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Marooned! characters


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Ok, I'm going to post the characters as reference for the players, as well as myself.

Here's Insight's character, Newton;

Str 10 (+0)
Dex 12 (+1)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 12 (+1)
Wis 15 (+2)
Cha 9 (-1)

FORT: +5
REF: +1
WILL: +4

SKILLS: Climb (1) +1, Listen (4) +6, Navigate (5) +7, Pilot (6) +9, Repair (1) +2, Spot (5) +7, Survival (6) +8, Swim (1) +2, Treat Injury (5) +11.

FEATS: Advanced Firearms, Air Vehicle Op - Helicopters, Medical Expert, Personal Firearms, Vehicle Expert.

TALENTS: Healing Knack (Dedicated), Remain Conscious (Tough).

EQUIPMENT: On his person, Vance wears a light beige shortsleeved shirt, cargo shorts, flip-flops (no socks), and a baseball cap (Red Sox). In his pockets would be a wallet, cell phone, his passport, and key to an airport locker. This is what he would have packed into a suitcase for the trip home: Six changes of clothes, a pair of military-style steel-toed boots, a small tool set, a set of aerial navigation maps showing South America and Antarctica, a PDA with his personal info and contact list, a multi-tool pocket knife thing, and his lucky horseshoe.

  • 29 Years old, hails from Braintree, MA. Son of an Anglican minister.
  • Briefly attended Our Lady of Grace Seminary in Boston before joining the US Army in 1986.
  • Served in Germany 1987-1990 and went through Army Medical School to become a Corpsman. Also attended Search & Rescue School in 1990.
  • Went through Helicopter School just before the Gulf War in 1991.
  • Served as medi-vac pilot in Kuwait and Iraq 1991-92.
  • Earned Silver Star in 1993.
  • Served in 1st Air Cav, Ft Bliss, TX 1993-1994.
  • Retired from US Army in 1995.
  • Now works as Helicopter Pilot for National Science Foundation, delivering supplies to science stations in Antarctica.
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Zaarin's character;
Gregory Kinson
Smart 3 (Technician(+1 Computer Use, Repair, Craft(Electronics)))

Ability Scores
Str 10 +0
Dex 12 +1
Con 12 +1
Int 16 +3
Wis 10 +0
Cha 11 +0

AC: 12
Base attack: +1
Initiative: +1
Reputation: +1
Fortitude save: +2
Reflex save: +2
Will save: +2
Action points: 15

Archaic Weapon Proficiency
Simple weapon Proficiency

Craft (Mechanical)+9 (6 ranks,+3 Int)
Craft (Electronic) +10 (6 ranks,+3 Int,+1 occupation)
Computer Use +15 (6 ranks,+3 Int,+1 occupation,+3 Savant,+2 Gearhead)
Disable Device +14 (6 ranks,+3 Int, +3 Savant, +2 Cautious)
Knowledge (Technology) +9 (6 ranks, +3 Int)
Knowledge (Earth and Life Sciences) +9 (6 ranks, +3 Int)
Profession +6 (6 ranks)
Repair +12 (6 Ranks, +3 Int, +1 occupation, +2 Gearhead)
Research +9 (6 ranks, +3 Int)
Search +9 (6 ranks, +3 Int)
Navigate +9 (6 ranks, 3 Int)
Speak and Read 3 additional languages


Savant (Disable Device, Computer Use)

A set of casual clothes, A passport, beeper,
A laptop (though probably gone), Electronic tool kit, 4 Snickers bars,and a camer, with 4 rolls of film with vacation photos.

Gregory Kinson
*32 years old, from Harik,SD
*Went to South Dakota state college
*Took a job in IBM in 1984, then left for Microsoft in 1991
*Constantly goes to Rennaissance Fairs
*Took a 3 day job for his company in Argentina then spent a week vacatin in Buenos Aires


First Post
JimAde's character;
Carlos Soares

Tough Hero Level 3
Occupation: Athlete (Climb, Jump, Tumble)
Allegiances: Teacher, Career, Honor

Hit Dice 3D8+9 (30 HP)
Massive Damage Threshold 16
Initiative +1
Defense 13 (10 base, +1 Dex, +1 Class, +1 Equipment) (14 in melee)
BAB +2, Melee +1, Ranged +3
Action Points: 15

