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Metropolis (Chapter 3) - The Heart of the City


Jovik the Jackal

Jovik the Jackal
The early years
Jovik was born in the worst back-alley's in Metropolis. His mother sold the scrap that she could find carrying Jovik on her back. His father was rumored to be a guardsman, but Jovik's mother didn't talk about that night much, which didn't matter to Jovik since he never knew him anyway. As soon as he could walk, Jovic was put to work sorting the sellable trash from the just plain trash. The few coppers this brought in barely bought them any food and they lived under an old blanket in the alley behind a ram-shackled old tavern called the Randy Gargoyle. Jovik had a simple life, get up, tight your belt and sort through the pile of junk from mom. He sat in the alley all day basically sorting trash as his mother went peddling. As he grew older he would often leave his pile and go exploring a bit and came to know every nook and cranny of the alleys in the slums the formed the seedy district. Jovik's mother tried the best she could to provide for him. She would often go without any food to let Jovic eat, pretending she wasn't feeling well. Pretty soon she wasn't pretending and began to fall sick. It was a fever summer and Jovik's mom was already weak when she got the fever. Jovik had no idea what to do, he was still young and only knew the alley-ways. When you got sick in an alley, you died in that alley. So at the tender age of 10 Jovik found himself alone, hungry and with one blanket tied to a building as his only possession. The only thing worthwhile on his mother was an old necklace she had. Something about that locket made her never sell it and keep it hidden, no matter how desperate things were, she couldn't sell it. She had often told Jovik that in it lay their future and happiness. When he asked what was inside, she said her love for him.

Another alley-dweller found him the next day, sorting trash as he always did. Gralden often stopped by to buy interesting scrap from Jovik's mother. This morning he asked why she was still sleeping there next to Jovik. Jovik replied that she wasn't sleeping she was dead. Horrified, Gradlen asked why he still sat there and sorted trash. "This is all I know how to do" replied Jovik. "Well" said Gradlen, "why don't you come live with me?". With nothing left to keep him here, Jovik left his mother's corpse in the alley and followed Gralden back to a dilapidated old house by one of the canals. Inside were 4 other young boys about his age; Aelg, Orn, Misur, and the youngest Luprin. Gradlen taught young Jovik his trade; thievery. Gradlen was a faganist and had had his eye on Jovik for some time due to the boy's quick hands and eye. Jovik's time with Gradlen was better than on the street, but very difficult in other ways. He learned how to steal and did it well, he learned how to cut a purse, open a lock, who to bribe and who to run away from. He ate better than before, although all the boys had to eat the scraps from Gradlen's plate. He grew into the leader of the gang of boys and coordinated many of their capers. Jovik earned the nickname of the Jackal, because he has a knack to picking out the marks and could strip away goods so quickly. But Gradlen drank, heavily and often abused the boys. But they were all orphans and felt they had no other place to go. So in many ways they felt like prisoners. Often as the boys talked at night, they would ask Jovik questions like "what lies beyond the city walls" or "what would you do if you found a purse with 100 gold?" Jovik's response was always the same. "let me be able to see more than one nights supper and I'll think on it". One day, Jovik couldn't take it any more, Gradlen has just beaten him for only bringing back 20 silver from a job and thought Jovik was holding out on him, Jovik ran crying to find solace in the comfort of his beloved alleys.

