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Medallions d20 Modern (Update Wednesday 09-20-06)

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Herder of monkies
Old Drew Id said:
Officially, no, we do not use the sanity rules. But I may be secretly using that mechanic and just not letting the players know that I am. Or that may be an outright lie.

This is one of the many ways that I attempt to be a true RBDM.
Aw hell man, most of us just *assume* we are making them, and do things like "in between this episode, I'm going to go spend a couple weeks with my parents on the farm, thinking about dandelions and puppies and growing things". Or they do like Willie, and have bouts of alcholic binging followed by the occasional psychotic break (trust me, *these* have been warranted. We havent even gotten to *any* of the really scary stuff yet). Then, of course, there are the blackouts... :confused:

It's kinda like gaming under a huge, invisible headman's axe. You *know* it's coming, but just not *when*. :heh:

Of course, the axe analogy is really not fair to OldDrewId. No, an axe would be relatively painless in comparison...


Old Drew Id said:
Unrelated side note here, as a DM: My original plan for this session was nowhere near how it turned out. I do not railroad my players. (Although I do occasionally lay tracks out in front of them and then chase them with a train.)
Save this quote and refer back to it later. It will seem so much more ironic then.

zenld said:
How do the players make their sanity rolls. I'm just reading it, and think I failed at least one.

I love this story! I hate this story! I fear this story!


Ah, grasshopper, you have achieved the first level of zen understanding to why we love our game so. Your reward is one grain of rice.

Lola said:
I can't believe it keeps getting better.
giant spiders.... *twitches*... reminds me too much of work. :p
Heh heh. Yeah. Heh. Stay tuned. One of the creepiest, sanity-strangling moments in the entire episode is upcoming, and the sad part is it has *nothing* to do with the spider.

Some things just make you wish they made a squeegie for your brain. And a nice lemon-scented cleanser. "Softens brains while you do the dishes". Heh.

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First Post
Old Drew Id said:
I do not railroad my players. (Although I do occasionally lay tracks out in front of them and then chase them with a train.)

Not only is this soon to become the one of the most "quotable quotes" on the boards, I plan on pasting this on my DM Screen - on the side that faces the players! Thanks so much for that line, Old DrewID...classic.

Oh, and you spin such a wonderfully tangled web in your stories, especially naming it Mr. Weaver. (was that a pun? That sounded like a pun.)

Take care, keep up the good work, and I can't wait to hear more...wonder if Fludogg will actually get up and walk out on you one of these day? Nah!



Herder of monkies
caixa said:

Take care, keep up the good work, and I can't wait to hear more...wonder if Fludogg will actually get up and walk out on you one of these day? Nah!

Pshaw! He does it all the time. Just this week he stood up, went "No. Uh-uh. Nope." and walked out of the room shaking his head.

But he came back. He always comes back. We all do. You just can't help yourself :D

One of my other favorite OldDrewId-ism's comes from our D&D days. Occasionally, especially when we would get too full of ourselves, he would bring on an encounter of such nastiness and pain that we would do the one thing that groups in D&D almost never do... flee, leaving behind pieces of our shredded group and remnants of our shatterred gear.

Upon having to put up with us b*tching and moaning about not getting XP for the encounter ("hey, if it makes you feel better, the bebelith that ate your +1 full plate nearly levelled. Ha ha.") and leaving treasure behind, he would look at us, and with a smile, say:

"Ya know, sometimes survival is it's own reward"

Old Drew Id

First Post
Episode II - Session I - Complication

Episode II - Session I - Complication

Willie sighed again. “So, just to review, you have a missing scientist out there somewhere…with a spider bigger than an elephant…who also has mind-control powers?”

Dr. McGovern offered a simple silent nod in affirmation.

Brother Cooper interjected, “And when we do find her,” (Willie had to admire the Brother’s faith there. Not if we find her, but when we find her.) Brother Cooper continued, “what exactly should we do with her?”

The doctor responded as though there were only one logical answer, “Well, ideally, take her alive and bring her back here.”

Crystal responded wearily, “I assume you have some kind of tranquilizer we can use?”

