D&D 5E Maximum Honor score?


What is the maximum honor a PC can have if you are using honor? Also what about honor by alignment? Making honor a stat that is rolled is honestly stupid. The older system was better with honor by alignment and then birthright rolls and such.

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No one? Really? I think the maximum is 100 but I've seen nothing about this. And if it is then couldn't a PC just be super honorable for a while then become an ahole once they have enough points to "spend" on dishonorable actions?


Elder Thing
From the 5e Dungeon Master's Guide, page 265:

"As with other ability scores, a character's Honor can't exceed 20 or fall below 1."

If you are not talking about the option in the DMG, please provide more explanation or a reference so we know how to address your question.

Voidrunner's Codex

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