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Metahuman College, Issue Two: Paths Converge


Rogue Warrior
Jonn Birkey (Rumble)

Proton said:
"I noticed the leprechaun and the tiger with the bandana, but I missed the white rabbit. Was he in disguise or somethin'?" Marcus stated to Jonn and they made their way from breakfast. "I was too busy looking for a brown vampire . . . you know, that's got to be some kind of test for us . . . I just know it."
Jonn walked alongside Marcus, wiping his face as they moved. "This place is too weird, sometimes. I don't know what they heck was going on. I keep waiting to turn into a cartoon and start dancing around the table, myself."

Despite his comments, Jonn was feeling slightly more comfortable at the school. He had wore a black t-shirt along with some dessert fatigue pants and boots, preparing for his powers test. "So what do you think about this testing. They pretty much have to test us each on our own, right?"

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First Post
After a long night spent discussing things with her parents, Hoshiko attends breakfast with her family but simply sighs as she comes to recognize just what the creatures invading breakfast for what they are.

After breakfast, she will once more speak with Mr. Jordan about ensuring her 'test' is done without any students and as few people as possible present.

Dark Nemesis

First Post

Her mother is delighted that Cloud is pleased with her choice; her father is more hesitant. “Princess, don’t go jumping into this. We’re not going home ‘til tomorrow, so at least consider it until then,” he had said, before letting the subject drop.

The weather is beautiful today, with the sun shining brightly upon the school. The sky is filled with large, puffy clouds that drift by slowly. From where she lay, she could see only one other person in the garden, a green skinned woman who knelt over a bed of violets. The other woman did not approach, choosing instead to devote all her attention to her gardening.

Marcus, Jonn and Rinea

All three manage to bypass the security system easily, to access the underground training area. There, they would find Wes and Siren awaiting them near the main door, along with a wiry gentleman, whose flame red hair looked like it had not seen a comb in six months. He was sitting on the floor, idly poking at one of the black robots with a screwdriver.

“Morning,” Wes greeted them with an easy grin. “I trust you slept well last evening?”

Before anyone could reply, Hoshiko appeared in the hallway behind them. Siren and Wes exchanged glances at the sight of the Japanese girl, before Wes spoke up once more. “Pardon me, a moment,” Wes excused himself, before moving to speak with Hoshiko.


She manages to find Wes in the underground training area, talking with Siren, Marcus, Rinea and Jonn. Upon seeing her, Wes detaches from the rest of the group, and approaches her. “Good morning, Hoshiko. How can I help you?”


First Post
James Dunbar, HP 5/5

James rose early again, having vanished from the room before Marcus was even awake. He spent the morning prowling around the academy like some giant angry cat, mapping locations and exit routes. The idea of the upcoming tests sat heavy in his stomach, and eventually he left the academy buildings, feeling the walls closing in on him. Finding a quiet place outside the buildings where he was unlikely to be disturbed, James attempted to relax in the only way he knew how - combat practice.

OOC: Sorry about the delay in posting. It's that time again, where exams loom and the scent of panic is heavy in the air. ;)
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I aim to misbehave
Marcus Stevens (Proton)

Wes said:
“Morning,” Wes greeted them with an easy grin. “I trust you slept well last evening?”
Marcus thought for several seconds . . . he couldn't remember any trouble last night - he didn't have the feeling he was being watched all night. Maybe it was because his roommate apparently didn't come home last night - probably out getting lucky.

Marcus laughed out loud at the thought, then replied, "Yeah, it was cool. Figured there's no use staying up studying for this test."


First Post
Cloud recognizes the green-skinned gardener from their brief conversation a week ago. She approaches quietly and politely waits to be noticed.

"Hello again," Cloud says. "I thought I might introduce myself properly this time, now that I'm actually here in body and not just spirit. I'm Watching Cloud Rice."


First Post
Rinea took the salutation literally, and replied, “No, mentor, I did not sleep well last night. I have not yet figured out the trick to this custom. Any pointers you have would be appreciated. Now, how do we proceed with this test? And if concentration will be required on my part, could you possibly turn the volume of the music down some?”


First Post
"I wished to ask about the tests this afternoon," Hoshiko replies. "I would very much appreciate having the tests done out of sight of other students. Until I am comfortable with the discresion of the other students, I do not wish to expose myself or my family to unwanted attention. My parents are equally as concerned as I am about this, especially given recent media coverage in Japan."


Rogue Warrior
Jonn took in the room they were in, trying to see what was there and get an idea of what was in store. He was comfortable with his powers, that didn't bother him, it was that the people here seemed to have a way of doing the unexpected, no matter what.

"Hey, is that Hoshiko-girl supposed to be here with us? It's cool, I guess. We all get to know each other better this way."


I aim to misbehave
Marcus Stevens (Proton)

Rinea said:
“No, mentor, . . . And if concentration will be required on my part, could you possibly turn the volume of the music down some?”
Marcus looked around at the comment, listening for music. He had a tune swimming around in his head . . . <Man in the Box> . . . but he didn’t think it was actually playing on a speaker somewhere. Maybe that was why it was stuck in his head.

Finally, he couldn’t help himself and had to ask, “Rinea, what music are you hearing?”

Jonn said:
"Hey, is that Hoshiko-girl supposed to be here with us? It's cool, I guess. We all get to know each other better this way."
“Yeah, but based on the way she looks at everyone,” Marcus added, “I’m guessing she’s not interested in getting to know us."

Voidrunner's Codex

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