The doctor considered for a moment, and then nodded, “I think we have something you could use, yes.”

Willie stood up, ready to get started. “Is there anything else we need to know?”

Dr. McGovern considered for a moment. “Well…Mrs. Weaver is a female…”

Crystal finished his sentence for him, “…and she’s pregnant, right?”

Willie gathered some small bit of hope from the doctor’s next statement: “Well, no…not exactly.” Unfortunately, Willie’s hopes were very short-lived, as the doctor continued, “You see, she lays eggs, rather than give birth to live young, so she can not, in fact, be pregnant, per se. But yes, she has received sperm from Mr. Weaver on a previous occasion.”

Willie ran his hand through his braids and tried to search for words to express his exasperation with this man. “Doc…how long until she lays her eggs?”

“Well, you see, it’s not that simple. The Weavers were engineered from a combination of several species…”

“How long, Doc? A rough guess’ll do fine…”

“No, you don’t understand.” Dr. McGovern’s eyes scanned the room like he was searching for the right word and was going to find it on one of the aluminum foil-covered walls. “You see, with some species of spiders, the female, once she receives the sperm, can store it in her body indefinitely. Effectively, she can fertilize her own eggs whenever she wants now, and can do that as many times as she wants, over the course of her entire twenty-year lifespan.”

. . .

“So yeah, it’s kinda like the origin of the Justice League in that way, but probably more like the origin of the Avengers, what with the Dr. Strange connection and all, and you know, how we all had different backgrounds, but we were chosen for this by fate or whatever. But anyhow, that makes me Sorcerer Supreme, now I got that riding over my head, too. But I’m not too worried. I mean, your basic giant spider should be pretty easy to beat. I mean, there was that one movie where the Skipper managed to handle them, so--- ”

Taylor grimaced and decided to start playing with the knobs and dials on the dashboard in the hopes that he might find a radio volume knob where he could drown out the comic-book-freak sitting next to him in the shotgun seat. Taylor could tell, to give this Joe guy some credit, something had clearly scared the pish out of him in there, but there was no way to tell what that might have been.

The little bit that Taylor could make out from what he had heard over the radio and what Joe had been blabbering about since coming back out to the car was that everyone had seen a giant spider. Unfortunately after that, Crystal must have gone too deep into the building or something, because he could not make out any real details after that. Occasionally he would catch Crystal’s voice on the radio, but he could not make out what she was saying.

Taylor didn’t see what the problem was. So they saw a big spider. Somebody should just step on it, and get back to figuring out what was up with the missing scientist guy.

Taylor tried several different knobs on the dashboard, while Joe kept on talking about Batman or something like that. Finally, Taylor twisted a knob and sound poured out of the radio. A live news report was being broadcast. It sounded like the announcer said a shooting, but he couldn’t tell over Joe’s talking.

“Wheesht! Listen, Ah think there’s somethin’ gaun oan.” Taylor turned up the radio.

Joe fell silent, and they both listened to the radio news continue, “…are attempting to cordon off an area on both ends of the street surrounding the night club…I see emergency personnel trying to get to two injured youths… who I think appear to be maybe Hispanic or Native American…but gunfire continues to erupt…This has to be the most violent confrontation that the Southside area has ever seen…all the windows in the front of the Music Hall have been shattered by gunfire…”

Taylor fumbled with the hand radio that Willie had shown him, trying to remember which button was the one for sending. He remembered Crystal talking at the library about some Native American kids, and figured this might be something she would want to hear. He took a shot and pressed the big red button: “Crystal, Ah dinnae know ef ya can ‘ear me, but there’s somethin’ gaun oan ya may wanna give a listen ta.”

Joe ripped the radio out of Taylor’s hand, hit the transmit button, grinned ear to ear, and yelled into the radio, “Avengers Unite!”


First Post
Yay! Update! I'm especially looking forward to the next few updates as the following session (Episode 2, session 2) has been the only Medallions session I've missed.


<MST3K>Woooo! The Packers won the Superbowl!</MST3K>

well, that's the only line I remember from the MSTing of Giant Spider Invasion...
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