That night, hiding in the dark, hating Gradlen, he witnessed an event that would change his life. Two men entered the alley, and, as Jovik hid himself deeper in the shadows he listened as the two men argued. He wasn't sure if it was about a debt, a woman or honor, but it was violent, bloody and resulted in one man dying. As the victor walked away, Jovik was struck by the power of this event, all his life he had hidden and cringed away. These men didn't though, they confronted their fear and their enemy. It was the sword, it must be the key to such courage, such power. If Jovik had a sword, Gradlen would have to treat him better, treat all the boys better. So out of instinct he approach the dead man and went through his pockets in the blink of an eye and was about to leave, when the moonlight glimmering on the dead man's sword caught his eye. Almost without thinking he picked it up. It was a huge sword, almost larger than he was, but it was beautiful. Jovik had never seen such a beautiful object. This would make a fine token to Gradlen. He mindlessly walked back to the hideout, and as he opened the door, Gradlen sneered and said "Well, come crawling back have you. You worthless garbage picker!". Something in Jovik changed, maybe it wasn't Jovik at all but the sword it self that willed Jovik's arm. Without a word, without an expression, Jovik raised the sword and brought it down on Gradlen's head and fulfilled his vision of power and freedom from a sword. Most of the boys ran away, scared of the boy turned man in front of them. Jovik was alone again. But a quick ransacking of the house left him no longer poor. [/sblock]
Jovik today
Jovik has lived the last two years since that fateful night in his back alleys. He now has a small apartment at least and eats at least twice a day (such luxury!) He still pulls small jobs here and there, but also engages in back-alley hold-ups in better quarters. With more and better food he grew a last few inches. But still looks rail-thin, though no longer emaciated. His black hair lies limp over his head, and he wears simple clothes, patched often, but has a warm woolen cloak that he keeps meticulously clean. His mother's locket he keeps tucked away, next to his heart, the only trace of his family. He still visits his old alley where he grew up. And leaves a bottle of wine and a loaf of bread on the spot where his mother died.
The fateful sword that freed him, he has kept. It is his second most cherished possession. The sword freed him from Gradlen, it freed him from hunger and freed him from his prison. He practices with it daily to be better, imaging himslef fighting dragons and monsters.
He would kill those weaker than himself and run away from those stronger or more powerful than he. Honor and pride meant little to Jovik, survival was what matters. He avoided the organized guilds who often try to recruit him or threaten him away from their turf. After Gradlen, Jovik the Jackal wants no master though. He has so far escaped the notice of the guards, but in reality Jovik is still a petty criminal, nowhere near the scale of the organized guilds.

As he has gotten a little older and a little wiser, and most importantly, a little richer. Jovik has mellowed a bit. He still steals for a living, but tries to kill only in self-defense now, the thrill of killing has waned, the power of the threat sufficient. He does most of his stealing now from those who can "afford it", namely anyone with more money than him. He no longer lives hand-to-mouth, but has a few coins to spend here and there. He has finally also allowed himself to have a few friends at the local tavern he likes to frequent under the small apartment he rents. He often thinks back to the other boys who lived with Gradlen and where they are and about the questions they used to ask him. He can now look beyond tomorrow's supper and his mind wanders to the questions they used to ask him. Jovik has started to take on a few apprentices of his own now, teaching them to cut a purse and work a crowd. He won't let them live with him though. He knows that they can make him a lot of money, but fears that he would himself turn into Gradlen. He also gives them a full cut of what they bring in so that they can support their families properly. So the Jackal's Pack roam the streets of this district, much to the distraught of many a distracted merchant. Recently though the local guild has grown suspicious over all these pickpockets working this area and suspect they have a leader. they are trying to find out if this "Jackal's Pack" is a budding guild and if so who is behind it and will apply some "pressure" to him. [/sblock]

Character sheet
Jovik the Jackal

Human Male
Rogue 4/Fighter 1
11,001 / 20,000 xp

Str 14 (+2) [6 pts]
Dex 16 (+3) [8 pts + lvl]
Con 10 (+0) [2 pts]
Int 14 (+2) [6 pts]
Wis 10 (+0) [2pts]
Cha 12 (+1) [4pts]

Size: Medium (5'10", 150 lbs)
HP: 24
BAB: +4
Init: +7
Move: 30'

AC: 20 (10 +5 armor + 3 dex +2 Def) Dodge 21

Fortitude: +3
Reflex: +7
Will: +1

Greatsword +1 (+8 attack, 2d6+4 dmg, 19-20/x2)
Comp Shortbow Mighty (+2) (+7 attack, 1d6+2 dmg, 20/x3)
Dagger melee (+6 attack, 1d4+2 dmg, 19-20/x2)
Dagger thrown (+7 attack, 1d4+2 dmg, 19-20/x2)

