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Kickstarter [Melior Via]Accursed RPG Kickstarter Launches


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Over on the AccursedRPG site, the development team has been sharing information about the game setting for several months now. We've talked about the nations that make up the game world, the Witches who invaded Morden, the banes they created, and the Witchmarked monsters who battle against them. Readers who have followed the postings have had more than 40 different posts to learn about the world.

Today, is the first chance we give gamers a chance to play in the world as well. We've just launched a Kickstarter project, to bring the game to market. Ultimately, the development team has some talented game designers and editors, but we need artistic resources as well. Because of our unusual tone, stock artwork simply has not been an option for Accursed. Fortunately, we have some very talented artists who are willing to work with us, and our initial expenditures gave us a few preview pieces to help promote the setting.

If the idea of playing a monster tormented by his essence while battling against more horrific beings inspires you, please take a moment to consider our project. Backers get an opportunity to download the playtest rules as soon as they pledge. This document offers background information on the world, character creation, and our customized system for tracking how a character has moved towards Denying or Accepting the curse that transforms the Witchmarked into a monster. It does require the Savage Worlds rules and the Horror Companion from Pinnacle. With those in hand, we think it can make for a great game experience.

Good gaming!

Please click here for the Kickstarter link.

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This morning, the Accursed Kickstarter reached its initial funding goal. When the team started working on Accursed, we were pretty optimistic that we could create something special. When we took the blog live, we were very happy with the response we received. As we started building towards the Kickstarter project, we received some very positive feedback and offers of collaboration from writer and artist contacts whom we respected. At Gen Con, we were thrilled by the feedback we received from those who saw our initial artwork and preliminary layouts.

None of that quite lives up to the sensation we're feeling now. Thank you so much for your belief, your trust, and your support. We'll do everything in our power to prove to you that it was all well placed. We're all very excited to start working up contracts with our artists and begin moving toward a number of great stretch goals.

For those interested in a little more personal interaction with the creative team, we'll be guests on the Beautiful Brains chat this Thursday (9/19/13) night at 9:00 PM EDT.


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Accursed passed its third stretch goal last night. Mel Odom will now be writing a novella set in the world of Morden. With that, we've also announced two more stretch goals!
We'd previously announced a pack of 1-sheet adventures from accomplished designers at the $17,000 level and a $20,000 goal for a setting sourcebook from two of the developers behind Torment: Tides of Numenera.

Now, we can discuss two more stretch goals:
$22,000 - A novella penned by Richard Lee Byers
$25,000 - A Pathfinder system conversion by Owen K.C. Stephens.


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As of this writing, we have just over three days in the Accursed Kickstarter. Soon, the counter will be ticking over and measuring hours remaining instead of days. We've made fantastic progress over the course of the campaign and the last few days especially. Nearing the end of the run, it's time for one last concerted push.

After unlocking the poker deck, we had a number of backers ask if we could do a bit more with it. So, we crunched some numbers and decided to set an additional bonus goal. If the Kickstarter reaches 450 backers (we're over 410 now), we're going to expand the poker deck. Instead of having four suits, it'll have six. These will include the four standard four suits, plus two new ones – Red Drops and Black Moons. (Yes, we'll add in a third Joker too.) The two new suits will use imagery from the Witchbreeds that our backers at the Curse Maker level are creating. (Yes, those suit names have connections to the Witchbreeds that our Curse Makers have in development.) Here's the working concept for their icons:

Now, to be fair, not everyone will want six suits. Many people are perfectly happy with the standard four. Because we're using print on demand technology, that isn't a problem at all. Any backers who choose the Accursed Poker Deck as one of their add-ons will receive both a 4-suit and a 6-suit version of the electronic file. When they go to order the deck, they'll have their choice of purchasing either the 4-suit or 6 suit version. One caveat – print on demand decks are priced based on the number of cards. While we expect the standard poker deck to be ~$5, the 6 suit deck will be closer to $8.

"What about fans of the Chimera or Baba Yaga?" you ask. Well, let's get to 450 backers first, and then we'll see what we can do.

Thanks for your continued support!


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We've released the ebook version of Accursed. Here's a direct link to the PDF:

Accursed on DriveThruRPG ($20.00)

Here's a brief blog entry about the release, thank yous to everyone who has helped, and links to galleries for the contributing artists.

Monstrous Heroes Fight for Redemption

We still have a lot of work remaining in the Accursed project, including an upcoming Print on Demand release, but we've achieved a major milestone with this release, and we're very happy to have done so.

Good gaming and happy holidays!

Voidrunner's Codex

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