Middle Earth Style Map Icons for Worldographer


Each month Inkwell Ideas makes a set of 100+ new map icons through our Patreon. These are made for use with Worldographer, but any program that can use PNGs should be able to use the map symbols.

This month will be a bit different–usually we divide the 100+ icons into 4 subsets (battlemat, city/village icons, world/kingdom classic, & world/kingdom isometric)–but this month we’re doing just one big set of all new icons for world/kingdom maps that will be in a “Middle Earth” style. You can see a video of us making a small map in about 20 minutes (it would be less/faster, if you consider we’re explaining as we go) via this link.

More details below the image.


  • A coastline generator/wizard that will use these icons (if installed) will be in v1.61 of Worldographer.
  • There will over 100 terrain types; several for each of: mountains, hills, deserts, dunes, marshes, swamps, deciduous forests, evergreen forests, tropical forests, and more.
  • There will also be 50+ individual “feature” icons: individual trees, hills, mountains, etc. as well as small clusters of each. Use these to fill in a few extra map features to add variety.
  • There will be 25 coastlines, plus several river mouths, a few river origins, several river sections, and a few lakes.
Thank you for your interest & support!

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This month we’re expanding last month’s “Ring Lord” icons (inspired by the classic “Middle Earth” style maps). Last month we did all the basic terrain types (mountains, hills, various forests, sandy and rocky deserts, etc.) and coast lines, rivers, and some special points of interest (villages, towns, towers, etc.). This month we’re expanding the same set with additional terrain: forested mountains, forested hills, grassland, badlands, cactus desert, moor, and more. We’ll also have more points of interest: magic sources, fort, palace, cathedral, and several others.

See a video about the newest icons on our youtube channel.

To make them all easy to use, the new icons will be added to last month’s release. You can get the full set (both subsets) in two ways:

1. Support our Patreon by pledging. Once you’ve pledged you should see a pinned post with a link to get the icons at no extra cost via DriveThruRPG.
2. Get them direct from us via DriveThruRPG.

The new icons will be added to the existing icon pack on (or about) the last day of the month (March 2023).
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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Each month Inkwell Ideas makes a set of 100+ new map icons through our Patreon. These are made for use with Worldographer, but any program that can use PNGs should be able to use the map symbols.

This month will be a bit different–usually we divide the 100+ icons into 4 subsets (battlemat, city/village icons, world/kingdom classic, & world/kingdom isometric)–but this month we’re doing just one big set of all new icons for world/kingdom maps that will be in a “Middle Earth” style. You can see a video of us making a small map in about 20 minutes (it would be less/faster, if you consider we’re explaining as we go) via this link.

More details below the image.

View attachment 276305
  • A coastline generator/wizard that will use these icons (if installed) will be in v1.61 of Worldographer.
  • There will over 100 terrain types; several for each of: mountains, hills, deserts, dunes, marshes, swamps, deciduous forests, evergreen forests, tropical forests, and more.
  • There will also be 50+ individual “feature” icons: individual trees, hills, mountains, etc. as well as small clusters of each. Use these to fill in a few extra map features to add variety.
  • There will be 25 coastlines, plus several river mouths, a few river origins, several river sections, and a few lakes.
Thank you for your interest & support!
I had no idea this Patreon existed! I love Worldographer!

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