Malice of the Medusa (pt-1) [Manzanita judging]

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First Post
Reis trails behind the others quietly, trying to concentrate through his fever. He glances around every now and then to check their surroundings, but notices nothing unusual.

[sblock=ooc]Initiative, spot, and listen.

Sorry for the delay. WD, how much does Reis owe for the scrolls?[/sblock]
[sblock=stats] Reis Moinnael
Half-elf Ranger, level 2
Medium, Speed: 30'

HP: 12/12, BAB: 2, Init +1
AC: 15, FF: 14
Fort: 4, Ref: 4, Will: 0

Rapier: +4, 1d6+2, 18-20x2
Mace: +4, 1d6+2, 20x2[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
Heading down towards the little shack Reis and Midias are suddenly startled by Viktor screaming out in pain. The warrior drops his guisarme and uses both hands to grab at his leg. The young noble turns around throwing his hands in the air widly and they both see a small furry creature attached to the side of Viktor's thigh.

"Get it off! Get it off!" he yells at the others. Another one of the same creatures can be seen now running towards the group also.

[sblock=OOC] I need to get to work but wanted to drop this in before the weekend maybe WD can respond.

Reis = 8 surprised
Midias = 4 surprised
Viktor = 17 surprised//round one tried to grapple mongoose
mongosses = 6
Init = 17 - Viktor
Mongoose ATK - Hits 1 pt dmg// attached
Grapple attempt failed AoO hit = +1 dmg

So Viktor has takin 2 points dmg and has one of Aedan's pets attached to his leg. Probably don't remember but your characters would. Tells you you are on the right track. ;)

Reis is up.[/sblock]


First Post
Reis looks around wildly, drops his pack, and pulls out his mace. He considers aiming a blow at the mongoose grappling with Viktor, but refrains for fear of hitting his companion.

Instead, he takes a step back and yells as loudly as he can, "AEDAN! Your pets are attacking us! Call them off!"
[sblock=stats]Reis Moinnael
Half-elf Ranger, level 2
Medium, Speed: 30'

HP: 12/12, BAB: 2, Init +1
AC: 15, FF: 14
Fort: 4, Ref: 4, Will: 0

Rapier: +4, 1d6+2, 18-20x2
Mace: +4, 1d6+2, 20x2[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post

Is it possible to hit the mongoose without hurting Viktor? If it is, Midias would attack it for non-lethal damage.


Midias Sunchosen
AC 17 (T11, FF16), HP 16/18, F +5,R+1,W+5
0 Level: Detect Magic, Guidance, 2x Light
1 Level: Cure Light Wounds (d) - Bless, Command, Shield of Faith

Effects: -

XP:1.200 (+337.5xp each)
Gold: 264
Get in adventure: 4/5 CLW scrolls



Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] It says that a mongoose that is attached loses its DEX bonus to AC (making its AC 12) And an attached mongoose can be struck with a weapon or grappled itself.

Think of it as sinking it's teeth into someone then not really being able to do anything afterwards. [/sblock]

Viktor holds out his leg with the attached critter on it waiting for someone to get it off him. The other mongoose is hurry towards the group to help his companion.

Walking Dad

First Post

"You got the one on the leg. I will take out the other!"

Prepare attack on other mongoose ones it comes into melee reach:
Morningstar (1d20+3=15, 1d8+2=6)


Midias Sunchosen
AC 17 (T11, FF16), HP 16/18, F +5,R+1,W+5
0 Level: Detect Magic, Guidance, 2x Light
1 Level: Cure Light Wounds (d) - Bless, Command, Shield of Faith

Effects: -

XP:1.200 (+337.5xp each)
Gold: 264
Get in adventure: 4/5 CLW scrolls



First Post
Reis hesitates, but with Aedan nowhere in sight and Viktor in obvious pain he sighs and readies his mace. He yells out "AEDAN!" one more time in hopes that the man might be in earshot, then steps forward.

"Sorry about this, Viktor," Reis mutters as he aims a blow at the mongoose.
[sblock=ooc]Attack: 1d20=10
That misses, I think.[/sblock]
[sblock=stats]Reis Moinnael
Half-elf Ranger, level 2
Medium, Speed: 30'

HP: 12/12, BAB: 2, Init +1
AC: 15, FF: 14
Fort: 4, Ref: 4, Will: 0

Rapier: +4, 1d6+2, 18-20x2
Mace: +4, 1d6+2, 20x[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
End Round 1

Midias steps past Viktor and raises his mace before the approaching critter. It comes charging straight at the priest who swings hard and true hitting the little beasty in the side and sending it flying through the air to land in the tall grass some ten feet away.

As Reis appraches Viktor mace held at the ready the noble warrior looks shocked. He moves his leg with the attached mongoose on it quickly away causing Reis to miss entirely. "Are you crazy you could crush my leg as well," he says spinning back around. "Use a dagger or pull it... Ouch!" he says as he attempted to grab the creature once more and again gets scratched for his attempt. The little creature still has it's jaws locked on the warriors leg.

[sblock=OOC] Twice the AoO hit Viktor luckly these critters do 1d4-3 points of damage he has time to try again LOL. So two more points to Viktor. (hp=8/12) The other mongoose is dead free action to look and see it lying there.

Reis is up, but no need to wait WD you can post and we can edit things if need be.
Edit: [/sblock]
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