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Metahuman College, Issue Two: Paths Converge


Rogue Warrior
Jonn Birkey (Rumble)

Jonn scrambled back down to join Nate, relieved to see he was conscious. "Are you okay! That was a serious tumble?" Checking his own progress, Jonn noticed that he was unconsciously making hand and foot holds appear for an easier climb.

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Cloud will remain quiet, trying to give James a chance to enjoy the reunion of sorts with his sister. She has plenty of questions to ask Amelia if she has any hope of trying to figure out how to undo her current state, but those questions can wait.

Dark Nemesis

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In the training rooms...


With only a brief glance, Rinea saw the dirt give way to reveal a gaping hole in the ground. The rumbling continued, and the hole grew wider with each passing moment. The hamster gave a squeak of alarm as the ground gave way beneath it, but a jet pack activated on its back, lifting the creature to safety. It looked quite bewildered at the prospect of flying.

Though Rinea did not have a jet pack, she rose a few inches off the ground and remained there, even as the dirt gave way to reveal a large cavern.


Jason grunted in reply. “Not cool, man. You shouldn’t be here if you’re sick.” For a long moment, the two of them faced off, neither making their move. Finally, Jason became impatient, and once again charged at him. Marcus reacted with a body blow that felt like a solid hit, though Jason manages to push past it to grapple Marcus. Somehow, Marcus managed to keep his feet, despite the other kid’s weight against his.


With the help of his self-made hand and foot holes, the climb was easy. “Wow, man,” Nate shook his head slowly as if trying to clear the cobwebs, and stared hard at Jonn. “Yeah, I think I’m all right.” Despite was Nate said, a large and very nasty-looking gash could be seen on his forehead, and a large amount of blood flowed freely down his face.

Dark Nemesis

First Post

“Awww, you’re absolutely no fun,” Alexandra pouted as Hoshiko utilized logic to disperse any rumors of hidden passages.

“I suppose they would have the blue prints in the library,” Julie replied thoughtfully. “Shall we go look? I need to check my email anyway.”


James and Amelia talk quietly for a time, and it is clear that the girl is overjoyed at the ability to communicate with her brother. As Cloud looked on, she noticed that there was one other person in the room- the little girl from the library. She sat in a chair across the room, kicking her feet back and forth with boredom.


Viktor dismounted his bike and stared up at the castle that was Greenwood Academy. This did not look like the kind of place that would be ordering high tech equipment, yet this was the address that he had obtained. Strange…

As he went inside, he noticed that there were not that many people around, though that was not surprising to him. The enrollment records that he had found indicated that there were only about 100 students currently enrolled.

As he passed a corridor labeled ‘Administration’, his path crossed that of a man with short brown hair and wire rimmed glasses. The man stopped and glanced at him curiously, before giving him a friendly smile. “Good morning, Mr. Schmidt! I must say, I did not expect to see you here so soon!” he said with a decidedly British accent.


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"Guten morgen meinen freund. I do not tink ve half met before. Do I know you?" Viktor asks as he looks the man up and down. "Perhaps you are Herr Pike?"
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Rogue Warrior
Jonn Birkey (Rumble)

With the help of his self-made hand and foot holes, the climb was easy. “Wow, man,” Nate shook his head slowly as if trying to clear the cobwebs, and stared hard at Jonn. “Yeah, I think I’m all right.” Despite what Nate said, a large and very nasty-looking gash could be seen on his forehead, and a large amount of blood flowed freely down his face.
Jonn examined Nate's wound and the blood around it, now that he was close-up. "Nate, that gash does not look good, man. We need to get you out of here and get that looked at. Climbing this hunk of rock is not worth something happening to you, bro." Jonn pulled a towel out of his pack and placed it over Nate's wound. "Hold it on there to, you know, stop the bleeding. Do ya think you can get up okay?"


First Post
James Dunbar, HP 5/5.

Dark Nemesis said:

For a moment, the two of them stand beside the bed, looking down at the motionless girl. Then, Cloud speaks. To James, it sounds as if her voice has taken a dual quality- that which he hears with his ears, and that which he hears within his mind. A long silence follows her words. Then, James is aware of another presence in the room… one standing on the other side of the room.

“James?” Amelia’s voice sounds faint within their minds, but it is definitely present. “James! You’re here!” The girl’s voice was filled with joy.

A look of shocked joy appears on James's face as Amelia's voice reverberates in his mind. "Amelia! You...I...are you alright? I mean...I didn't know if you were...I didn't know if I'd ever get to speak to you again! What...what happened? Do you know? You're..not in your body? You..sorry..I've got so many questions about all of this. I'm so very glad you're alright. Well...kind of alright. Is there anything I can do to help?" A flood of words pours out of James, with a kind of disbelieving joy and emotion that Cloud has never heard from the boy before.

OOC: Sorry about the hitch in posting. Life got in the way, but it should be all sorted out now. :)


First Post
Rinea floats over the cavern and peers curiously downward. Despite her curiosity, she tries not to let the vile jet-pack-equipped rodent out of her sight.


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"If you wish. At least then we can be sure we are not going to be spied upon. Perhaps they have blueprints of the hanger," she says.


First Post
Cloud quietly shares James' feelings of joy as the two are reunited. I knew the real James was in there somewhere, she thinks wistfully to herself.

When Cloud spots the little girl from the library sitting across the room, the joy of the moment is quickly dampened. She remembers the word of caution that the girl had brought her, and the timing of her arrival when Cloud is about to start helping someone whose problems extend into the spirit world is worrisome.

In spite of the telepathic conversation taking place in her mind, she tries to give James and Amelia a sense of privacy. Cloud crosses the room and pulls up a chair beside the young girl.

Cloud speaks in a low voice, and carefully shunts this conversation out of the telepathic one. "Hey there, sweetie," she says. "What brings you here?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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