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Mat Smith's Writing is Unpleasant [RANT]


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I agree with ColonelHardisson that saying, "Mat Smith makes me want to barf" is juvenile. I also agree with TrizzlWizzl though; those In the Works updates are laugh-out-loud bad. They remind me of the Onion's intentially bad Jean Teasdale columns.

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What? Me Worry?
To be honest, I think the subject would have been interesting to discuss. That is, to whom is WotC targetting it's website, and what are the implications of that for the fandom? I understand it's a rant, but it also can make for an interesting discussion.

I don't think it's a matter of people objecting to a writer being criticized - heck, I didn't even know who Mat Smith was until this thread - but that someone was being called out, essentially, by name, in a very unflattering way. That's a common thing on the internet, and a lot of people want to try to keep EN World from going the same route. That doesn't mean "don't criticize," it just means put it in terms that aren't likely to spark a flame war, which usually results in nothing but resentment and a closed thread. Like I said, the subject itself has a number of implications, and does bear thoughtful discussion.

I'm A Banana

Hm...personal attacks aren't warranted, eh? You're probably right. But I was just following suit...you attacked Mr. Smith personally, after all. I consider saying that a person you have (most likey) never met or spoke with in person "makes me want to barf" in a forum where he probably can't even defend himself is one of the elements of poopshootery.

Also, it astonishes me how you can still be mad after writing the word "poopshoot." Come on, that's gotta make ya laugh! ;)

Anyhoo, to place me on the issue...

1) I do think that the articles have been a bit...insipid. Perhaps quite a bit.

2) I don't think it's construvtive to insult, really. Mostly because I don't think we really know the circumstances...Mat Smith may not be a writer by trade or training, and is just kinda "pulling duty" here. You can't fault someone who can't write well for not writing well. That's like saying you your Malon Brando impersonation makes me want to stab myself when someone else asked you to do it.

3) Your not alone. But I figure there's bigger issues to post on. :) If you're going to rant about a free service WotC provides, wh not rant on those Fey Features? I mean, they take a chaotic epitome of nature and turn them into a lawful court interspersed with Stoppard quotes. :p But, y'know, I just don't think it's worthwhile to personally attack the authors of those...it's not hurting me in anyway.

4) In the spirit of "it's not hurting me in anyway...".....don't click the link, and all your stomach unease will depart, I assure you. ;)


What? Me Worry?
I noticed TW changed the thread title; to be honest, I would have used a bit stronger language - maybe "I don't like such-and-so's writing style" or something.

Anyway, I'm sure that Smith's essays/PR have to be approved by someone, and maybe he is even encouraged to use a certain style, to reflect who WotC wants to attract as customers. Does this seem like a shift to anyone, or does it seem like the same thing they've done since the release of 3e? Personally, it seems like a bit of a shift in tone and focus over the past year or so.


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ColonelHardisson said:
I don't think it's a matter of people objecting to a writer being criticized - heck, I didn't even know who Mat Smith was until this thread - but that someone was being called out, essentially, by name, in a very unflattering way. That's a common thing on the internet, and a lot of people want to try to keep EN World from going the same route.

I totally agree. I don't want to spark a flame war either... to me, a flame war is two posters making personal attacks on one another, which is best avoided. That's why I've since changed the title of the thread (agreeing with everybody that it was childish and not conducive to discussion) and carefully avoided personal comments directed at Mr. Smith within the rant itself.

The Colonel brings up a good point: just what does WotC see as it's target audience? Why does Mat Smith write the way he does? Does it even matter? I mean... who cares, right?

Well... I care. That's why I read the message boards and download all the FAQs. I care about the quality of the writing within the hobby and seeing as how the writing basically is the hobby I care about it. I've seen players get totally turned off to books and campaign ideas after reading Mat Smith's "articles". He writes as though... well I've said all that but I feel it truly does have negative reciprocal effects on the hobby (although, admittedly, that might have a lot to do with my living in image-concious Los Angeles).


First Post

My intent was not to insult you, or to say you could not express opinions or be critical. You expressed an opinion, and I expressed an opinion. In my eyes you overstepped the bounds of helpful criticism. As an artist I would never give another artist a critique such as the one you put forth. I found it to be mean spirited, your word choice and phrasing certainly was in my opinion. I can tell you the more polite your criticism is the more it will be heeded. Like I said I expressed my opinion, which doesn't really amount to a hill of beans, it's up to the moderators what flies and what doesn't around here.

As for the subject of target demographic, and how to go about communicating with that demographic it is indeed an interesting question.


While I'll admit that I don't like his writing style, my main problem with the column is the fact that it's not timely. Half of the stuff that he describes as in the works has hit the stores by the time it gets posted, and most of the info he gives it is already common knowledge by the time it goes up. Admittedly, it might not be as common to the average joe on the streets who doesn't follow RPG news online, but then it's the online fans that have access to the column. I also find the little 'about the author' blurb about how much he loves his job a bit annoying.

I'm A Banana

If they want to write for the target demographic, then writing like an intentional self-satire probably won't work that well. ^_^

I just take it as being an extremely informal writing style...though I do admit, having someone from the ad department do it, hitting the demographic may not be far from their minds....it's certainly suspicious. And it would make sense. I much more feel I'm being sold to than told about. :)

What I don't get is that their ad campaigns have been fairly decent...not a mention of seeming self-parody....


First Post
TrizzlWizzl said:

Pardon me, but I'm of the opinion that if you do something professionally you open yourself to criticism of your perfomance.

you do open yourself to criticism, but people expect more out of critics than "His ad copy sucks too." or the misspelling of puerile.

i think there is honest and straitforward criticism, which is usually well regarded if written well, and then there is just negative rants. the former is an artform unto itself, the latter is just a way to start a flamewar.

i think the best way to approach this type of subjects would be a rational and well stated request for what you want as a customer (which technically you aren't, being as the info is free you are a consumer, but not a customer) and a reasoned critique of what is being made available.there have been very few critics who have been successful at what they do who were self appointed.

perchance you would find a column regarding the same information in one of the many periodicals available for the field rather than complain about free content.
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