Marked By Destiny, Marked by Tragedy Part 2 (No Judge Yet)


Weapon quickly fells two of the kobolds, and the remaining three make a run for it.

(Weapon may make an AOO as the Kobolds run away.)

*** End of Combat ***

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Not wanting any to escape, and thinking that taking one alive might be useful, Weapon adjusts his grip to hit to stun, not kill.

(OOC: InvisibleCastle seems to be down. I can roll later).

Seeing coast is relatively clear, Weapon hops over the pit and takes stock of the situation. "They are alive, but very wounded," he calls up to Alys. "The hostiles have retreated for the time being. Unfortunately, I cannot effectively render assistance to flesh. My training is not in that area." His rattling sigh echoes up the chamber.

(OOC: At -2, Weapon would be hard pressed to make a DC 15 Heal check, so Brelach will need to spend AP or roll.)


ooc: Note to self -- Paranoia writes nasty traps! Based on the syncronicity of the "double chokepoint trap" I'll treat each of the two traps as CR 4 for xp purposes.

Experience Award #1
Encounters: Crazy Barbarian and Kobolds with Traps
810 xp each

Time: 9/22/7 to 10/22/7 = 1 month
50 xp for Silvanon
100 xp for others


First Post
ALright, cool, I'm down with that. At my home table, I play "Low is good" for stablization... and we do it on a d20. But this is fine by me!

Thanks for the XP! Brelach certainly learned something from the experience (don't go jumping into a fight against kobolds, and then start taunting them!)

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Weapon, I think I need to stay up here with the rope--we are almost undoubtably going to need to retreat to heal the others since you and I are the only ones still conscious," Alys says with regret in her tone, "I never imagined that kobolds could be so dangerous."

(OOC: I don't know if it's your rolling or what, Patlin, but I recently put a group of three not-at-full-steam due to being previously-hit-by-traps level 2 adventurers in a Face-to-Face game up against first a group of six regular kobolds on the other side of a wooden wall with spikes that they pushed to try to force the PCs back into the pit and then immediately afterwards against six level 1 Kobold Rogues, a level 4 Kobold Bard, and a level 3 Kobold Cleric, all of whom had crossbows, heavy cover, time to prebuff, and the advantage of Darkvision, and the PCs won on round 59 with about the same level of carnage. I think maybe it was the Cleric and the Druid + the wand of CLW that changed it)

Rystil Arden

First Post
Patlin said:
ooc: Did you say round 59?

All of that carnage only took 4 rounds here!
(OOC: Yes. That includes ~5 rounds where there was no engagement and the enemies were just buffing, though. The crucial juncture occurred in round 37 when the Doom on the Soulknife wore off and he stopped having to take -2 to attack and damage rolls. That was also around the time that Cat's Grace and Shield of Faith ended on the Kobold Bard, dropping his AC from its previous value of 22 down to a more reasonable level

Then the party Cleric chased the Kobold Cleric in circles around the entire room 12 times to try to get back the wand of CLW that the Kobold had disarmed and stolen after running out of his own spells)

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