Improved Initiative (1st level)
Dodge (Racial Bonus)
Mobility (3rd level)
Weapon Focus: Greatsword (Fighter Bonus)

Skills (bonus/ranks):
Appraise (+3/1)
Balance (+6/1 + Synergy)
Bluff (+8/7)
Climb (+3/1)
Diplomacy (+4/1 + Synergy)
Disable Device (+10/6 + MW tools)
Gather Information (+9/6 + Synergy)
Hide (+8/5)
Intimidate (+4/1 + Synergy)
Jump (+9/5 + Synergy)
Knowledge (local) (+9/7)
Listen (+5/5)
Move Silently (+8/5)
Open Locks (+11/6 + MW tools)
Search (+5/3)
Sense Motive (+2/2)
Sleight of Hand (+11/6 + Synergy)
Spot (+5/5)
Tumble (+10/5 + Synergy)
Use Magical Device (+3/2)
Use Rope (+4/1)

Languages Known:
Thieves Cant

Class Features:
Trap sense +1
Sneak Attack +2d6
Uncanny Dodge
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Light Armor Proficiency
Medium Armor Proficiency
Heavy Armor Proficiency
Shield Proficiency


+1 Greatsword {2,350gp} This was the sword that Jovik found in the alley.
+1 Mithral Chain shirt {2,100gp} Jovik found this on Gradlen and took it as his own
Comp Mighty (+2) short bow {275 pg} Jovik "shopped" for this for a while before stealing it.
Quiver with 20 arrows
MW Thieves Tools
Peasant's outfit
Woolen cloak
Mother's locket
4 daggers concealed about his body
grappling hook
50' of silk rope
Vial of Yellow Blood
[sblock]Ring of Protection +2[/sblock]
10 gp 25 sp and 30 cp

[sblock] Shieldtown is a specific poor shanty town, located way off the main thoroughfares. The shanty town is primarily inhabited by scavangers and scroungers. It is located on an old cementary, from some long forgotten war. The tombstones have been commandered for use as building materials. Many of those brave soldier were buried with a shield shaped grave marker that was popular at the time and thus Shieldtown was born. It is the home of some of the worst dregs of society, and anything can be bought or sold there. The inhabitants don't seem to mind that they live on an old gravesite. And the occasional mysterious vacancy never seems to bother people there either, they count their blessings and are thankful to have a stone roof.[/sblock]
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Nikolai Garrick

Gnome Male
Expert 2/Sorcerer 2
6,000 / 10,000 xp

Str 6 (-2) [3 pts -2 racial -3 age]
Dex 10 (+0) [5 pts -3 age]
Con 12 (+1) [5 pts +2 race -3 age]
Int 20 (+5) [10 pts +2 age +1 @ 4th]
Wis 10 (+0) [0 pts +2 age]
Cha 12 (+1) [2 pts +2 age]

Size: Small (3'5", 45 lbs)
HP: 20
BAB: +2
Init: +0
Move: 20'

AC: 12 (10 +0 dex +1 armor +1 size)
ff: 12
t: 11

Fortitude: +2
Reflex: +1
Will: +7


MW Cane (+1 attack, 1d4-2 dmg, 20/x2)


Diligent (1st level)
Eschew Materials (3rd level)
Alertness (Quoth)

Skills (bonus/ranks):

Appraise (+15/5)
Concentration (+3/2)
Craft(alchemy) (+16/7)
Craft(calligraphy) (+12/5)
Decipher Script (+12/5)
Diplomacy (+3/0)
Forgery (+10/5)
Gather Information (+3/0)
Knowledge(arcana) (+7/2)*
Knowledge(architecture and engineering) (+10/5)*
Knowledge(geography) (+10/5)*
Knowledge(history) (+10/5)*
Knowledge(local) (+10/5)*
Knowledge(nobility and royalty) (+10/5)*
Listen (+4/0)
Speak Language (5 extra languages)
Spellcraft (+7/2)
Spot (+2/0)

*+2 when given research time

Languages Known:

Many. . .

