the undead under the temple. With a stern look he asks, "How do you know about all of that?"

[sblock=ooc] Better make a dipolmacy check or aid another and have Midias make the check however you two wish to do it. [/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post

"Don't think we would have anything to do with the rise of this evil. We are rather the ones who put it down. Please allow us to see the patient, we are coming to help him.

The seeked scrolls are just faint aura healing conjuration spells that channel positive energy, harmless to everyone, but undead. Mostly called 'cure spells' in my church."
Midias aanswers, the power and rightousness off his god glowing through him.

Diplomacy (1d20+1=20)

Reis can try to assist :)

AC 17 (T11, FF16), HP 11/18, F +5,R+1,W+5
0 Level: Detect Magic, Guidance
1 Level: Cure Light Wounds (d) - Bless, Command

Effects: -

XP:1.200 (+337.5xp each)
Gold: 364



Thy wounds are healed!
Listening to Midias the priest looks confused. "I'm sorry you said that you put the evil down? Excuse me could we wait to purchase the scrolls I think we need to sort all this out."

He looks at Reis, who tries looking innocent but fails, and then again at Midias. "You know of the path that leads from here to the hospice, and the guardians that were placed there." he says then notices Midias's holy symbol for the first time. "Of course, Hyrag protected you and help you destroy the 'evil' that was in the crypts."

"And you want to speak with the man who came from down there?" he says scratching his head. "I believe he left the same night he came up from the crypts. I will try and find out."

He leads you again to the main entrance hall and the benches before heading off. It is almost half an hour before he returns with two other priests, one dressed in elaborate robes the other dressed like many of the others.

"I am the head priest here, Brother Renor." the older man in plain robes says. "You young priest of Hyrag are the one who destroyed the skeleton guardians and you warrior were with him, as is evident by your wounds. I am sorry that you encountered them they were not always there. In fact they have only been, or had been, in the crypts for two days now. After Aedan came up from there it was agreed to raise some guardians to watch over our fallen brothers. It was learned after he left that Aedan had pilfered a few of the caskets. We retrieved the items from where he lives, a little shanty not far from here, and then summoned the undead to guard the tombs."

"Yes the skeletons you destroyed and should pay for." The man in the elaborate robe says cutting in. "Now Tryui, look at them they were hurt badly by their ordeal," the head priest says in rebuke. "Your plan was sound but maybe we should just seal that portal as was also suggested."

"You seek Aedan and you have traveled, maybe not far, but it was a grand journey. So by Phyrah we shall assist you." the old man says smiling. Tryui folds his arms and glares at everyone.

"You came to purchase a few of our scrolls, after you are done one of the brothers will show you to Aedan's home. Please finish helping them find what they seek, and then have them escorted to Aedans. Phyrah's blessing on the rest of your journey." Then he and Tryui turn and leave.

The action is aid another not make worse LOL. Midias's roll was good and lucky too, I have never played a priest that had such a low diplomacy skill modifier. Kudoss WD for going a different route with Midias.

Ok no need to play out the purchase of scrolls, they will have what you want and at DMG prices. You all leave the church after buying. Accompanied by a Brother Evort - small mousy man with thin gray hair and thin moustache (whiskers??) plain brown robe and no travel gear. Time of day midafternoon (between 1-2pm). [/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2465688/Can the determine the total of the scrolls after Theroc posted someting? But I think Midias and Reis wanted to buy 5 CLW scrolls, 25gp a piece.

AC 17 (T11, FF16), HP 11/18, F +5,R+1,W+5
0 Level: Detect Magic, Guidance
1 Level: Cure Light Wounds (d) - Bless, Command

Effects: -

XP:1.200 (+337.5xp each)
Gold: 364



First Post
Nonplussed, Reis watches two of the priests leave. To the one remaining, he asks, "Do you know where this shanty of Aedan's is? I think we'd still like to talk to him, if that's all right..."

He then walks over to Midias to discuss buying scrolls.

[sblock=ooc]Reis can contribute 50 gp towards the scrolls, or 75 gp if you think it's necessary.

By the way, HM, what happens to Reis' health when he levels up? Will he remain at one hitpoint, gain some of the new health but still be damaged, or be fully healed?[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=ooc] You will get your hp for the lvl up +1 just call it a rush of adrenaline for getting so close to your goal. Just make note if your gold WD said he'd be back Tue I think.

The mousy man Brother Evort is going to lead the group to the shanty. [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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