"Weapon, I think I need to stay up here with the rope--we are almost undoubtably going to need to retreat to heal the others since you and I are the only ones still conscious," Alys says with regret in her tone, "I never imagined that kobolds could be so dangerous."
(OOC: I don't know if it's your rolling or what, Patlin, but I recently put a group of three not-at-full-steam due to being previously-hit-by-traps level 2 adventurers in a Face-to-Face game up against first a group of six regular kobolds on the other side of a wooden wall with spikes that they pushed to try to force the PCs back into the pit and then immediately afterwards against six level 1 Kobold Rogues, a level 4 Kobold Bard, and a level 3 Kobold Cleric, all of whom had crossbows, heavy cover, time to prebuff, and the advantage of Darkvision, and the PCs won on round 59 with about the same level of carnage. I think maybe it was the Cleric and the Druid + the wand of CLW that changed it)