Class Features:

Summon Familiar
Spells (6/5, 2nd level caster, Save = 11+ spell level)
Expert Class Skills
-Decipher Script
-Knowledge(architecture and engineering)
-Knowledge(nobility and royalty)
-Speak Language
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Light Armor Proficiency

Spells Known

Detect Magic
Read Magic
Ray of Frost
Mage Hand

Hold Portal

Racial Features:

-2 STR, +2 CON
small (+1 ac, +1 attack, +4 hide)
Low-Light Vision
Weapon Familiarity (gnome hooked hammer)
+2 save vs. illusion
+1 save dc on illusion spells
+1 attack kobolds and goblinoids
+4 dodge vs. giants
+2 listen
+2 craft(alchemy)
Spell like abilities
-speak with animals (1/day)
-dancing lights (1/day)
-ghost sound (1/day)
-prestidigitation (1/day)


MW Cane (treat as light mace) {305gp}
Wand of Magic Missile (1st) [50 charges] {750gp}

Bracers of Armor +1 {1000gp}
Cloak of Resistance +1 {1000gp}
Everburning Torch {110gp}

Alchemist's Lab {500gp}
MW Calligraphy Tools {55gp}
MW Books (tools of knowledge) {300gp}
Magnifying Glass {100gp}

Acid (12) {40gp}
Alchemist's Fire (12) {80gp}
Potion of CLW (4) {200gp}

Raven Familiar {100gp}


History and Description:


In a run down, insignificant little section of the metropolis. . .

On an out of the way, forgotten street corner there stands a ramshackle little shop. Inside it is filled with all manner of curios and antiques. The store is owned and run by one Mistress Emelda, a human lady of indeterminate age. There is a small room over the store that she rents out in order to increase her small profit margins. It is to that room that our journey shall take us. . .

Round behind the building, crammed in the alley way between the antique shop and a house of ill repute, there is a rickety stair case. Up these stairs and behind a rather solid looking door, equipped with some heavy duty locks, lives Nikolai Garrick. We can find him hunched over a small desk littered with grungy flasks, bottles and other containers filled with long abandonded experiments. . . or long forgotten meals. There is a small dresser, a poorly made bed and a large collection of bookshelves. Mismatched, old, battered and often patched together with whatever was handy, the shelves have obviously been scrounged from whatever was available. Still they contain a large collection of books, journals, notes and scraps of paper covered with an illegible scrawl.

Nikolai himself is a withered old gnome, short to begin with and then hunched over even further. He is wrinkly and wiry without an ounce of excess anywhere on his body. A shock of white hair surrounds his head in a disorganized fringe. Bleary eyes stare out from behind a thick pair of spectacles. His clothes are ill washed, ill fitting and ill used. Splotches of ink speckle his fingers and hands, and even occasionally his face when he has been chewing on his pen nib, forgoting that it was still covered with ink. For all appearances he seems to be a doddering old man, barely capable of taking care of himself. But should you become the object of his attention, you may notice that he isn't as weak as he might seem, that he sits a little staighter, and that the eyes that were lidded and weary now reveal a sharp intellect.

Of course Nikolai wasn't born an old man, although he will never admit it. Once he was quite young and sprightly. He lived a happy childhood in one of the better parts of the city. His parents worked as servants for one of the richest families in the area. The work was steady and paid well. . . and so the Garricks were able to afford a tutor for their young son. Nikolai proved to be a quick learner with a real thirst for knowledge. He read everything that he was able to get his hands on. He grew up staight and tall. . . for a gnome anyways. Upon reaching his majority he soon found a position with another family, working in a private library cataloguing books. He met a pretty young gnomish lass working as a waitress at a nearby restaurant and they soon hit it off.

