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Microlite20 gone


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Just saw this at rpg.net

So I was off to check the m20 forum and I got nothing but real estate adds. The whole site seems to be gone which is rather sudden since I was looking at it yesterday. Did anyone know about this. I don't remember greywulf, the site admin, posting anything. This is a whole lot of lame. That forum was the place to find m20 hacks, not to mention all of the material that was on the blog. I don't even think there is a site for the original rules anymore.

Anyone got some insight into this?

I checked the site and it is in fact an advertisement placeholder. I check that site at least a couple of times a week and I didn't know anything about this. Is greywulf or anyone else in the know able to make a comment?

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That's pretty weird. I have that address bookmarked and it totally sent me to a placeholder. I guess the internet is feeling unwell today.


First Post
That's pretty weird. I have that address bookmarked and it totally sent me to a placeholder. I guess the internet is feeling unwell today.

It could just be a DNS server issue. Basically, the translation between words and numbers happens at a number of DNS servers, who share data. Sometimes, one or more DNS servers has bad information. (This can be from a hack, from using old backups, or from human error, et cetera.)

A company I worked for which had a big internet presence in their field was unavailable to something like a quarter of our customers for most of a week because of problems at certain DNS servers.


Greywulf said something today on Twitter about his domain being hijacked... and he's looking into it. Wish him luck on regaining it from server pirates.


First Post
......and it's back.

Well, that was fun. Our hosting provider "forgot" to renew out free lifetime domain name which meant out name ended up pointing to a rather nasty spam placeholder. I'm happy to say that when I pointed out their error they jumped very quickly to get things fixed and back to normal.

Sorry for the inconvenience yesterday. Hopefully it won't happen again.

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