STR 14 +2
DEX 12 +1
CON 16 +3
INT 12 +1
WIS 9 -1
CHA 8 -1

Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +2
Will: +0

DR 1

Defensive Martial Arts (+1 Defense in melee) (Regular Starting Feat)
Brawl (+1 to hit, 1d6+2 unarmed) (Regular Starting Feat)
Archaic Weapons Proficiency (Athlete)
Combat Throw (+2 to Trip, 2nd lvl bonus feat)
Simple Weapons Proficiency (Class Feature)
Endurance (+4 to some CON checks, 3rd Character Level)

Balance +6 (4 ranks +1 Dex +1 Occupation)
Climb +6 (4 ranks +2 Str)
Drive +5 (4 ranks +1 Dex)
Jump +5 (2 ranks +2 Str +1 Occupation)
Knowledge(Streetwise) +3 (2 ranks +1 Int)
Profession(Tournament Fighter) +1 (2 ranks -1 Wis)
Read/Write Language (2 ranks) ..Portuguese (free)

Speak Language (2 ranks)
..Portuguese (free)
Tumble +8 (6 ranks +1 Dex +1 Occupation)

Wealth Bonus +5
Action Points 6


Suitcase full of clothes including judogi
Zippo lighter
Several martial arts magazines (in English for practice)

Carlos is not an especially large man, but he is very solidly built. He wears his black hair very short and usually maintains a somber expression.

Carlos grew up on the mean streets of Sao Paolo. At the age of 11 he started hanging around on a street corner near a Jiu-Jitsu school. One of the instructors took an interest in the quiet kid with the serious expression and started letting him watch classes. Carlos was hooked and was soon working out in the gym daily. He cleaned the place and did odd jobs to pay for his training and became something of a school mascot. This kept him too busy to get involved with the gangs that were rampant in the area, though he had a few run-ins with them. By the time he was 15 he had left home (his family having more or less disintegrated in the meantime) and moved into the back room of the school.
Now a young man, earning a salary teaching at the school, Carlos has started competing regionally. Last year placed fifth in his weight class in a national tournament. He is determined to build a career for himself and eventually hopes to move to america to open a Jiu-Jitsu school of his own. As part of that goal he has taken English language courses at the local college and is looking forward to scouting out America.
His teacher Gastão Rodrigues is about to compete in a Vale Tudo tournament in Los Angeles. Carlos was to accompany him, but the airline overbooked the flight and Carlos got bumped. They re-routed him through Chile and now he's traveling alone to LA.


First Post
Last but not least, Ooga-Buga's character;
Hum...my character: A bright young lass, my character (Aysha) lives in Death Valley. Dream of being president (or some other position of importance), but has issues of being in any of position of power due to gender. Till the world gets over the sexism thing, she is having to work as a consultant for a salt mining company named....Galithorn and Sons(?).

She has little as far as worldly possessions, which may contribute to her lack of politician (no real campaign). Aysha lives alone in a solar powered Winnebago and gets around on a dirt bike. She has little need for anything other than gas, food and water.

My character hates her job, but loves to help others. Everyone few years, she will go on a six-month contract for the JFK Peace Corps. In this case she was sent to South America to help educate the public on their AIDs epidemic.

LVL 3 Charismatic
Age: 23

Str - 8
Dex - 13
Con - 12
Int - 14
Wiz - 12
Cha - 16

Bluff - 7 (10)
Diplomacy - 7 (11, extra +1 for being White Collar)
Gather Info- 7 (10)
Research - 7 (9, Class skill, thanks to White Collar occupation)
Drive - 3.5 (7.5, Not a class skill and there is no 'New Class Skill' feat...ugh, Skill emphasis)
Perform (Wind Interment) - 7 (10)
Knowledge (Popular Culture) - 5 (7)
Knowledge (Current Events) - 5 (7)
Knowledge (Civics) - 6 (8)
Knowledge (Business) - 5 (7)

Feat: Skill Emphasis (Drive)


Base Attack: 1
AC: 12
Wealth: 3
Rep: 2
Possessions are few, but include various luggage (basically clothing), a Chanter, and a French Horn! I also have paper, a few pens, and a Pin Striped suit, a red button-up shirt to go under it, a red tie with flowers on it (another shade of red) that look good with the shirt (It being a Jerry Garcia original). Dress shoes as well as some casual Merrells. A comb and one of those things you roll over your clothes in order to get hair off (you know...).

Voidrunner's Codex

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