Things happen as they will. . . marriage and then children. Nikolai had two children with his wife Fanna. His firstborn was a son, Nikolai the younger, and then later a daughter, Marta. He doted on his children and strove to raise them as well as he had been and to provide for them as best he could. However, neither of his children shared his passion for learning, and as much as he loved them, there was always a touch of dissapointment. Nikolai and Fanna entered their middle years happy and secure, watching their children grow up. Nikolai the Younger began working down at the canals, loading cargo and Marta married and moved away to a distant area of the metropolis.

One particularly warm summer the fevers came through their part of the city. So many people crowded into such a small space, and diseases spread quickly. Nikolai was left unscathed, but he was forced to watch his beloved wife and she wasted away to the sickness. He withdrew into himself after she passed and rarely spoke to anyone. He was surly and ill-mannered in his dealings with others. His son called him on his behavior, but instead of improving the situation it caused a huge arguement between them. Their shouts and incriminations could be heard down the street. The next day Nikolai the Younger boarded one of the boats at the dockside, and was never seen by his father again. Following this Nikolai became even more withdrawn and bitter. He had harsh words for everyone he dealt with, and eventually angered the wrong person. It does not do to snap at one's employer, and so Nikolai found himself alone and unemployed.

He sold off his home and everything in it that reminded him of his family. He carted off his books and rented a small room above a little antique shop in a lower end district of town. He lived off the proceeds of his sales for a while, but as his money supply dwindled he began taking odd jobs. People were by and large idiots, he found, and often needed someone to do their thinking for them. He wasn't much of a salesman, and never lost his short temper and bitter outlook, but he was cheap enough that those in need managed to put up with his excentricities. He managed to make enough money to keep himself in food and to feed his few hobbies. The occasional old book, some alchemy supplies and tinkering with the odd trinket here and there. Things to keep his mind occupied.

He was never rich, especially since whenever he had a little extra cash he would go to a local tavern, buy ale, get drunk and regale whoever would listen with stories of his faded youth, some real and some imagined. However, even his small cash flow was enough to attract some attention in this part of town. It was after one such night at the tavern that he was followed home by one of the city's more desperate types.

It was dark in the alleyway, Nikolai was drunk and was never the steadiest of gnomes to begin with. He stumbled around a bit, and was feeling around for the stairs when he saw the glint of the knife. The rogue's first stab missed by sheer chance and Nikolai found himself face to face with a man ready to kill him for a few copper coins. Nikolai was petrified, he'd lived a comfortable secure life. . . nothing had ever threatened his life before. Something broke inside his mind, he saw a flash of light and then passed into oblivion. . .

When he awoke he was lying hunched over his desk, staring out the open window at a raven on the sill. That's odd, he thought. I don't remember opening the window. . . come to think of it, I don't remember making it upstairs. Slowly the memories of the previous night come floating back as he lies watching this raven on his window sill. He was just about coming to grips with his memories when the raven cocked it's head at him and spoke. Clearly, distinctly and in perfectly accented Draconic. "Geez, you look like crap."

When he recovered from the fall from his stool, Nikolai stood unsteadily on the floor of his apartment and looked at the black bird still perched on his sill. "What?"

Shaking his head to clear it, Nikolai stepped out his door to retrace his steps from the previous night. Sure enough, there in the alley lay the body of his would be assailant. Dead. More memories came floating back to him, a few words, a gesture and a cold blue bolt from his fingertip hitting the rogue squarely in the chest. Magic. The word seemed to roll through his mind. It was a topic often covered in his books, but he'd never had much dealing with it. . . now it seemed he would have to.

