Martial Power Exceprt: Warlord PP

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questing gm

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I really like the concept for this PP, it really suits well with the fluff and the Bravura Warlord. However, I have some doubts on how effective it will be on the gaming table since all of its powers need their allies to be bloodied.

Flamebrow Revival is awesome though. ;)


I'm really enjoying recent proliferation of powers that inflict some sort of penalty (such as granting combat advantage) in return for a slightly more powerful effect. It makes for a much more interesting decision on the part of the player.


First Post
If your allys dont get bloodied than hey! Life is good!

But in my DMing experience, no encounters have gone by where no PCs became bloodied. I'm not sure, but it might be true that no encounters have gone by where at least TWO PCs got bloodied!

Bloodied is a condition that is almost always up at some time during a battle, especially hard battles. I think it as a condition trigger for these class features is fine.

As for the ex-cerpt itself, I think the utility power is awesomely flavorful, though Its power feels a bit weak to me. Not super weak, just a bit below par. I would definately be glad to have it though.

questing gm

First Post
I'm really enjoying recent proliferation of powers that inflict some sort of penalty (such as granting combat advantage) in return for a slightly more powerful effect. It makes for a much more interesting decision on the part of the player.

Not only for the player but for the DM as well. ;)

If let's say you have intelligent monster seeing the warlord doing actions that translate into a combat advantage, would they all gang up on him? :confused:

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