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Midnight: A Lost Faith's Shadow. Book 1, The Awakening. Ch. 5, The Darkening Wood

With Starhl and the wolf engaged with the snow elf, Valurel turns his attention to Cerendil. He takes aim and fires, hoping to cut down one of the more dangerous enemies left in the fight.

Same as last round except no penalty for firing into melee...
+8 to hit with Icewood Bow
Will use Hunter's Strike class ability for double damage if the attack hits which should be rolled as 2d8+16 and not 1d8+8 doubled. If the attack roll happens to be a confirmed critical hit, the damage would be 3d8+24. (If attack misses, he will not use the ability as it doesn't have to be declared as being used until after the attack roll is made)

AC: 15 (16 vs. the Caransil who hit Kaela, dodge feat bonus applied)

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Seeing his shot fly wide, Mardo bolts through the rubble, and ducks just before he's hit with the blast from Kaela's arcane flames. He approaches the Caransil archer and Cerendil as stealthfully as possible...

OOC: Mardo is moving toward the enemies now, remaining hidden (Hide +15, MS +6) and doing his best to use the blast as a distraction from the sound of his footfalls. As he approaches the Caransil archer, he's going to cut the strap of the elf's quiver with his dagger (that he pulled out during the move) and steal it (Sleight of Hand +10) so he can't shoot anyone.

Thornir Alekeg

Loric attacks Ibor again, trying to knock him senseless.

ooc:Unarmed Strike +8 1d6+3 (ignore 3 points of DR in case it is applicable), using Stunning Fist again (Fortitude save DC 14. A failed save = stunned for one round: drops all held items, can take no actions, -2 to AC, plus loss of Dex modifier to AC.).


First Post
OOC: Herger missed his save and takes full damage. :uhoh:

As the flames clear, Ibor staggers next to Herger, in shock at being caught in Cerendil's spell. Realization dawns on the poor human. These Elves care nothing for him, only for their own agenda. He raises his sword, only to have Lodric strike him with a powerful punch that snaps bone and leaves him windless, his body staggering, his limp fingers dropping his sword. Despite being stunned by Lodric's powerful punch, Lodric's eyes still widening in horror as Herger's massive axe shears the traitor in half.
OOC: Lodric stunned Ibor (cool!), Herger finished him off (no one close enough to Cleave). Ibor, the traitor, is dead.

Seeing the danger spinning in the center of the melee, Valurel launches an arrow at Cerendil. The shaft strikes true in the dim, sickening green light. Cerendil curses at the Snow Elf, as the shaft dangles from a bloody leg.
OOC: Valurel hit Cerendil deep in the leg.

Cerendil scowls at Kaela. Fallax had nothing to do with our intentions, human sow! We do this for the ascension of our Queen! Elian - take out the witch! Nearby, the Caransil seeks to draw another arrow, but finds her quiver gone. Turning, she spies the backside of a garishly dressed gnome, dragging her quiver behind his churning feet. The Caransil screams in fury, slams her bow to the ground, and draws a wickedly curved scimitar. Kaela has seen enough. The Elves will not surrender. Calling on the arcane energies of Aryth once again, she sends the small, biting bolts into Cerendil once more. The Elf drops to his knees, his breath coming in short gasps. With my dying breath, sow... Four red pinpoints of light fly from his fingertips into Kaela...
OOC: Mardo stole the Caransil's arrows (clever!). She is spending her action this round drawing her scimitar. Kaela hit Cerendil with magic missile. Cerendil responded and hit Kaela with magic missile for 12 points of damage.

Starhl attempts to flank the Elf, his sword singing an arc of death. The Erunsil twists back, missing both Starhl's sword and the Wolf's jaws. She slices with her blades, only one cutting into Starhl.
OOC: Starhl missed with his sword. The Erunsil hit for 6 points of damage.

OOC: I like everyone's actions! Next round starts. Give me actions, feats, etc.

Could I also get a tally of everyone's hit points in their next post?
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Herger wastes no time once Ibor is taken care of. The giant looks to the remaining elves and charges. He yells as he does so. "Where is the girl?!?"

His first target is Cerendil, unless he is not standing when it's his init. If Cerendil falls, then he will charge the Caransil stalking the halfling.

(if he has to attack one of the elves)
Charging Power Attack Greataxe +12 (3d6 + 17, x3) (+5 BAB, +5 St, +1 WF, +1 Dorn melee 2handed, +2 flanking, +2 charge, -4 power attack, +2 dmg (weapon specialization), +7 damage (strength, x1.5 for 2-handed weapon), +8 damage (+4 from power attack x2 for 2-handed weapon))

current hp count: 9/48 Hergers health bar is very red. :)


Glancing back, Mardo notices that the elf abandons his bow, so Mardo drops the quiver, satisfied that the arrows aren't likely to be used soon. As he drops it, some of the arrows spill out and twist the quiver sideways, knocking Mardo over onto his dagger. Letting out a pathetic cry of pain and frustration, he staggers back through some underbrush, and tries to pull the dagger out of his gut.

[sblock=for Hrothgar]Mardo is bluffing, attempting to draw the elf's attention away from the others, and making him careless. (Bluff +10, move action) He kept his balance, he didn't stab himself, and he's paying full attention to his surroundings - even though it certainly doesn't seem like it.

The elf is Mardo's dodge opponent (AC 16, with 17 hp) and Mardo is being fully defensive (standard action, AC bumps to 20).[/sblock]


ooc: I guess I was taking a lot more damage than I knew about! That last barrage of magic missles put me exactly at -10 hit points. :(

Cerendil's arcane bolts brought Kaela to the very end of her stamina. A single tear sliding down her cheek, she falls first to her knees, her eyes glazing, then falls forward to the ground with the finality of death. Her bright eyes glazing over, the last thing she sees is the elf's wicked smile at his vengeance as she fades away.


Wounded, Starhl continues to assault the elf. His sword swings are getting stronger, as he tries to dodge the flashing blades.

Rage: To hit: +13 Damage: 2d6+10 19-20/x2, flanking. HP: 45+10(rage bonus)-6-10=39

Thornir Alekeg

Lodric moves to Cerendil and strikes him on the top of his head with less than his usual power.

ooc: Hopefully Cerendil is not actually dead yet. I think we may need at least one person alive to find out about Aislinn.

Unarmed Strike +8 1d6+3 NON-LETHAL DAMAGE

If Cerendil is already unconscious and dying, Lodric will take a moment to try and keep him from slipping away permanently, but Lodric has no Healing skills. :heh:

Lodric's Current HP: 19

Voidrunner's Codex

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