However, much to his dissapointment, magic did not come as easily to Nikolai as did other learning. Instead it came in fits and starts, with strange results. And along with his questionable talent came this damnable bird that wouldn't leave him alone. However, in the end Nikolai settled into his routine once again. His magic he kept to himself, but still studied. Perhaps there was a use for it. . . and even the bird wasn't so bad, at least there was one person who wouldn't abandon him like all the others had.[/sblock]
Quoth the Raven

Str 1 (-5)
Dex 15 (+2)
Con 10 (+0)
Int 6 (-2)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 6 (-2)

Size: Tiny
HP: 10
BAB: +2
Init: +2
Move: 10 (40 fly)

AC: 15 (+1 natural +2 size +2 dex)
ff: 13
t: 14

Fortitude: +2
Reflex: +4 (improved evasion)
Will: +8


Claws (+6 attack, 1d2-5 dmg)


Listen +3/1
Spot +5/3

Special Abilities:

Improved Evasion
Low Light Vision]
Speak Language (Draconic)


Weapon Finesse[/sblock]
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First Post
NPC - Hentre Koalin

[B]Name:[/B] Hentre Koalin
[B]Class:[/B] Rogue/Fighter
[B]Race:[/B] Halfling
[B]Size:[/B] Small
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] CE

[B]Str:[/B] 13 +1      [B]Level:[/B] 3/3        
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 +2      [B]BAB:[/B] +5         [B]HP:[/B] 40 (3d6+3d10+6)
[B]Con:[/B] 15 +2      [B]Grapple:[/B] +2     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] XX/XXXX
[B]Int:[/B] 11 +0      [B]Speed:[/B] 20'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] XX
[B]Wis:[/B] 9 -1       [B]Init:[/B] +6        [B]Spell Save:[/B] +X
[B]Cha:[/B] 8 -1      [B]ACP:[/B] -1          [B]Spell Fail:[/B] XX%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +4    +0    +2    +1    +0    +2    19
[B]Touch:[/B] 15              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 16

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
MW Dagger(10')            +8    1d4+1       19-20x2
[I]+1 keen short sword[/I]       +8    1d6+2       18-20x2

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Halfling

Halfling Racial Abilities:
- +2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, and Move Silently checks.
- +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
- +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear: This bonus stacks with the halfling’s +1 bonus on saving throws in general.
- +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings.
- +2 racial bonus on Listen checks.

1st: Improved Initiative
Fgt (1st): Weapon Focus (short sword)
Fgt (2nd): Weapon Finesse
3rd: Stealthy
6th: Deceitful

[B]Equipment:              [/B]
Masterwork chainshirt
Masterwork daggers x2
[I]+1 keen short sword[/I]
[I]+2 ring of protection[/I]
[B]Age:[/B] 28
[B]Height:[/B] 3'4"
[B]Weight:[/B] 36lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Brown
[B]Hair:[/B] Brown
[B]Skin:[/B] Olive
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First Post
Mr Zimmerman

[B]Name:[/B] Zimmerman
[B]Class:[/B] ???
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] ??

[B]Str:[/B] 10 +0      [B]Level:[/B] ??        
[B]Dex:[/B]  7 -2      [B]BAB:[/B] +?         [B]HP:[/B] ?? (?d?+?)
[B]Con:[/B] 14 +2      [B]Grapple:[/B] +?     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] XX/XXXX
[B]Int:[/B] ?? +?      [B]Speed:[/B] 25'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] XX
[B]Wis:[/B] ?? +?       [B]Init:[/B] +?        [B]Spell Save:[/B] +X
[B]Cha:[/B] 13 +1      [B]ACP:[/B] -0          [B]Spell Fail:[/B] XX%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +0    +0    -2    +0    +0    +0    8
[B]Touch:[/B] 8              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 8

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
MW Dagger(10')            +?    1d4        19-20x2

[B]Languages:[/B] Common

None Known

None Known

[B]Equipment:              [/B]
Masterwork dagger
Necklaces and rings of value
Noble's outfit
[B]Age:[/B] 38
[B]Height:[/B] 5'6"
[B]Weight:[/B] 312lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Green
[B]Hair:[/B] Brown
[B]Skin:[/B] Olive
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