Gaming Tonic
The game won three Ennie Awards last year and despite the fact that it doesn't have "real" character generation rules (even though it has the exact same three methods of creating/choosing characters as FASERIP does) and was focused on blockbuster events, we had overwhelmingly good critical feedback.(QUOTE]
I think you won three Ennies because you created a really good game. Civil War with the additional books is the biggest storyline event I can think of for any genre of game. It is also the best. I don't think there were a lack of character generation rules, especially for hardcore comic fans or fans of the game genre. For the munchkin player there was nothing to latch onto and gain a massive upperhand without completely exposing your true intentions. I am saying that about players in my own group as well. I have an eight man role-playing group and two of the seven possible players turned in completed characters for the system for the game I pitched. They are both hard core comic book fans. When I suggest a Hero System game I get flooded with complicated characters that play slow and clunky after working out every possible advantage that the players can. At least from most of my group.
For everybody thinking about picking up the game before it disappears do, but let me give you some advice. Assign dice that fit character generation for the game you want to run. Do not have your players role randomly this led to some long faces and one Madcap player. Thanks for the response Cam, you have been available throughout the complete run of the game and it is appreciated by the fans and community. I am glad to see MWP gets to keep the system. I for one am a huge fan, and I am sad that I will not get to see any future story lines. I still believe it might have said something to do with the lack of Alpha Flight material, and I am not even Canadian.