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Metahuman College, Issue Two: Paths Converge


I aim to misbehave
Marcus Stevens (Proton) HPs: 5/5

*Marcus shifted his weight quickly as they grappled, hoping to unbalance Jason, then use his leverage to force him down.*

"Been hitting the weight room, eh Jason?" Marcus asked.

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Dark Nemesis

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“Ah, forgive my lack of manners,” the man replies with a rueful smile, before offering his hand for a handshake. “My name is Christopher Bell. I am the recruiter for Greenwood Academy. When I heard you had arrived, I could not help but to introduce myself as soon as possible.”

Mr. Bell’s tone is friendly, though Viktor could not help but to notice how closely the other man was watching him.


Amelia’s ghostly form comes around the bed to hug James, though he could not feel the girl’s touch. He could see tears on the girl’s face, but the joy in her voice is undeniable. “You can hear me! I’m alright, James, but I don’t know where I am! For the longest time, people acted like they couldn’t even hear me! But now we’re here…“ She shook her head, and looked up at James. “I don’t know what to do, James! I don’t know what can be done. It’s scary here…”


The small girl kicks her feet a few times as she stares at Cloud with wide, brown eyes. It seems that there is a depth of wisdom within them that betrayed the girl’s youthful appearance. Then, she offered Cloud a bright smile. “Hi, Cloud! Look, the ghost girl and the cranky man seem so happy!”


“Hoshiko is right! Wow, I always knew Chinese girls were smart, and she does not disappoint!” Alexandra said with a bright smile. “Come on! Let’s go see if they’re there!”

Julie paused long enough to glance at Hoshiko and roll her eyes at the retreating red-head’s back. Then, she moved to follow her.

The trip to the library is short, and they only pass two people in the hall- Christopher Bell talking to some German kid.

The library had a few more people; mostly students typing on the computer or reading. There was a large desk near the door, where a tall, pale woman with violet hair reclined. She looked up at them as they entered, and offered them a small smile. “Good morning, children,” she cooed. “How can I help you this day?”

Dark Nemesis

First Post

“Yeah, I think so,” Nate replies slowly. He held the towel over the wound, then began to struggle to his feet. It was clear from his movements that he was disoriented. He managed to regain his footing, before stumbling and falling face first into the mud. “Damn, this is embarrassing,” he groaned.


The space-hamster did not appear to be going anywhere. It hovered in the air a few feet from Rinea, occasionally squeaking plaintively and looking adorable despite its obviously wicked nature.

Below, Rinea could see a two figures shambling about within the newly formed cavern. The creatures stood about four feet tall, with grey rubbery skin and large black eyes. They looked like members of the Affinity, though each of the creatures bore grievous wounds; one had a large gash in its bulbous head that oozed clear fluid, and another bore a deep cut it its midsection and seemed to be trailing vital organs behind it. It was amazing that they were still walking around, considering how badly injured they appeared to be.

Neither of the aliens looked up. For the moment, Rinea remained unnoticed.


Jason merely grunted in reply, his eyes narrowed in concentration as he focused upon forcing Marcus back. He did not expect Marcus to shift his weight to suddenly, and toppled to the mat like a sack of bricks. Marcus was able to pin the other boy easily, and the ref blew his whistle, indicating with his hands that the match went to him.

Slowly, Jason got to his feet, flushing red with embarrassment as he glared at Marcus. “No way, man,” he snarled. His eyes took on a golden glow, as his skin turned a deeper shade of red. “No waaaaaugh!” His words ended in a roar as he grew to be at least ten feet tall, sporting wicked-looking fangs and claws…. Like something out of a bad horror movie. The cheers of the crowd turned to screams, as athlete and spectator alike tried to flee from the monstrosity that had been Marcus’ opponent.


First Post
"They sure do seem happy," Cloud says. "They've been separated for some time, unable to talk. Something happened to the girl that I don't understand yet. I'm hoping I can find a way to help her so that she can...well, stop being a ghost, I guess. She's scared and she really shouldn't be stuck as a ghost like that."

Cloud looks down at the young girl. "What do you think? Do you think I can find a way to fix what happened to her?"


First Post
Very Annoying American Girl said:
“Hoshiko is right! Wow, I always knew Chinese girls were smart, and she does not disappoint!” Alexandra said with a bright smile. “Come on! Let’s go see if they’re there!”
Hoshiko's left eye twitches and the sound of grinding molars can probably be heard. "Japanese," she mutters quietly from between clenched teeth.

Librarian said:
“Good morning, children,” she cooed. “How can I help you this day?”
"Do you have blueprint of the school?" Hoshiko asks.


First Post
Viktor cocks his head to the side as he shakes Christopher Rice's hand and says "Mine apologies Herr Rice for mine mistake." He looks Christopher Rice up and down with a puzzled expression and then turns to the passing students. "Guten morgen Alexandra. Guten morgen Julie. Guten morgen Hoshiko." His gaze then returns to Christopher Rice and he says "Could you please direct me to ze library? I am gathering research on ze elastic polymer zell co-efficient."
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I aim to misbehave
Marcus Stevens (Proton) Hps: 5/5

Jason said:
“No way, man,” he snarled. His eyes took on a golden glow, as his skin turned a deeper shade of red. “No waaaaaugh!”

"Du-ude, really, umm . . . might I suggest better trainer, deodorant, a good drug or two, and maybe therapy . . . yeah . . . lots and lots of therapy," Marcus called out, hoping to keep the attention on him rather than the screaming crowd. He readied an action to go intangible if Jason made a move at him.


First Post
Hearing her name come out of a complete strangers mouth is more than troubling. And without her ring on, it was hard to understand.

"That's creepy," she says quietly to Julie in Japanese. "I've never even seen him before. I hope he's not a telepath," she adds, quickening her pace to the library.


First Post
Rinea is intrigued by the possibility of examining two heavily wounded Affinity soldiers, and floats gently down to inspect the two, temporarily forgetting about the vile cute fuzzy jet-pack-wearing menace. Caution not being in the Duramnian nature, she attempts communication. Compassion also not being in the Duramnian nature, she does not entertain the thought of helping them. “Hello evil slayers of my kin. How are you today? What brings you to this particular hallucination?”

Dark Nemesis

First Post

The little girl watched James and Amelia for a few moments, before looking back to Cloud. “I think you can do it! But you should be careful. Dad’s mad because you’re interfering again. He says it’s not your place.”


As she German guy calls out, Alexandra ignores him completely, while Julie gives him a curious look. The green haired girl then nods in agreement to Hoshiko’s comments in Japanese. “I know! That’s something I don’t think I could get used to, knowing some guy had the ability to read my thoughts.”

At last they reached the library, and Hoshiko made her inquiry of the librarian. The violet-haired woman blinked once at Hoshiko, before giving her an airy smile. “Blue prints, child? Well… I am not certain. Let us look.”

With that, she rose from her chair and glided across the floor, past the computers and the bookshelves and through a door in the back of the room. While the outer room had been designed for reading in a comfortable setting, this room was clearly intended for book storage. The place was huge, filled with numerous shelves of books and scrolls. The woman made her way among the shelves, before pausing in front one that stood toward the back. “Ah, here we are,” she said as she plucked a cardboard tube from the shelf, and handed it to Julie.


Christopher Bell raised an eyebrow at Viktor’s odd behavior, though his smile does not leave his face. “Pardon me, Mr. Schmidt, but my name is Christopher Bell, not Rice. And I am afraid I am going to have to delay your trip to the library, there are some papers that I need you to sign in my office. However, once we get that bit of business out of the way, I can send you on your way.”

Voidrunner's Codex

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