Mecha Armor Thoughts...


So I always enjoyed the one random GM who would use the of the Substance Hardness and Hit Points whenever our group had to bust through an obstacle to proceed onward.

Looking through my doc folder I came across my old notes in regards to Mecha Armor listed in the Future core books to allow for a more grittier combat of to get to the squishy pilot inside you had to shoot through x-inches of said armor with the use of my Modern/Future Houserules regarding weapons.

1: First in my notes was ballistic glass like compound for the exposed cockpits of converted civilians Mecha's into Technicals where the players slapped on a few weapons and armor and went to war. This was based on the Mundane/Deep Crystal in the 3.5e D&D books.

2: The and I modified around the basis of Steel and tweaking the HP around the Hardness found in the Superstructure listings.

So does anyone have their own thoughts that I could compare/consult to

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Just a little heads up that I have been collecting several various Materials Hardness & Hit Point per x-thickness data from several sources from the internet and notes that I wrote down a while back...

If any readers have sources from the internet or via google please PM me them so I can make note of any that I don't have for the list.

Two I was able to view via google with links to amazon for purchase of the titles

I've found a few located here


So reaching out to other member if they can give me, link me, or other any sources of real life and RPG basic and high level materials with their relevant Hardness and Hit Points per Inch that I can compile together. Also, trying to give an associated time using the Moderns Progress Level chart


Guide of Modos
Try YouTube. Watch videos on "bullet penetration" or search for different calibers. You won't get anything scientific, but hey, role-playing isn't scientific either. You should find plenty of examples of different materials and how well they stand up to bullets.


Try YouTube. Watch videos on "bullet penetration" or search for different calibers. You won't get anything scientific, but hey, role-playing isn't scientific either. You should find plenty of examples of different materials and how well they stand up to bullets.
Got plenty of notes from various television programs that made mention of weapon caliber-X against a one-inch steel plate normally .50caliber and above with penetration occurring as follows... Ball/FMJ- None, API- Yes, and then of course all of the subtypes now manufactured.

What I need is stats like from D&D; a One inch steel plate has a Hardness of 10 and 30 Hit Points for every Inch

Voidrunner's Codex

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